
Search and capture part 3

Within the apartment's bathroom Lilly is cleaning Kitsune from every place on the furry animal. Lilly was enjoying this while Kitsune whines a tad bit from the excessive scrubbing.

Lilly:scrub a dub dub, this little fox is in need of a box.

Lilly rhymes as she scrubs Kitsune and finally Rinses her.

Kitsune:...…next time, may i please bathe myself instead master?

Lilly then started to use a blow dryer on Kitsune.after a moment or two the nine tail fox puffs up like a cotton ball.

Lilly:awwww, alright.

Lilly gets a towel and started to rub Kitsune.Afterwards she picks them up and went towards the bed room and sat down ontop of the mattress.

Lilly:so, what's your story Kitsune? How did you get hurt?

Kitsune:If it's alright with you master, I want to keep my past a secret.

Kitsune's eyes closed as she curled up into Lilly's arms.

Kitsune:my wounds on the other hand was caused by a reptilian man.I barley escaped his clutches when he attacked me.

Lilly looks at Kitsune in shock, she was wondering why they would do such a thing.Not just that but lizard people too?!

Lilly:why would they do such a thing?

Kitsune opens her eyes as she looks into Lilly's eyes with genuine sadness.

Kitsune:we live within a world where god has passed away, and the path to the throne will be covered in blood.

Lilly's eyes widened as she try's to take this in. God is dead and people are killing each other just to become the next.

Lilly:….you were attacked for something that selfish?

Kitsune nodded as Lilly felt sadness as she start to pet Kitsune making the yokai shocked at this sensation.

Lilly:you got hurt just because of their wants?…

Kitsune:to be fair I am a contestant myself.

Lilly looks at Kitsune again with shock as she stares at her a little longer.

Lilly:you mean…

Kitsune:I want to become god as well.

Lilly:…have you…attacked anyone?

Kitsune:only in self defense.

Lilly:…what are you going to do once you become the ruler?

Kitsune:…changes….I want the yokai to co exist with the living world…I want my family to live the life they wanted…that is my selfish desire…and I'm afraid you're dragged into this war of mine…I'm sorry master-

Lilly:are you able to win without violence?

Kitsune purrs a bit from the pettings.

Kitsune:if I am able too but…even if they surrender…their existence is forfeited…

Lilly:…giving up Isn't an option then…ok….

Lilly continues to ponder and think.How is this happening and why is this happening.But she knows not to ponder too long since it's the present and she needs to work on the here and now.She then stops everything.what if Craig gets caught up in this war…tournament? Whatever it is she was starting to worry about her friend even more so then she usually dose.

Lilly:…I…have a question? Do you know a big guy by the name of Craig?

Kitsune shakes her head no.

Kitsune:I have not, all I had been doing for the past week was hiding in the shadows.Is this craig important?

Lilly laughs a little bit.

Lilly:He really is.He's…a very good friend of mine from way back…I'll tell you a story about us Kitsune.


Craig and Domino continues to move around within the sewers.domino eyes Craig a bit as he keeps what appears to be a flip lighter on.


Craig:what? Something caught your 'eye'?

Domino frowns a bit as she wasn't happy on his unintentional pun.

Domino:ha ha, very funny. I was staring at that eye of yours.

Craig looked at her for a second as he raised a brow.

Craig:what's so interesting about it?

Domino stares at his right eye.

Domino:you know, that half swirl thing.

Craig:the yin and Yang?

Domino:whatever that shit is called.then yes.


Craig(mind):I-I don't really have the answers for that…it was some sort of birth defect as the doctors said….I'm kinda surprised she didn't mention my purple eyeris as well.

Craig looked at domino.

Craig:birth defects…what about you? Don't you have your pyrokinesis?

Domino:that? Why are you asking that grumpula?

Craig:I was curious about how you acquired the ability to manipulate fire on a whim.

Domino shrugged.

Domino:this shit? Don't really know honestly.But it's very convenient for smoking.

Craig(mind):she can manipulate fire yet doesn't know how she could…is it similar towards my family's Martial arts,magic, or is it by some other phenomenon? Ether way, it's better if w-we can g-get to the bottom of her problems, w-we could get an ally by the end of this…in chess I need the whole set, not a h-handful of p-pieces…no, their n-not things, their people t-too…don't use them for your own goals…my goals…what are my goals?…to become god? No, I don't really want t-to become one, I'm not interested nor am I a good candidate for one…Is it to survive? For the most part, I have too…I was dragged into this w-without any sort of consent…is there other people forced to be apart of this insanity just l-like me? Or are they willing to participate just like eve and Cammy?…there are way to many possibilities and wh-what ifs…

Craig:I see…

Domino looks at Craig with a smirk.

Domino:do you smoke?

Craig looked at domino.


Domino frowns a bit.

Domino:seriously? How have you not smoked yet?


Craig(mind):b-because it can kill me.

Craig:it's a literal death stick.

Domino:so what? It doesn't happen instantly.

Craig gave a small glare

Craig:I can still become addicted to the product.

Domino shrugs as she goes for her pack of cigarettes. She stopped when Craig put a hand on her shoulder.

Craig:it's best to not give our position away, the sound,light and smell-

Domino:fine,fine, I'll wait till we're done for a Victory smoke.

Domino wasn't happy but understands his concerns.she brushes his hand off her shoulders as she continues to walk with him down the tunnel.within the walk they continue to silently look around the sewers, suddenly before them was a split passage way.Craig was silent.

Domino:well ain't this a conundrum. Got anything to say about this smart ass?

Craig(mind):b-besides your l-language…this is more of a 50/50.hmmmm...w-what if…

Craig started to think and think….he used his phone's flashlight to look at both of the tunnels and analyzed what the two look like.he then started to think on which path to take.on the left looked cleaner and less watery, while the one on the right looks about the same but has bits of litter…bones of what appears to be chicken.



Craig:by estimation of elimination both of them seem to be the way…but even if that's the case it could still be trapped...…..

Craig(mind):sh-should I ask eve and Cammy for assistance?…if I do that I might put a beacon on them…..wh-what if…

Craig looked at domino as he looked at her in the eye and eye socket.

Craig:how many cigarettes do you have?

Domino:about nine…wait, why do you ask?

Craig:…I'm planning on using them like a flare…it's not the brightest but it's better then going in blind…I've took a look on the cons and pros with this…..

Domino:fine, but if I run out your buying me a new pack.

Domino lights one of them and tossed it to the left.As the cigarette was going towards the left the tunnel disappeared making Craig and domino's eyes widened.

Domino:what the hell?


Craig(mind):was that an illusion? O-or was that teleportation? Maybe some type of gateway portal?…th-there are so many possibilities for this…the next tunnel is next.

Craig's facial went back to normal as he looked at domino.

Craig:light the next one, hit the right.

Domino nodded as she calmed down and light the next one.she tossed the next one as it flew quite a bit before they hear something.


Craig and domino looked at each other and started to run towards the sound.

Craig(mind): eve, Cammy, get ready.fire when I give th-the word…and make sure I-it's non lethal

Cammy(mind):hai merel.

Eve(mind):yes master.

They were getting ready to flip visions and attack the enemy.

???:what the hell is this?

As Craig and domino got closer the more sounds they hear.Voices of irritation, and bits of growling.

???:what is this? Why is it on fire?

Craig and domino continue their sprint as they suddenly slow down to a halt to see who or what was infront of them.it was some sort of humanoid lizard on the ground cover in bruise.Craig domino silently continue to examine the little boy as they begin to approach him.

Craig(mind):s-signs of abuse? Or was it a contestant that escaped by using the motor c-cycle as a literal smoke screen….

The lizard boy sniffed a bit as he looked to his left.He was startled,scurrying to get up but he growled in pain as he feel to his hands and knees.Domino put her bony hand out as it lights on fire.they can see the lizard kid more and more clearly.He seems to be only wearing a cloth around his waist.

Craig(mind):he's o-only a child….what am I able to do for them…but is it really a child,rather then some sort of trap?…who are they?He was startled earlier, dose that mean he's alone? Or is there actually more of him within the area?

Craig looked around to survey the area.he checks for any signs of any sort of abnormal activities.

Domino:so….this squirt is the hog buster?….pause.

Craig(mind):Cammy, eve, look a-around the area I'm in, make sure it's just the three of us on the ground.

Eve(mind):as you wish master~


Craig kneeled down near the creature as he continues to examine the anthro-morphic lizard.

Craig(mind):he's not a contestant if domino can see him…ok, say this cr-Craig.I'm not here to hurt you.you are safe with me, I want to know what happened here that caused your wounds.I'll make sure your safe from harms way...….I-I hope it's not botched….

Craig:what's wrong? You don't seemed to be in good shape…are you in severe pain?

Craig(mind): holy smokes that was ok.now try to get answers, without scaring him…I hope that I don't scare the kid…

Craig:where did you get those wounds…they don't seem to be accidental.

Lizard boy:…grrrr.

The boy was growing as he looked at them but stopped after seeing Craig's face.the boy became fearful as he shivered in place.

Craig(mind):th-there goes my a-attempt to talk to him.

Domino:hey runt, where you the one that messed up that motorcycle?

Lizard boy shook off his fear from Craig's face as he tilted his head in confusion.

Lizard boy:motor…cycle?

Domino sighs as she started to do some sort of play of charades to get the kid to imagine it as Craig stared at her a little dumbfounded.

Domino:you know, like a two wheeled vehicle…that goes vroom vroom.

Craig(mind):she does kn-know I can show a picture of one in my phone....maybe I should let this play out.

The lizard boy was still confused at her explanation.it didn't helped him in the slightest if not made it worse.

Lizard boy:vroom…vroom?

Domino was starting to get frustrated as she groans a little more and looked at Craig.

Domino:can you explain this to the runt.

Craig:you seemed to be doing a great job at it.

Domino did a double take as she looked at him with suspicious eyes.

Domino:was that sarcasm?

Craig didn't answer as he pulled his phone out.he searched and scrolled to the exact type of motor cycle that was destroyed and show the kid a picture of it.

Craig:have you seen this?

The reptilian child looks at it for a moment before shaking his head no.

Craig(mind):…maybe the kid didn't do it? B-but then yet again there is a possibility that he didn't know…he isn't lying to say the least…but there is also a possibility that the kid could be a pathological liar…

Craig continues to analyze the child's movements,from his eyes towards the tiny details that could show any sort of fibbing.

Craig:…are you alone?

The kids eyes widened as a bit of his lip was bitten,it was very subtle, and very unnoticeable towards anyone that isn't paying attention.the kid shakes his head no.

Domino:really? How on earth did you manage to survive on your own?

Craig:that's because he didn't….he's with someone or something…

The kid flinched as he looks at him and him alone…Craig's eyes were dead set on him with cold eyes.

Domino:And how do you know? By the look of it your just scaring the poor runt.

Domino stared at him with a small glare as Craig didn't payed any mind to it.It was understandable to doubt him considering the situation of possibilities.

Craig:that is a possibility....but it doesn't mean it's true…if you were paying attention I would believe someone like you would even notice such a lie.

Domino raised a brow as she was about to ask but Craig interrupted her before she could say a word.

Craig:his eyes had widened when I said that he could be with someone or something…then he bit his lower lip…that's the tricky part considering you have to pay attention to the movements of his jaw as well as his eyes…but that wasn't all…his tail was also curling.

The kid looks in shock as he can see that his tail was indeed curled up.Even domino looks a bit shocked at how much detail Craig has caught in just one answer.

Craig:...…are you by any chance wrapped up into some sort of trouble?

???:and what if he is?

Craig and domino instantly turned towards the voice they just have heard.from their left appeared to be some sort of reptilian beast but different from the kid they have been interacting.The creatures height exceeds up to eight feet tall brimming with muscles.a long and strong looking jaw with teeth sticking out of his mouth as drool begins to drip from his mouth.the scales were black with bits of wight stripes on the head of the reptiles head.there was also blood dripping from his big sharp claws as bits of mist spews out of it's nostrils.this creature's eyes was as reptilian as its appearance, but it seems to be bloodshot. Craig was doing his best not to let his nervous habit kick in, he wants to know about the two reptiles story before making an assumption.

Domino:huh, a giant lizard…he has to be related to that walking purple dinosaur.

Craig looked at her unamused before time slowed to a halt once more as Craig started to think.

Craig(mind):first an o-orc, th-then a troll, and now a giant r-reptile?! If I have to fight a giant rat with mechanical implants i might have a full on aneurysm from the amount of fear I'm feeling…S-stay calm, keep your head clear and d-don't let fear control your actions…knowledge is p-power, you need to know what's going on before any sort of assumptions…the tricky part is how can I be able to tell a lie from this creature? If they look a lot more human I can tell the d-difference from night and day, but this…this will be quite the learning experience….

Time begins to move again as he looks at the reptilian monster in front of him.

Craig:…..I would like to know…what about you? What's your name?

The reptile looked intrigued at Craig's question.

Craig(mind):by the looks of it he doesn't seem to be use to holding a conversation…I should know…

Reptile:oh? You want to know who I am?

Craig looks at the kid, they seemed to be happy seeing this creature.

Craig:yeah, I also would like to know if you have met this kid?

The reptile seemed to be smirking.Some more drool dripped from his mouth.

Reptile:my name is Grootslang, and that kid belongs to me.

Grootslang pointed his bloody claw at the kid.

Craig(mind):Grootslang? If I recall correctly that was a mythological beast that dwelled in a deep cave within Richtersveld South Africa…Was he named after it or is he the actual legend? No, non of the parts of his body replicated any sort of a hybrid…no elephant nose and all….i might be over thinking it now.

Craig is starting to look at the kid now.

Craig:do you know him?

The kid nodded in a happy manner.

Domino:really? Well if he's the kids parent then we should let him have him.we ain't here for the kid anyways.

Craig can tell that the kid was truthful but something isn't right…he doesn't know what but he has some sort of instinct that's flaring up from the entire time they've been talking to each other.

Craig(mind):why do I feel this way? It's not fear but uncertainty?…Eve, Cammy?

Eve(mind):yes master?

Cammy(mind):yes sir!

Craig(mind):are y-you able to see through illusions?

Eve(mind):if I cast a spell I would.

Cammy(mind): I'm able too…no one can escape my eyes…

Craig(mind):o-ok, do you see a giant reptile in front of domino and I?

Cammy uses her scope to stare at the figure in front of her.

Cammy(mind):yeah, I see it…he's pretty huge…but no, I don't see any illusion magic nor would their abilities to shape shift ether…

Craig continues to look at Grootslang as he started to approach him slowly.

Craig:why is your hands covered in blood?

Grootslang looked amused at Craig approaching him.

Grootslang:we were attacked by some goblins and warlocks.

Craig:was starting to catch on, the creature isn't lying at all.

Craig:what's the kids name?


Craig(mind):that's honestly a-adorable…

Craig:how long have the two of you lived in these sewers?

Grootslang:about a few years give or take.

Craig stopped right infront of him as Grootslang looked amused at how close the human is to him.he usually see them screaming and running in the opposite direction.But this one doesn't seemed to mind…or that's what the reptilian thinks anyways.

Craig:last question if you don't mind answering?

Grootslang gave a quiet chuckle as he seemed to be really enjoying this.

Grootslang:go ahead….um?

Craig:Craig, Craig Armstrong.

Grootslang:Craig Armstrong…

Craig nodded as he slowly pulled his phone out and showed the picture to him.he looked at him in the eyes as he gave the question.even Grootslang was a bit timid by this.if he could sweat he would.

Craig:have you seen this?

Grootslang:um…yes, yes I did…I uh, landed on it.


The exposed bone parts of her body ignited on fire as her glare was dead set on the reptile.Craig looks at the undead ghoul with his eyes widened a tad while Grootslang seemed to look nervous at the site of it.and pebbles is shaking with fear.

Grootslang:did…that um, belong to her?

Craig continues to read his expressions and body movements.

Craig(mind):He seems to feel bad about it…I don't think he's a bad guy….at the moment, he could be acting, plus there's a chance that he didn't mean to land on it…he could of been thrown like a rag doll…

Craig:no…but she admired the craftsmanship…

Domino:a damn good one at that!

Craig:calm down Domino and watch your language, there are children here…nothing happens without reasoning….

Domino's flames seemed to have calmed down as she kept her glare at the giant reptile.

Domino:it better be good, if not I might be getting new clothes and bags by the time I'm done with him.

Grootslang seemed to be tense up from the comment but sighs in relief.

Grootslang:I appreciate that there are some people that are willing to hear them out rather then to jump to conclusions…..here's how it happened.

Grootslang sits down as pebbles proceeds to jump onto his lap hugging him like it was his own dad.Craig continues to stand in front of them while domino begins to lean against a wall and light her cigarette as she smokes a small puff from it and looks at the 6 that are left.

Grootslang:…we were attacked…by a couple of people…one of them was human but the other was something I couldn't comprehend…plus if I recall correctly some sort of fox…but that one was a misunderstanding.

Craig looked a bit shocked as he wants to know more.

Craig(mind):there are humans besides myself?! But th-the other creature? Is it like eve and I? Or was it more of a conjoined alliance, manipulation? I need to know, plus…a fox?

Craig:what was the creature?…with the human I mean…why did they attack you?

Grootslang glared a bit in concentration.He is doing his best to remember.Craig can tell that he's doing his best on it.

Grootslang:they said that I was attacking pebbles…and a used me of being a child eater.....

Grootslang growled in anger.

Grootslang:WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD HARM CHILDREN?! LET ALONE EAT THEM?! I'm used to being called a monster and hunted down for all of my life! My wife, My daughter, my village, my Kin reduced to none! Slaughtered like Lambs! Each and every one of us!!!...…..I don't know if there are anyone else left of my race…but this child is what saved me from the darkness…gave me a second chance…to protect and care for what I haven't been able to do for my family...…

Domino looks shocked but angered as her lighted cig burned out as she grits her teeth in pure anger.Craig was analyzing everything from his movements and words…there was no lie within it, but the sad truth of extinction by war and fear…

Craig:.....I'm...…sorry, to hear about that...…..

Craig was doing his best not to show signs of sadness or anger…he knew what it was like, treated like garbage and a monster.he knows what accusations of false claims can lead too.Grootslang seems to shed a small tear as he looks at Craig…someone that doesn't see him as a creature but a person…he even looks at domino and was also shocked to see her angry for his well being.


Domino is holding back her rage as she looks at Craig for a moment as he continues to Keep his usual expression.

Grootslang:it's not your fault mr.Armstrong….but I appreciate your sympathy…and the creature that helped the human...was glowing a white light….with the most beautiful feathers I have ever seen….those feathers were as white as snow….and the presence that i felt was like mixed bag of dread but peaceful…like I can die without regret yet I was fearful of them…the two seemed to argue on what to do with the people around us so we ran, i shielded pebbles and landed on the thing…we ran through the sewers but split up…I was the decoy while pebbles ran...

Craig's eyes widened in small horror as his nervous habit has kicked in scaring the three around him.

Craig(mind):an angel?! No…nonono that's not good, that's not good?! Why dose it have to be an angel?!

Eve(mind):An angel?! Master are you sure that's what you said?!

Cammy(mind): Ā, watashi no akuma…..Retainer there are two figures approaching your location!

Eve was in fear as she was shaking while Cammy felt nervous as all can be.

Eve(mind): I-I can sense their presence…I-I know who they are…m-master, I don't know if I can win against her!

Craig was starting to feel the dread of the situation, he can tell that eve is in utter fear, someone that could very well be a walking armageddon if not more.He knows for a fact that the four of them within the sewers can't do anything against an angel…He doesn't even know if Cammy can snipe them…everything went to a halt as his heart was racing at high speeds.He breaths in as much oxygen as he can.he dose his best to calm down as his mind races with solutions to the problem.

Craig(mind):c-calm down and think…there are ways to solve this…there always is, impossibility is just a very difficult obstacle that can be solved….

Craig thought of about 50 solutions that could keep everyone alive and keep themselves hidden without revealing themselves as competitors…Craig finally got control of his habits and change his expression to what it usually looks like.

Craig:...…..I have an idea…but we have to be quick…if this fails, including the back up plans we will be facing certain death.

Domino's eyes widened as she can feel the tension and weight within his statement.the reptilian people were on the edge of their seats as they seemed to have calmed down as well.

Craig:it is do or die, and I prefer the former over the latter.

Next chapter