
2232. Frustrated Growth

"While Walker is busy, we can have a small vacation, right?" Gil stretched his arms over his head while looking at Su who he was sure would prefer to be doing something. 

"No, you will be training the archers here. You understand that their new homes just had a possible attack from the elemental planes. How would you feel if a monster could walk in to your living room at any moment?" 

"You should have seen that coming. Su isn't letting us leave because she wants us to relax. She wants us to help make sure that there are sage places for the people when the bridge to the elemental planes is used." Remey was backing Su up because she knew that Su would make them both work harder if she didn't.

"What about midnight then? She disappeared without saying a word." The idea that Midnight would even have been kept sight of was a hard one for Su and Remey to speak on. Mostly because she had gotten very good at sneaking off using the shadow wrapping skill. 

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