
Generic answers

That's when Ji Yao realised he might have been experimented on. He looked down at the half-empty bowl then at Old Du before saying, "Did you just use me as a guinea pig?"

But Old Du didn't answer that question in particular. He just stroked his beardless chin and said, "Huh, no effect? Interesting..... fuck!" That swearing at the end was because the bowl of concoction was thrown to the door causing a loud crashing sound. He ran out saying, "let me call Rui Fei!"

Okay, fine the old man didn't want to say anything but someone had to spill the beans. Anything other than poisons didn't interest Old Du, what more idle gossip? But as more and more crew members came in it seemed no one wanted to tell the truth as they answered, "I didn't do nothing, I didn't see anything and this speech is not being rehearsed."

Ji Yao almost rolled his eyes at the back of his head when he heard this generic response. He had to find the ring leaders.

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