
Track 7 Enjoying a Sunny Blue Sky

Writers notice: This chapter will hint at domestic abuse. I am in no way shape or form supporting the actions used to subdue it, if you suspect abuse please contact a helpline or report it to the respected authorities. Please and Thank you

<The city fast forwards the sun slowly rises as the darkness & the famous red light fades away and is replaced by light & blue. Murdock yawns waking up in just black shorts, & shirtless as he did his morning routine of: working out, morning hygiene, breakfast & getting dressed for the day. He leaves his apartment and goes down the steps into the light of the blue sky.>

As Murdock walks out he sees a woman probably his neighbor leaving the apartment next to his with a black eye she covers it and smiles nervously; Murdock nods and walks passed her minding his own business. As he walked he put a matchstick in his mouth, he bumped into a fat pig headed man who seemed drunk and looked at Murdock and said "*Oink* Oi! You got nerve bumping into me and not apologizing!!" Murdock sighs and keeps walking, he grabs Murdock's shoulder.

The pig was prepared to punch him when Murdock put his pistol into the pigs mouth and said "Listen I got shit to do and that list doesn't have 'deal with drunk pig' on it. Leave me be and I won't make you feel what you do to your wife understood? Or should I give you a reminder, LITTLE PIGGY?!" He says as the pig-man trembled and nodded quickly and nervously and Murdock pulls his gun from the pigs mouth, he takes the pigs shirt and wipes the saliva off the barrel; and walks away.

He heads to a park & sits at a bench sighing looking at the clouds "Man this city is exhausting as always." He sees some schoolgirls walking by and they saw him and mentioned how cute he looked & one of them should talk to him. The girl had green skin & has four eyes she said "Hi! Umm I was wondering if you-" Murdock puts his hand up telling her to stop he then says "Sorry kid I'm not into runts, come back when you're older then we'll talk."

She continues trying to talk to him & he either ignores her or interrupters her mid sentence, after what felt like a good hour or so. She storms off he sighs and thinks 'finally peace & quiet' he stretches out when he looks over and sees a van driving right at the girl; Murdock quickly jumps and grabs the girls collar and pulls her away to safety as the van kept driving. Murdock sighs and looks at the girl and says "You're not my type so just grow up & be mature, that simple.

After all maturity & elegance can be a woman's greatest weapon, or something like that." He says scratching his head trying to be cool but failed. The girl laughs and says "Geez that's so cheesy and lame!" Murdock sighs, he offers the girl to walk her home since it seems to be getting dark, meanwhile at another Cabaret Club a woman is being stabbed slowly as a large toothy grin & glowing pink eyes are the only things visible

<the bright red blood shines on the dark blue-ish ground as he suppresses a rather spine-tingling laugh as the night life in the Red Light District kept moving.>

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