
Concordia section 713

Ji Yao couldn't believe it. He recalled the creature trying to trick him with the very same thing but he would never agree. He was content with having only one person he can be intimate with in this entire lifetime. Rui Fei was enough for him. But at that time he hadn't considered that others like Xiaoyu could get tempted by this offer.

Based on the gazes directed at her Xiaoyu panicked as she slowly watched her ship sink to the bottom of the ocean. She had to come up with a reasonable explanation otherwise she might suffer a fate worse than death.

"I did it for you Yao-ge. I was never going to really give it the keystones, I just.... It was all for you. Your ailment restricts and leaves you in a desperate situation. What if the one you were compatible with was Captain Zhang or Huishe Yue? Would you be with them? Your body is limiting you while blinding your heart. Can't you see?" she said but her heartfelt speech was unfortunately met with resistance.

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