
Chapter Eight

She found herself in a room that was white, down to the smallest fixture—from the fan to the clock, to the floor, to the door, even she was white and she was sitting on an equally white chair.

"Hello, is anyone there?" Adriel whispered. Not long after she spoke, the air became heavy and it suddenly become very hard to breathe.

Ahe saw it at first as a small dot on the door, the inky black spot soon began to spread. The white began turning a sickly black, the darkness corrupted everything around her.

The air was becoming even more suffocating and she couldn't breathe. She was gasping for air.

Soon the darkness had spread out around her feet and slowly it had begun climbing up her leg and the chair she sat on.

Whimpering, she tried to stand but it seemed the darkness had paralyzed her. It invaded her more, perverting her.

The room itself was pitch black now and she could hardly breathe.

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