
Marielle's First All Anal Gangbang

As expected, Balgruuf wasn't cooperative. It wasn't a surprise, and Marielle couldn't be frustrated, understanding his hesitancy. What Delphine suggested would happen did. Couriers were sent across Skyrim to being the negotiation process just to form a summit. Realising there was little she could do, Balgruuf told her to simply sit tight and wait for the two sides to agree to the conditions.

Heading back to Breezehome, not surprised it was empty, she had to think of what to do next. There was no telling how long it would take to get the sides to the conference table. Despite the return of the dragons, and the occasional attacks, the civil war had continued. She had passed more than one battlefield littered with the corpses of the fallen.

Sitting by the fire to keep warm, the only idea that came to mind was of heading back to Riften and hopefully picking up where she'd left off regarding her position in the guild there, and it would almost mean reuniting with the few lovers she had there, most importantly Mjoll.

But then she remembered the conversation shared with her lovers while going to and from Alftand, and the more she thought about it, the more she wanted it to happen. Just sitting there thinking about it, sliding fingers under her panties, she could feel how wet she already was, and that was just thinking about it. Closing he eyes, she soon had two fingers inside her pussy as memories of that night in Alftand came flooding back, the numerous thick cocks just fucking her arse constantly.

"I'm doing it," she murmured.

"Doing what?" a voice asked. Opening her eyes wide, she smiled to see Aela and Lydia standing before her. "Thinking good thoughts?"

"I want an all anal gangbang," she stated in a tone that would brook no argument, "Contact all my lovers and have them come here. Tell them explicitly what I want and I bet they'll arrive so fast…"

Aela grinned. Lydia burst into giggles. "Okay, I'm sure we can organise it," Aela stated, "You'll have to give us a list of names."

"Easily done. I remember all of them."


"I'm thinking we'll need quite a big room. So… Why not hire out the Bannered Mare for an evening? I'm sure we can pay Hulda enough coin to close it up and let us use it."

"Not a bad idea, Aela. In fact, we could also invite another couple of women so those of us not fucking Marielle have other options."

"You sure about this, Marielle?" Aela asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yep. I'll have a list for you shortly and we can organise it from there."

The date agreed was for ten nights' time. Letters were soon being sent to Riften, Riverwood and Morthal. Aela was aware of other futanari, but it was agreed only those Marielle knew would be invited. As soon as Jenassa and Umana heard of her idea, they were knocking on her front door, with offers to get some practice in before the night.

The night after her return, she had four of her lovers in her bedroom, Marielle on her knees, head resting on a pillow, as her arse was fucked constantly for a number of hours. As she was fucked, enjoying a number of orgasms, her body now adapting to it and reacting positively, she was thinking of other ideas for the night planned ahead. Jenassa fucked her hard as always, but it was the thick twelve inches of Umana, her Redguard lover ensuring every single inch slammed into her each and every time, that almost made her eyes water. But the orgasm she had was so eye rolling good, she could only whimper for her to keep going.

Between that night and the planned gangbang evening, Marielle enjoyed nothing but anal sex. It was the first time she'd ever done it so often, but having quenched her desire for it for so long, now she was going to what she called 'live her best life' and enjoy what she wanted, when she wanted. Slowly but surely, others lovers from across Skyrim arrived. Camilla wandered down from Riverwood quite a few days beforehand, moving into Breezehome, thrilled at the idea of having fun with her. Idgrod was the next to arrive, almost crying when Marielle opened the door to her, having been left thinking their time was only going to be once. Marielle apologised as they hugged, assuring her that she had definitely been thinking of her since.

Delphine arrived with Inge, Marielle spend a night with the latter, who was amused when Marielle said it was only anal for the time being. She had nine inches, like many of her lovers, and Marielle learned quickly she was a great fuck, full of energy and desire to please her as much as she was pleasured. Delphine joined them the next evening, Marielle spending the entire night being double penetrated and spitroasted.

Jonna's arrival was a surprise, Marielle not believing she would have shut up her inn, amused when told she had done just that. Last to arrive were three from Riften. Haelga, Mjoll and Ingun. The fact the latter arrived with the other two was surprising, though it wasn't a real surprise the three were friendly. Ingun had a letter that Marielle read in private.

Dearest Marielle,

I love the fact you wanted to invite me and, as I write this letter, I'm still thinking about joining in. But, alas, because of my position, and who I know you have also invited, I believe it is best for all concerned that I don't attend. Not to say I won't lie back, thinking about all those futanari fucking you in such a manner. I have my cock in hand now, stroking myself slowly, thinking of that time we had fun.

I hope to see you in Riften soon. I'd love to pick up where we left off.



The day of the gangbang dawned bright, Marielle waking up alone, as it was agreed she would meet everyone at The Bannered Mare in the afternoon. She didn't leave the house all day, simply relaxing, only Aela visiting to go over some last minute details. Hulda had agreed to hiring out the tavern, though amusingly she was going to stay and watch, perhaps hoping to be fucked herself. In addition to all her futanari lovers, Olfina and Ria had been invited and would attend. She had invited Sylgja, but knew she would likely not have been interested, and had returned a letter saying thank you but no, but still hopeful of meeting soon.

A knock on the door told her that it was time to head to the tavern. She didn't bother with any underwear, as she was going to be naked within seconds of entering. Striding up the hill, she received more than one knowing glance before walking into the tavern. No surprise there was already no clothing being worn, smiling as she looked around to see all manner of cocks on display, while she locked eyes with Oflina and Ria as she immediately dropped her clothing, adding it to the pile by the doorway. Even Hulda was naked, and though mature, she was still fit. A reminder of Delphine in many ways.

Aela approached her, kissing her deeply, leading her towards a rug. Getting down onto her knees, Aela offered her the ball gag, making sure that was comfortable, before her hands were bound together behind her back, leaning forward to rest her head on the pillow provided. As Lydia poured some oil onto her, massaging it into her body and her arse, no doubt her skin starting to glisten, Aela went over the rules.

"So it's obvious Marielle won't be sucking cock tonight. I'm sure most of you are disappointed but the reason we are here is for one reason only. Marielle, the Dragonborn, wants nothing but anal all night. From the moment the first cock slides inside her arse, she is not to be empty until the time doors re-open tomorrow morning. To prevent anything else, I have managed to secure a walrus task that has been turned into a phallic instrument that will rest inside her pussy the entire time. There are straps to hold it in place around each thigh. You may play with the toy when fucking her, if you can move that way, but otherwise your cock is to only enter her arsehole.

There are very few rules. You may slap her arse if you want. She loves it when you pull her hair while fucking her hard. You can fuck her as hard or as gentle as you want, though I'm sure you're all more than aware that this is meant to be nothing but hard anal sex. And there is also the possibility of double anal penetration later this evening."

"Seriously?" Delphine asked, hearing the surprise in her tone.

"Marielle has obviously talked to a number of us. She has always loved anal sex, but it is only recently she has let go the last inhibitions. We all know how sexually open minded she is, sleeping with both women and futanari. We all know she's enjoyed double penetration, group sex and gangbangs before. This is just another step in her sexual journey, and she had chosen all of you to be here," Aela asked.

"You should also know this won't be the first," Lydia added, "Marielle would like to meet more futanari and enjoy relations with them as her adventures take her across Skyrim. She has spoken of gangbangs larger than this, possible involving nothing but double penetration or what she terms triple, if a cock is in her mouth as well."

"I think I can safely speak for all of us when I say that we hope we're all invited," Jenassa stated with humour. Marielle made an agreeing sound that provoked plenty of giggles.

"I look around and see plenty of thick, hard cocks waiting to fuck Marielle. Obviously only one of us can fuck her at a time, at least at the moment. Ria loves to be fucked, so if she says yes, she is willing and able. Olfina does prefer women, particularly Marielle, as I'm sure their relationship isn't a secret, but she wanted to be here to watch, and may find herself turned on enough that she'll accept a lover or two. And Hulda is always up for a good time."

"No chance I was missing out on seeing this," she stated with a chuckle, "And seeing all this cock on display is certainly very exciting."

"Want me to fuck you, mum?" Saadia asked.

"Darling, I'd love nothing more than to ride that magnificent cock of yours."

Aela slid the toy inside her, Marielle moaning as it was nice and thick, feeling it tied to her thighs to keep it in place. Turned on already as she was, her first orgasm wasn't going to take long in arriving. Feeling fingers stroke her hair, Aela leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Enjoy every second," she whispered.

Lydia, being her housecarl, was given the 'honour' of being the first to fuck her. Marielle moaned into her gag as she felt her thick eight-inch cock slide inside her arse. Once she felt her get comfortable, it was a sign of things to come when Lydia wasted no time fucking hard. But it was just what Marielle wanted, and as she enjoyed Lydia pumping into her arse, she noticed other lovers sit around the room, stroking themselves, some even having a little fun with each other. There was no sex, but there was plenty of blowjobs being given and received.

Lydia lasted perhaps ten minutes before she buried her cock and blasted inside her, Marielle able to see Aela standing next to her, her cock glistening as she stroked oil onto her cock, Lydia pulling out and Aela sliding her cock straight into her, getting comfortable before starting to pound her just as hard. Marielle moaned around the gag as she noticed Lydia crouch beside her, definitely playing with the toy.

Marielle enjoyed her first orgasm a couple of minutes later, Aela chuckling that she felt her cock being squeezed, almost like a vice, as she continued to pound her. Though she would have enjoyed watching the blowjobs happening around her, she simply closed her eyes and relaxed, feeling Aela adjust and holding the bind of her hands, really starting to fuck her.

"By Talos, this is fun," Aela exclaimed, "Can't wait to see the Redguards fuck you."

"We've already agreed we'll go in later," Saadia said, Marielle turned to see Hulda riding her cock, "Three twelve inch cocks in a row, pounding that lovely pert arse of the Dragonborn." Marielle murmured something around the cock. "Oh, we can't wait too, sweetie. You're going to have so much fun." She paused before asking, "You having fun, mum?"

"Your cock is just perfect, darling. But you already know that. I have to resist going into your room nearly every night."

Saadia chuckled. "You do fail half the time. No complaints from me. Love having you underneath me, so willing to take my cock."

"It's just so thick, darling. And the amount you cum is just… inspiring."

There was the sound of kissing before Saadia whispered, "Going to cum in you again soon, mum."

"I think I'll have to get fucked by your Redguard friends."

"Hop on straight away, Hulda," Jonna stated, "Pussy is better than my hand."

While all that was going on, Aela picked up the tempo until she couldn't hold back any longer and came hard, leaving her cock buried as she recovered. Marielle realised the slightly smaller girls were going first, as the next cock was Camilla, who was so excited, she didn't last too long. After that was Idgrod, again rather excitable but ever so sweet as expected, fucking her nice and hard but almost apologetic for doing so. Ingun gave her arse a good fucking, whispering in her ear about another mother daughter threesome next time she was in Riften, before there was the first of two new cocks of the evening, Ysolda.

Sliding her cock inside her, the redhead leaned down to her ear. "Eight inches, if you're wondering," she whispered, "Hope to get you alone one day." Marielle turned her head and nodded eagerly, earning a stroke of her hair. "Not often I have anal sex with someone the first time. Not often I can feel the cum of plenty of other lovers as well." Marielle couldn't help giggle around the gag before it turned into a moan as Ysolda started to pound her.

Once her newest lover was finished a good few minutes later, Jenassa was the next to slide her thick cock inside her, and that's when Marielle knew the tempo was about to be turned up a notch again. After her Dunmer lover came Inge, who seemed determined to fuck her for as long as possible, certainly enjoying every second her thick cock was slamming her arse. Then came Delphine, who was more excited than she thought she would be, before Haelga with her eight inches fucked her for at least half an hour before leaving an enormous load that was quickly dripping out of her, sliding down her thighs. That just joined the rest as her arse already felt overflowing with their cum.

Glancing back, that's when she noticed Jonna, Saadia and Umana getting ready to fuck her, and she had a feeling Mjoll, with her glorious thirteen inches, so thick it didn't seem possible, was going to be last. "Ready for this?" Umana asked. Marielle nodded eagerly. It's what she had been building herself up for, as she knew they were not going to be gentle at all.

Umana went first, all twelve inches sliding inside her, feeling her heavy balls almost smack up into her. Feeling her crouch forward, the angle of her cock changing, Marielle moaned loudly into the gag. "This is going to hurt." Marielle nodded early again. A little pain was worth the immense pleasure.

But her Redguard lover hadn't lied. It did hurt. Enough that it started to make her eyes water. Umana noticed but didn't stop. A signal had been agreed that they would stop immediately if Marielle made it. But feeling that thick long cock slamming into her made her orgasm so hard, she almost passed out, her body relaxing and it was only thanks to Umana she stayed in position. Her Redguard lover was relentless, a reminder of a dwarven machine in how she just kept pumping into her.

Feeling her cum seemed to fill her arse up even more, and as she pulled out, her cock was immediately replaced by Jonna, who immediately started to utterly annihilate her arse. She blinked rapidly again, moaning so loudly, a few of the others gathered around, watching with interest but also a note of concern. Aela kneed by her head, stroking her hair, her entire body obviously drenched in sweat.

"You okay?" Aela asked softly.

Marielle moved her eyes, and the ball gag was removed. "Please don't stop for a second," she whimpered, "I'm loving this more than anything I've ever done." She almost started to sob, such was the overwhelming feeling of it all. Jonna leaned forward to kiss her cheek. "Oh Divines, I don't want this to ever stop.," she cried quietly.

"You're doing so well, sweetie," Jonna whispered., "Someone so tiny and adorable like yourself doing this."

"Gag, Aela," Marielle said, and once she couldn't talk, all she did was moan to indicate how much she was enjoying it.

Jonna lasted for quite a while until she too needed to cum, then it was the time of Saadia, who slammed her cock into her, crouching forward and immediately pounding her, the sounds being made enough to even make a couple of people watching wince. Marielle had to release a few tears by now, mostly due to the euphoria than the slight pain, Aela using her thumb to dry her cheeks, continuing to moan constantly around the gag.

"I'm so impressed, sweetie. We are all totally loving this," Saadia whispered, "Can't wait to this with you alone upstairs one day."

Aela and Lydia were now leaning by her head at this point, concerned but at no point asking if she wanted to stop. They knew Marielle wanted to see it through, after all. Saadia was slamming her, but leaning forward enough to continue whispering into her ear, kissing her cheek at the same time. Marielle was doing her best to stay lucid, left wondering if it was possible to have just one continuous orgasm, as it certainly felt that way.

Saadia eventually finished like the rest, and that meant there was only one last lover to have their first try. Mjoll slid her cock in gently but her entire length disappeared inside her. Marielle then felt herself lifted up, her back resting against the chest of her goddess. Mjoll didn't otherwise move, her right hand moving down her body until it touched her clit. Marielle almost jumped out of her arms… and with a little more pressure over the next few seconds, she enjoyed an enormous orgasm and then promptly passed out.

She had no idea how long she'd been out for when coming around, but the gag had been removed and she was still resting back against Mjoll, who hadn't moved an inch. Looking at Aela, she gestured with her eyes, the ball gag removed, then Aela used her thumb to dry her cheeks, unaware she'd been crying. "On my back," she managed to whisper.

It took her leaning forward to undo the binds of her wrists, Mjoll then turning her around and lying her down, cock immediately sliding into her. With her wrists now free, she could wrap them around the back of her lover. "Please," she whimpered, "As hard as you've ever fucked me."

Mjoll met her eyes and nodded once, both of them getting comfortable, Marielle amused when her ankles were grabbed, her legs spread as wide as possible. Mjoll gave her a hard thrust, causing Marielle to grunt loudly. A series of slow, hard thrusts followed, causing Marielle to exclaim some rather crude things.

"Fuck her Mjoll," Aela murmured.

"Give her everything," Lydia added.

"It's what she wants," Delphine whispered, "Do it for her."

Marielle stroked Mjoll's cheek and nodded. "Please, Mjoll."

For the next fifteen minutes or so, Mjoll the Lioness utterly destroyed the arse of Marielle the Dragonborn. All the other girls gathered around to watch it. Marielle's focus was purely on the feeling of her long thick cock slamming into her, and watching Mjoll's face, the pair sharing kisses of such passion and intensity, Marielle almost blurted out how much she loved her.

When Mjoll buried her cock one last time and erupted inside her, Marielle felt yet another orgasm, wrapping her legs and arms around her lover so tightly, Mjoll laughed, insisting she could barely move. Marielle finally relaxed back on the floor, releasing her arms and legs, looking around for the first time to see all her lovers. "Thank you," she whispered, "Thank you so much."

"You want to keep going?" Lydia asked.

"How long have we been going?"

"A few hours," Aela replied, "We've looked outside and it's still dark, but it's definitely past midnight."

"Holy shit!" Marielle giggled.

"Why don't you get up and walk around for a few minutes, have a drink and relax?" Aela asked, "Then we'll get you read again. I'm thinking back on your knees, but this time, we'll bind your wrists to your ankles and, instead of a gag, why not a blindfold?"

Marielle couldn't help grin. "I love it, Aela." She paused and looked around, "Jenassa, want to gape me?"

Jenassa grinned as Mjoll pulled out, gently turning Marielle around and lifting her arse up, Marielle looking back as Jenassa knelt behind her, feeling her fingers immediately spread her arsehole. "Come look at this, girls. How beautiful is it?"

Marielle soon felt fingers spreading her arse nice and wide, and moaned when she felt Jenassa slide her fingers in, trying to spread her even wide. When she felt more fingers inside her, she moaned loudly. "More," she breathed.

Glancing back, Jenassa met her eyes and grinned, Marielle fairly sure she felt all four of her fingers inside her arse. "Oh Dibella," Marielle cried quietly, "Are you… are you going to do it?"

"No. I want to, but I won't."

"I think you probably could fist her right now," Delphine stated with a chuckle, "And I think she'd probably love it."

"I know, but while I love making her gape like this, and she loves it too," Marielle nodded eagerly, "I'm thinking we need to see if she can take two cocks in her arse rather than a fist." She felt fingers removed as Jenassa lifted her up and spun her around to hug her. "Marielle, would you like to do that one night?"

"Fist my arse?" Marielle asked quietly. Jenassa nodded, curious as to her answer. "I'll try anything once, Jenassa. And I think a few of my lovers would like to see it. But it's for another night. First, I need to stand up, have a drink, and relax for a few minutes."

She almost collapsed when standing up, as her legs were practically useless. Aela helped her remain upright as a tankard was pressed into her free hand, gulping down half the drink immediately. Not being centre of attention, it was amusing to lean against the bar and watch her lovers start fooling around with each other. Also no surprise that Olfina wandered over and kissed her hard. "I love watching it," she confessed.

"You did?"

"Part of me wished I had a cock so I could have fucked you too."

"I love what we share as it is, Olfina. I might need something gentle tomorrow night."

Olfina stroked her cheek. "Maybe a little attention on your pussy instead?"

"If that attention is your mouth, Olfina. And you know I always return a favour."

Gazing into each other's eyes, it took Aela clearing her throat to break it, both of them glancing to see her smiling at them. "Really like each other, eh?"

Marielle dragged Aela close and kissed her. "I think it's clear how much I adore everyone in this tavern, Aela."

"But you have favourites?"

"I try not to."

"What about you, Olfina?"

"I've never adored anyone as much as I do Marielle." Marielle could only look back at her and smile. "Every time we're intimate, I swear to the Nine it's better than the last. The only other lover who now compares is Carlotta. And everyone in Whiterun knows how much I love her."

"You use that word with Carlotta?" Lydia wondered, joining their little conversation.

Olfina met Marielle's eyes. "I would use that word regarding another relationship, but we agreed not to, as if that word is used, it changes things. With that word comes certain expectations, even if you try to make your mind not to that. But I adore a certain woman more than Carlotta." Marielle needed to look away, blinking rapidly. Considering this woman had just seen her fucked hard in the arse for the past however many hours, the fact she still had that depth of feeling spoke volumes of her character.

"I think everyone in this tavern feels the same way about her," Aela said sweetly, "It's why we're here. For her."

"Never thought I'd have such a relationship with my thane," Lydia said quietly, "I thank Talos every day that Balgruuf assigned me to her rather than… well, anyone else, to be honest."

Now that she wasn't centre of attention, the atmosphere did change in the tavern, as strangers became lovers over the next couple of hours. Marielle ended up wandering around, simply chatting with those who were not busy fucking, left thinking they were giving her time to recuperate before she was fucked again. Jenassa eventually hovered nearby, taking her by the hand, leaning her against the bar. She felt oil applied to her arse again before Jenassa slid inside her.

Feeling her hot breath against her ear, she whispered, "Getting you ready again."

"You're obsessed with my arse, Jenassa."

"Because it's probably the most perfect, pert little arse I've ever had the pleasure of fucking."

To her surprise, Jenassa didn't completely annihilate her, gently fucking her arse for a few minutes, before her cock was replaced by Aela, and over the next however long it was, lover after lover fucked her for a few minutes, none of them finishing, just sliding their cock inside, gently thrusting away. Marielle found it thoroughly enjoyable until it was suggested she was placed back on the fur rug and they continued with the fun.

Once she was back on the floor, wrists bound to her ankles, and blindfolded, it was a case of sound and feel for Marielle, as she had no idea who was lining to fuck her. Feeling fingers through her hair, she heard Aela asked, "Want to try two first?"

"Divines, yes, more than anything!" she replied excitedly, hearing plenty of laughter at her tone.

"We'll make sure it's a couple of the somewhat smaller girls. Not sure you could handle Saadia and Jonna together, for example."

"I'd love to try though," Saadia said, "Would you like that sweetie?"

"Part of me would love to try, but just one of your cocks alone is enough most of the time."

She felt a kiss on her cheek, knowing it was Saadia. "Sweetie, I think all of us want to do is whatever you want."

"We'll try two at once, and if it's enjoyable, we'll have some fun, then you can fuck my arse hard again."

Saadia giggled. "Maybe some double penetration?"

Marielle gave it some though. "Two Redguards?" she asked quietly.

Feeling her hair stroked, Saadia whispered, "Why not all three of us?"

"We'll do that last," Marielle said, knowing she was smiling, "Is that okay with everyone?"

"I think we'd all love to watch that!" Aela exclaimed.

She had no idea who was going to fuck her, but she felt one cock slide inside her, feeling a body crouching above her. It felt nice and thick as always, but it definitely was only around eight inches. Without sight, her other senses felt heightened. She felt the smile form as whoever it was gently fucked her… then she gasped when feeling a second cock press underneath the cock already inside her.

"Oh my," she murmured.

"Tell us immediately if it's too much," she heard Lydia whisper into her ear, explaining who was inside her.

Marielle nodded. "Who is it?" she whispered.

"It's me," Haelga replied, "This is so naughty, Marielle. I love it."

She took a deep breath before feeling Haelga just about manage to slip the head of her cock inside her. She grunted then groaned loudly, feeling Lydia change position slightly as more of Haelga's cock joined Lydia's inside her arse. "Oh Divines!" Marielle exclaimed.

"Think she likes it," Aela sang, her voice suggesting she was sitting nearby.

Before she knew it, she felt two cocks thrusting into her. With her wrists bound to her ankles, she couldn't fondle herself, so asked if someone could play with her clit. Feeling fingers gently fondle her pussy, it was little wonder she orgasmed again within a couple of minutes. The two cocks in her arse stopped moving while she did. Feeling incredibly relaxed, she asked them to keep going.

"Okay, it's a little much," she admitted.

"Got to admit, I probably won't cum like this," Haelga replied, "Can't get the right motion going."

"But we tried," Lydia added, feeling her cock remain as Haelga's cock disappeared. Lydia kissed her cheek… then fucked as hard as she had before.

And the gangbang resumed as it was. Cock after cock slid inside her arse and fucked her until they came. The only cocks she didn't feel inside her were those of her Redguard lovers. Again, Mjoll was the last to fuck her, and this time she felt her lover crouch over her, cock at such an angle inside her, Marielle knew it was going to hurt. But the euphoria she was going to feel would outweigh any pain.

Mjoll didn't say a word as she pounded her. Marielle knew she made such noises, people who may have heard outside would have been left wondering what was going on inside. She had no idea how long Mjoll fucked her, but it must have been ten, twenty, even thirty minutes. When she did finally cum inside her, leaving her cock buried as always, Marielle could finally take a deep breath and relax.

"I adore you more than anything, Marielle," Mjoll whispered.

"Goddess," Marielle whispered back.

"She could definitely carry you around in her arms," Lydia stated with humour.

"Well, she is smaller than all of us," Aela added, "I still wonder where Mjoll's cock goes when buried inside her, whether her pussy or her arse."

Her blindfold removed as she looked around to see everyone watching again, turning her head, she met the eyes of her goddess and smiled. Mjoll pulled out, Marielle whimpering as she did, mostly due to the fact she was empty once again. Her wrists were freed once again as her three Redguard lovers gathered around. "Want to make this the final event of the night?" Saadia asked.

"Think we'd better," Aela replied, "We've been going all night. Think the sun will be rising soon."

"By Ysmir, we've been seriously fucking her all night!" Lydia exclaimed, giggling away.

"Who do you want in your arse?" Saadia asked. Marielle met her eyes and smiled, Saadia embracing and kissing her hard.

"I'm claiming that pussy again," Umana stated.

"Well, I know how talented she is with her mouth, and I knew she'd love to swallow," Jonna added.

Marielle noticed everyone gather around as she mounted Umana's cock. Leaning forward on her hands, she felt Saadia gently press against, sliding her cock inside her arse, both of them moaning as all twelve inches were buried. Kneeling in front of her, her mouth was soon wrapped around the thick shaft of Jonna's cock. No chance she could even deep throat the entire length, but she'd blown Jonna before and hoped she'd cum in her mouth again.

Once all of them were comfortable, Marielle had three thick Redguard cocks pumping into her. Saadia and Umana alternated their thrusts, and both were soon fucking her hard. Perhaps not quite as hard as how they'd been fucking her arse all night, but it felt as good as anything else she'd enjoyed that night. Jonna stroked her hair while sucking her cock, and even Umana was calling her 'sweetie' all the time, Saadia constantly whispering sweet things into her ear while fucking her arse.

Jonna was the first to cum, filling her mouth so much that it eventually started to drip down her chin. It was a good enough orgasm that she needed to sit back on her knees, joining the rest in watching her now being fucked by Saadia and Umana, the latter the next to finish inside her. Asking Umana to move, there was a flurry of movement as Marielle turned on her back, Saadia sliding her cock back inside her arse.

"Fuck me," Marielle whispered.

Saadia lasted longer than she expected, no doubt holding back her orgasm as long as possible. Knowing it was the last one, the rest of her lovers urged Saadia on to fuck her, making both of them giggle as her ankles were again grabbed, pulled back, completely exposing her once again. That urged Saadia on to fuck her as hard as possible, slamming all twelve inches into her arse, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing around the tavern.

"Fucking love this," Marielle grunted, resting her arms around Saadia's neck.

"Me too, sweetie. I'm so proud of you for this."

"We all are," Delphine stated nearby.

Saadia kept going until she simply couldn't hold back, her orgasm so powerful, she nearly collapsed onto her chest. Managing to relax on a forearm, Marielle wrapped another lover in her arms and legs, leaving soft kisses on the face of her Redguard lover. She needed a few minutes before Saadia was finally able to sit up and remove her cock, and it was only then that Marielle completely relaxed, looking around to see all her lovers gathered around the rug, looking at her.

"Best. Night. Ever!"

Eventually helped to her feet, even more cum sliding down her thighs and legs, she was given another tankard to sip on as the atmosphere slowly but surely wound down. Everyone was exhausted by this time, and some started to dress, particularly those that could return home. Once she finished her tankard, even she needed to get dressed, though now that the gangbang was over, the exhaustion was almost overwhelming. Mjoll helped her dress and it was suggested she help take Marielle home. It wasn't a particular surprise when Marielle found herself picked up easily in her arms.

After receiving a goodbye kiss from everyone, and that was a lot of kissing, they said their goodbyes, the door opened so Mjoll could carry her easily. Light was just starting to appear over the horizon as Marielle rested her head against the shoulder of her lover, amused at how easily Mjoll could carry her. "Thank you," she whispered.

Mjoll didn't say anything until they were inside and upstairs in Breezehome, Mjoll gently sitting her on the bed and helping her undress, before she undressed herself and climbed into bed next to her. Exhausted as she was, spooned back against her goddess, it was no surprise that she fell asleep straight away.

Next chapter