
Class Reunion: "How Did She Know?" (Three)

Zenaida contorted a pleasing smirk on the corner of her lips. She is delighted to see this mistress wearing a service crew uniform tonight. 

"Peasants will remain forever a peasant. And you belong to a peasant man like you, not with Vince!" However, the smile on her face disappeared. 

Zenaida frowns when Hailey scoffs at her. She really hated how Vincent's mistress had a thick face to fight back at her.

"Why do you hate where you came from, Zenaida?" Hailey queried the woman.

"Excuse me?" This mistress is something!  Zenaida casts a stern look at her.

"You don't need to look down on the people that are lower than you. You need not be superior above others to make yourself look greater than them." Ah. That's not the correct phrase.

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