

The air is dark and damp, the cries of women and children are drowned by the howls of black shadowy figures. The smoke from the burning buildings swallow the burning night sky. Running footsteps can be heard along the wet stone brick pathways. These footsteps are very faint if it were some child. The little girl is crying with a pink booty in her hands. She is weeping dragging her little umbrella with her right hand. She is crying out for her mother. As she is weeping a dark shadow crawls done the brick pathway. The shadow seeps over the little girl. The girl feels a slight chill and turns slowly around, long fangs and bright demonic red eyes seem to look directly into her soul. The girl stops crying and drops her umbrella, and the red eyed demon draws its giant grey claws and begins to slash downwards at the girl. A sudden gust of wind reveals that a slim figure in a brown hooded cape stands between the hideous grimm and the innocent child. The women removes her cape to reveal a golden double braided ponytail. She had a tight yellow skirt with black stripped leggings. Just above her skirt is a small belt around her slim waist. She had a honey stick on each side of the gunslinger belt. She quickly draws the honeysticks and fires two shots though the fowl beast. The Beowulf slouches over and the limp body disintegrates, ashes get taken by the wind into the smoggy sky. The little girl sees a beautiful pair of wings attached to the women's back. The women slings her weapons back into their holders and moves her delicate hands to embrace the little girl. The girl stops crying and gives the women a big hug.

'My name is Marigold what is yours little one?' she spoke with a gentle tone. The girl shook her head. Marigold notices the booty the child is holding, and with further inspection she noticed a little white floor on the boot with the words *Lily* on it. 'Let's go find your family, Lily.' Marigold grabs the child in her arm, and with the other fires a grapple shot from one of her honey sticks. The two of them zip up to the top of the burning building. She keeps the child in her arms and continues to hop from building to building, fluttering her wings for short periods of time. The two disappear into the black painted night.

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