

In-Ha tossed and turned under his quilt all morning when Eun-Sun didn't show up to work. A lot of thoughts ran through his mind as he laid on his bed.

Did she decide to quit? Was she that angry at him? He thought they had resolved the issue last night? So why was she not here?

'Or maybe Dan-Han had fired her? Did he find out the truth about what happened? That devil! he was going to kill him if he did. He had noticed the way, Dan-Han was staring wickedly at her. He immediately jumped out of bed at the thought of that and hurried off to Dan-Han's room bare footed. He swung the door open without knocking which brought a scowl on Dan-Han's face.

"You didn't sack her did you?" He asked the moment he marched into the room. His gaze was focused on Dan-Han who was resting his head on the head board of his bed, with a deep scowl gracing his face.

This guy had no chill.

"I'm sure i will after this" Dan-Han answered curtly.

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