
Page XXVII - Their Song [II]

I was his only friend.

The only person other than his family who loved him. Knew him for what he is.

I was brought to his room and I saw the countless piles of notebooks lying on the ground. Each one of them held words...

Words that gave hope, encouragement and everything. He was supposed to be something.


I'm a nobody! But one day, everyone will look at me!


Every single one of those things he wanted to share. To shout to the entire world. He wanted everyone to see the light.

All I could do was cry as I read his final, one million words of songs that were scattered in his home and the hospital.

I was given everything, yet he received nothing. He's... a sun. The ray of hope. At least to me.

This is why I need to keep on improving. On basketball. I will let the world see how great I am. My dreams, are his and his dreams are mine. We both promised to each other that we'll achieve something great.

Greater than we could imagine.

He shone too brightly. Far... far too brightly. Too much for the world to take. Maybe that's why they took him from me. Heh.

But the only way I can do to not forget him, is sing his songs. Add a little bit of my own lyrics here and there. Just to know that wherever the sun in him lies... I hope that I can show at least a fraction of his light as I sing it.

Do you think I can do it Theo?"


Theodore could hear the gentle sobbing as Gwyneth tells her story.

Even Theodore couldn't understand the twisting pain that was happening in his chest. He was supposed to be emotionless. Not a single bit of emotion should be felt nor be shown for it is a weakness that his mother and father had.

"Who knows." He answered. "I don't even know why you're telling me this story."

"Ahaha." Gwyneth let out a laugh as she coughed trying to hide her sobbing. "I also don't know. Maybe its because of the way we met. I discovered him while he was singing next to a tree. And you discovered me since I was singing under a tree. There's just a connection maybe. That led me to telling you this."


"What do you think I should do?"

Suddenly, something inside Theodore clicked. Something was wrong and he could feel it. But he ignored it for now. "Tell it."


"Tell it to the world. His story. He left you a countless amount of words. Hidden, unkept to the world. If he's the sun that you were really saying, then you better be the moon to reflect the light onto the dark world."

"Yeah... that sounds beautiful. But I don't know if I can do it. If I manage to mess up... then the decade written songs he produced will all be gone."

"And if you don't tell it to anyone, its just going to stay gone in the first place."

"Maybe you're right." Gwyneth stood up and cleaned off the dirt on her skirt. "Theo... one last question. Will you... listen to my songs again?"


Gwyneth stood up and left and as Theodore took off the book on his face, it was night time.

"This... isn't right." He thought to himself as he grabbed his chest. "I shouldn't have these..."

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