
1620. Upcoming Turns

"Now that was what they needed. The young ones always seem to need a little anger to push them all the way." Rise took this as a success and decided to call it a day. She flew back in to the sky presumably changing back to her dragon form above the clouds. Mordant just shook his head since he knew that Rise had actually just done what she wanted and then got bored. 

"I will put an end to this, Su and Midnight need to rest now that they forced themselves to grasp a new skill. I don't want them going on patrol like Gil. I know he was tired from making arrows and being on the look out tower." Walker knew that Gil did not even care either. But at least he had multiple archers to watch his back. 

"Before you do that, you should be looking at the shadows. Onyx has been there the entire time. I don't think anyone has noticed him." Mordant was smiling very wide at this. He could see much better than the others. 

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