
Chapter 17: Apology Not Accepted

Apology Not Accepted

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I still haven't apologized to him when I lied about being his big sister's hired babysitter, wore his clothes without HIS permission, baked the wrong sweets, kicked his huge crotch,...and even making him a villain in my nightmares?

Gosh, that is so evil of you, Kira!

Growl. I forgot that I was very hungry since a while ago but still, I don't want to go out of the room because maybe he was just waiting outside for me and I don't want to risk it. I'll just imagine food while sitting on the floor.

He would probably see me dead before he could even get the phone first.

"Ugh." My side was slumping on the door, my eyelids heavy and my stomach empty. Oh wow, now it's rhyming. Am I really like this when I'm hungry?

I jumped on my seat when I heard footsteps coming. He stopped right in front of my door and paused. I heard a clinking sound when a utensil hit the tiled floor. What was that?

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