
The journey to Zenith city III

{Now that a new kingdom is coming into existence it needs a name! The top liked name in the PARAGRAPH COMMENTS will be selected, feel free to give any suggestions! I also want to thank everyone for showing support to the story!}

I wish I had more of these moments growing up with them, it serves as a good reminder of what I'm fighting for. I look over at mom and dad and they are doing their parts at making this late night snack. Dad has graded plenty of cheese and now they are just standing side by side watching the hot dogs boil in the water. They are silent as they stand together, I can see their lives are much better now. Mom looks younger and dad no longer has a strained face, I'm glad that baldness doesn't run in the family. Despite the stress and hard work dad has put in he still has a full head of hair. I look down at my pot of chili and can smell its enticing aroma of slight spice.

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