
Chapter Ten


I hated my dad. Ever since I found out he had been cheating on mom before she died, I lost all respect for him.

Growing up, I lived in this bubble of mine. I thought dad and mom were in love and we were a perfect family. I did not realize the reality of their relationship until I found out he had been cheating on mom.

It wasn't even a one-time thing. He did it again and again. And mom knew!

No wonder she signed up for a divorce. Which woman would tolerate a cheat as a husband when she could do better. Signing up for that divorce must had been her way out. Sometimes I wonder if she would have been alive if I didn't stop the divorce.

Mom has been dead for five years now and dad still slept around. I did not expect anything less than that. But he took it far this time.

He got aunty Carol pregnant and had the gut to bring her home! Like it was ok.

I had planned to spend that day in my room. Venting my frustrations on a video game till I fall asleep. But I never got to do it.

Hours later, I found myself in a bar with Kelly.

I couldn't leave her to her crazy ideas, so I stayed close to her. Close enough to help her in case she got into trouble and a bit distance, so she won't feel suffocated by me.

That plan sounded fine, until I saw a guy talking to her. That was not surprising considering the fact she had every guys attention immediately she stepped into the bar. She was... attractive.

As hard as it was for me, I did not interrupt their conversation. I think argument would be right word.

It seemed the guy was familiar with her. But it was quite obvious Kelly didn't want anything to do with him. Sighing, I took a sip of my juice. It might look odd that I'm having a glass of juice in a lounge. But I rather stay sane than drunk.  With one big gulp, I finished the glass of juice. 

   I would have gone for a refill if I had not noticed anything strange. Kelly was.... flirting? It really looked like she was. I had thought she was angry with the guy. When did they make up? Something didn't feel right, so, I went to check up on her.

  "Kelly, are you alright?" I asked when I got close to her. The guy she was with looked at me, clearly annoyed by my presence.

  "Who are you?" Placing his arms around her waist in a way that allowed his fingers touch the underside of her boobs.

  "Ahh!" Kelly's moan startled me. Then i understood what was odd. Kelly was not herself. The Kelly I know was always very observant and sassy. If she was herself, she would have made a snarky comment about my lonely self interrupting her moment. But here she was acting like she hadn't noticed me around and fully concentrating on whatever that guy was doing to her.

  "Kelly? Kelly!" Touching both her shoulders, I tried shaking her out of whatever trance she was in. She still look at me. 

  "Guy, leave us alone." The idiot pushed me.

  I ignored him and cupped Kelly's face with my hands. Raising her head up. So, that she could look at me. "Kelly?"

  For a brief moment, she looked looked at me. Her eyes was on mine but she seemed distant. Like.... like she was not there at all. Like she was drugged.

  "It was you! It was you God damnit!" I glared at the idiot accusingly. Shoving him to the ground, I held Kelly steady. "You drugged her!"


   Hello hello 👋 

It's really nice to know someone out there is reading my story. I've been a little unsure if anyone would. And I'm really happy y'all are reading it. Thank you for taking out your time to read this. 

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