
Chapter 14

I got up early today, finished my run and training, then went home. I feel that the quiet days will soon end, so I have increased my training. I've been going to Krav Maga for six months now and I'm training hard, this martial art is somewhat similar to the GRU special forces combat system from my past world. I didn't spend much time training martial arts before, as there was no special need for it. All problems could be solved with the number of people and good weapons. Although I didn't spend a lot of time training, I still learned something, so it helped me a little when I first started Krav Maga. Anything can happen in this world, so you need to be able to swing your fists, and not just shoot weapons. Now I'm alone, there's no need to assemble a gang, and I just can't do it, with my Hobbies. I don't feel like shooting anymore, I'm more interested in people's meat now. From one unpleasant habit to another... So now there aren't many people willing to work with someone like me, even among the villains. Unless it's some crazy person or some crazy maniac, but I'd rather eat them than do business with them.

These months were rather difficult, I didn't stay in Straling for long, but I stayed in Central city for almost six months. So it's no wonder I killed and ate a lot of people. Although people do not directly say that there was a maniac killer, because they are simply not able to find the bodies of the missing. But the news has repeatedly reported that people often disappear. Almost thirty missing persons, which isn't much for Central city, so there's not much to worry about. But someone might be interested in my business, and that would be a problem. I doubt they'll be able to find me, but it still makes me a little nervous.

The good news is that hunger has stopped growing. After I reached the maximum possible human potential, my hunger also stopped rising. Probably the stronger I am, the more hungry I am. No wonder, because a strong body should eat accordingly. If I get even stronger in the future, I can't imagine how much I'll have to eat.

Not only have I mastered martial arts quite well recently, I've also regained my previous form. Now my body was moderately pumped up and looked pretty good. At least I was happy, now I'm not a skinny weakling anymore. An ordinary gray-haired man with gray eyes. True, there were some problems with the eyes, although they were gray, but in some places you could see red streaks. This was not the case before, it seems that after I ate a lot of other people's eyes, it somehow affected their color. Well, it's barely noticeable, so it's okay. It's just that if I had white hair and red eyes, it would look ridiculous. I think I should dye my hair, even though the gray color suits me, but I somehow feel bad about it.

While I was thinking, the news started on TV:

- A Bank was robbed in gold city a few minutes ago, more details from the scene...-

I took a SIP and put the glass of Bourbon on the table, and said with a grin:

- Begun...-

After that, I went down to the basement and got into the Star labs computer. I've been able to get access to it for a long time, but I tried not to attract attention, who knows what thawne is capable of. He may not be a computer genius, but who knows what skills he has. Therefore, I tried not to show up on their server, and acted only in case of emergency.

- Hmm, apparently there's no one at Star labs -. I said thoughtfully. They're probably testing Barry Allen's powers right now. He's not very strong right now, so I could try to take a sample of his bone marrow, but I'm afraid something might go wrong, so I decided not to take any chances and wait for the right moment when he gets stronger.

Well, in the meantime, it's worth waiting, I'm unlikely to be able to take the Weather Wizard, I'm not his opponent. And when Barry wins it, I won't be able to do anything either. But in the future, I should have a chance to find other meta-people, and maybe I can find a way to get the ones that were locked up in Star labs. Still, I know everything about Barry and his team, and I have a lot of ways to push them and get what I need. But this is not feasible as long as Eobard thawne is sitting there. He's a very big threat, and he won't have any trouble getting rid of me. So I don't want to get in his way at all, because he might think I'm going to hurt the flash, and that's not going to end well for me.

Okay, this is all later, now we need to wait...


- Ahhh... No! Don't kill me! - The man in the alley screamed, cowering in the corner.

I walked slowly towards him, but he was still shaking. When I was a couple of steps away from my future meal I grinned and said:

-Don't worry, I won't kill you...

- W-really?" Then... Then why do you need this one?.. This knife? Why did you chase me? - The guy pointed a trembling hand at my hand, which was holding a machete.

I chuckled:

-To cut you up, of course.-

- What.What?! Why?! What did I do to you? - The man began to yell hysterically.

I sighed:

- Nothing to me, but you killed an entire family a couple of years ago, which means you can be eaten.- I started walking slowly toward the guy, rubbing my machete.

- No, no, no! Please, I didn't mean to, it just happened, they...They are to blame, I don't know...-


- Aaaaaaah....! – As soon as I cut off his hand, he started screaming like a pig being slaughtered.

I don't usually hunt like this, but today was a special day, so I decided to break the boredom and hunt one of the bastards. That screeching meat killed an entire family on the outskirts of town two years ago when it tried to steal from them. But local justice was unable to put him behind bars due to lack of evidence. He was lucky then, but now...

*Crunch* * Chomp* * Chomp*

I picked up the severed hand and began to eat it, with a cheerful smile, in the eyes of its previous owner. I took off my mask so he could get a good look.

-Don't... don't ... ahh...- The sight made him mumble something, and then his eyes rolled up and he passed out.

I sighed:

- Eh, it seems like it was too much for him. Although, there is something in this, I even liked it a little.-


I spat out the blood and moved closer to the guy.

- It can't be...- I looked down at where he was sitting and grimaced:

- You bastard, you've ruined my appetite.-

* Whoo-whoo* * Bang* * Bang*

A few good blows and his head was finally severed. Everything was covered in blood, but today, for some reason, I didn't even feel bad about it. I moved away with his head, and then opened the skull, took out the brain and ate a little.

- Hoo, that's enough...-


I threw my head in the direction of the headless and wet corpse, then put on my mask and started to leave. It was a fun hunt...

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