
God of Pleasure (18++)

A malformed roar of a hundred dying cows blasted in all directions from the tentacle demon's countless festering lumps that opened up and unleashed the unholy sound as the demon's entire body trembled. Olivia had dealt a wound against a sensitive tentacle designed for lewd purposes.

The demon withdrew the wounded tentacle from Olivia's mouth and away from her body, retreating to lick the minor wound, while preparing a retaliation of gross disproportion.

The demon had allowed the movement of its prey's limbs just enough for the prey's further self-satisfaction, not for acts of aggression! Impudent!

The demon then spewed forth several new tentacles, aiming to punish the rebellious female for daring to inflict a wound upon its body. Olivia was still wrapped in the demon's tentacle grip, with her holes still plugged, was unable to avoid the demon's counterattack.

Each tip of the new tentacles was even thinner than the previous ones and released a long thin needle. A drop of purple liquid was pushed out of the needle before the demon stung Olivia's clit directly.

"GHYUAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" Olivia's entire body jerked, arched and tensed up as she instantly squirted and unleashed a stream of pure liquid out of her vagina.

"OLIVIA!!" Beatrice fought through the tentacles to aid her partner, even disregarding the purple mist that continued expanding around the demon. But as Beatrice broke through the tentacles, her path was blocked by the demonling defensive forces.

And as ferociously as Beatrice fought, she could not rush even more recklessly than she did already—one false move and she would be cut to pieces. And between the oppressive demonling number's and flailing tentacles, Beatrice's advance was stalled. This worked perfectly for the demons as they engaged Beatrice in the thickening purple fog.

"Come on! We gotta to help!" Bob rallied what few armed eunuchs he had with him and rushed to help Beatrice against the overwhelming odds.

This however did no good for squirting Olivia. Even as the translucent liquid still jetted out of her pussy, the demon intensified its thrusts inside her ass and pussy. Holding the ninja girl in the air with its tentacles, it thrust deeper and deeper, double penetrating Olivia with the speed and reach impossible to any human cock due to simple anatomical and positional limitations.

Even as the tentacle in Olivia's pussy hit its first obstacle in the form of the resilient womb, no such obstacle was available in Olivia's rectum. And with the reserves of tentacle length far exceeding what any female could even dream of taking in, the demon kept thrusting, penetrating deeper up Olivia's colon with every thrust, forcing involuntary contortions out of Olivia's body that swung back and forth from pain to pleasure.

Olivia managed to collect some tiny sense of self. The proud warrior that was above such things. The proud warrior that would not moan as she gladly welcomed the demon's tentacles inside herself.

Olivia helplessly tried to resist the demon's forbidden pleasure. She had to resist! She could not cum! Not from a demon! Not again! At least not again!

Olivia's brain even dared to compare this purposeful, methodical, rightful claiming of her female pleasure holes to her submission to Beatrice's passionate, dominating pounding. Olivia could not have ever imagined that Beatrice's cock would seem woefully inadequate compared to what this demon, this god of pleasure had to offer! Olivia simply had to give in. After all, her body had already given in to the inevitability, otherwise she would not be moaning like a pathetic nympho as she climaxed repeatedly!

It was so easy to give in. Just let go and the pleasure will increase. It already felt so good! Having a hot tentacle inside her ass, deeper than anything or anyone had ever been, how quickly would the pleasure increase if she arched her body to meet the tentacle as it thrust further up?

And the tentacle that kept thrusting against her womb? Pounding against the closed gates of her holy sanctuary while her insides burned with desire to be violated! With each thrust that made her contort in pain… In pain that also brought another layer of shameful pleasure, pleasure of a base female who's sole purpose is to provide her holes for fucking and insemination… If that tentacle broke through those gates, those last desperate defenses holding back the primal conqueror even as the female bitch of the sanctuary wetted herself in anticipation…

If the defenses fell, Olivia already knew she would lose her mind. Even as Olivia cursed herself in shame, her mind could only count down the seconds of her resistance. How long could she last? How long could she last without a hot tentacle inside her womb while another tentacle filled up her body with demonic fires of hell?


Read 60 chapters ahead on p@treon.com/YuujiEveryleaf

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