
10. The Mysteriously Strong Magic-Animal!

It was a four-legged creature, the legs of which looked like pots and was like a spider over the upper body.

The face was in front of the torso.

It had large, glowing eyes and a mouth with thick lips.

The animal was completely magenta.

"Lol, he looks weird.", Said Brigjend and ran to him.

"Huh? Roogoo?" Argjend recognized him.

The creature, well known as Roogoo, looked contemptuously at Argjend and waved one leg back and forth, a sign that he should move away.

"Brigjend, better go! I think it's not ticking right ..." Argjend warned him, but Brigjend put his hand on Roogoo's back without fear.

Argjend had a visual stagnation again, the shock processed him into a statue.

Roogoo looked surprised at Brigjend, who smiled at him.

Roogoo smiled and jumped back and forth.

He repeatedly switched from his left legs to his right.

Argjend's facial stagnation took even more of its weight.

"Y-That can't be ...", Argjend couldn't believe it.

Roogoo is a creature you ran into.

When they saw his skills and Roogoo took a favor on Evelyn, Julius and Thomp, it decided to take them to the beach.

Her skills were just plain "Wow!".

Brigjend jumped up and Roogoo ducked his torso.

Brigjend looked at the air.

The particles appeared to be absorbed.

He followed the path of absorption and stopped his eyes to Roogoo's mouth.

It seemed to soak up the particles with its mouth, and quite quickly, so quickly that the years invested in training exceeded its capabilities.

He suddenly felt Roogoo go up a little.

He looked at the feet.

"Argjend, come here quickly and jump up!", He realized what he wanted to do.

"* GUU GUU! *"

Argjend looked at him in surprise.


"Shut up and do it!", He interrupted him and Argjend got up quickly and ran to Brigjend as quickly as possible.

The latter reached down with his hand.

Argjend concentrated the cestica in his feet, but since he could only use 40cm completely and didn't even have the strength at all, he was confused.

What if I jump high


Brigjend climbed down one leg and held on to it.

He took Argjend's hand and threw him on his chest.

Argjend crashed on him and he felt dizzy.

"hold on tight ..."

Argjend circled the torso before tremendous amounts of magic were emitted from the tub against the floor.

As a result, Roogoo catapulted himself very high into the air and even caught the clouds with his body.


Argjend was amazed.

He looked around.

"T-That's amazing!"

He heard someone crawl up.

He still turned his head back in surprise.

"Thank you for helping me, pisser!" Said Brigjend, who was still hanging on his leg and climbing up to his upper body.

Brigjend looked around.

Roogoo was still flying high.

"It looks so beautiful, it is actually much better and more beautiful than in an airplane!" Said Brigjend and smiled.

"So you wanted to show me that, Roo Goo!", Brigjend shouted happily and stretched out both arms while closing his eyes.

"GOO GOOOOO!" Roo Goo roared and smiled too.

Argjend smiled.

"This is so beautiful...

Thank you Roo Goo. ", Argjend said and Roo Goo glanced away from him angrily.

Argjend laughed uncertainly.

"What can I do to make you like me- WOOOOOAAAAH!"

Roo Goo quickly fell back down.

Argjend looked like his eyes were about to fall out.

And Brigjend clings to Roo Goo's upper body with the last of his strength.


Roo Goo moves his body a little forward.

It pulls its legs back.

Brigjend looked at the legs.

"It still has magic after this jump ?!" Brigjend couldn't believe it.

"She must be very old and live a long time!" Brigjend theorized and Roo Goo responded with an offended expression.

"Ahh, that's not how it was meant ..." said Brigjend, who is now back on his body.

Roo Goo pushed himself forward again.

They flew forward with incredible speed and crossed several clouds in one fell swoop.

"OH MY GOOOOTT! THAT'S SO COOL!", Argjend shouted happily.

Brigjend smiled.

I almost forgot about my mission.

Brigjend looked down to see what the country looks like from above.

Sure, pretty small.

Brigjend's eyes widened.

"Is that ... it is!" He couldn't believe it.

Brigjend grinned.

"You had another surprise in store for me?

But you're really nice! "Said Brigjend and laughed while he hugged him.

"Goo, Goo!"

Argjend watched somewhat jealously as their friendship grew stronger.

"Man, I would also like to have such an animal by my side ..", Argjend mumbled and became sad.

He felt them fall again.

"WOHOOOOO! WE FALL!", Brigjend announced the starting signal.

Argjend wanted to scream out his joy too, but then he saw Roo Goo's eyes.

They closed slowly and it shrank.

"Roo Goo ?!" Brigjend panicked.

He saw the island, it wasn't far away.

Argjend's eyes lit up, he tapped Brigjend.

He wanted to say something, but Brigjend said something first: "Argjend, I will save us!"

He nodded desperately.

"Why would Roo Goo waste all his magic just for this trip?" Argjend asked himself.

They kept falling.

Brigjend saw the water closer and closer.

Roo Goo suddenly went among the two.

Argjend and Brigjend looked at Roo Goo in amazement.

"He wants to save us! He wants to sacrifice himself!" Said Argjend and a tear escaped Brigjend's eye.

"ROO GOO! WHY DO YOU WANT TO END YOUR LIFE ?!" Brigjend yelled at Roo Goo.

Argjend looked at him confused, then looked at Roo Goo.

He smiled and his eyes were closed.

Argjend was shocked, that was the expression of someone who was ready to die.

"I WILL NOT ALLOW THAT AGAIN!" Brigjend continued to shout.

No Roo Goo, you mustn't die!

You can't surprise me first and then die!

You think your life is over?!


Brigjend smiled while Argjend, confused, switched his gaze to Brigjend and Roo Goo.

Now I'm going to surprise you, you idiot creature!

He clenched his hand into a fist.

"AND IF I BREAK MY HAND!" He yelled.

Roo Goo looked at him confused.

"Goo, Goo ..."

Argjend bit his lower lip.

"SINCE YOU GAVE US THIS WONDERFUL GIFT.... I... we will help you too!"


YOU JUST MADE FRIENDS! ", Argjend shouted, because he couldn't take it anymore.

He couldn't let Brigjend be the only one trying to save him.

He too wanted to say thank you for this short trip.


Brigjend nodded and both looked determinedly to the sea.

Roo Goo was shocked.

Tears poured out as he saw both determined faces.

Something in him shone again that had long since lost its light.

*"Goo, Goo ..."*

The feeling....


not being alone.

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