
Project Sentinel

My questions were simple; what’s up with the old alchemy building and what is Kai’s connection to that place?

Aunt Zaira was more than happy to provide me with answers, which was so unlike her. Usually, she’s tight-lipped and very mysterious. If she ever does answer a question, she’d do it in a very roundabout and confusing way. I was very surprised when she gave me a folder with the words ‘Project Sentinel’ written on top of it in big bold letters and ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ in red, even bigger bolder letters.

“Are you sure I can see this file? It has confidential written on it.” I pointed out to the archduchess who only shrugged.

“If I don’t tell you anything about that, you will probably not stop asking me. I’m just saving myself some hassle. Plus, you and your friends got directly involved with it, or what’s left of it, and I’m pretty sure they’ll come asking you.”

“Is that the only reason?”

“And maybe, I want you to keep an eye on things as well. I already did my preliminary investigation but it shows that nobody else in school is involved with it other than Omar Alkis. Don’t you think that’s suspicious in itself already?”

“You have a point. Wait, you want me to keep an eye on the school?”

“You could say that. Right now, I don’t have much sway inside the Imperial Academy, I’m not that close with Headmaster von Eichenstein and the Minister of Education doesn’t like me.”

“Wow. I can’t believe how casual you are with sharing that.”

“Everybody knows that. Anyway, give it a read then.”

I just shook my head at how brazen my aunt was. Well, I couldn’t blame her. She had the power, wealth and authority so she could be as brazen as she could but not to the point of abuse.

I contemplated whether to give the file a read or not. What she said did make sense and personally, I was very curious about the operations of the old alchemy building, what was Kai’s connection with it, and how did my fox core ended up in such a place.

Project Sentinel was a secret project launched by the previous emperor, Emperor Vlad von Praiji, twenty-five years ago. That time, there was some conflict with neighboring countries concerning territories and war was imminent. The emperor ordered for a project that would enhance the warriors of Praiji Empire’s strength and power. They even made it a goal where regular recruited soldiers (those who did not possess any magical power for combat) could withstand the magical upgrades, thus strengthening the empire’s military might.

“The leader of the project back then was Princess Shuri, Kai’s mother. She was a great Alchemist and Mage, and was appointed by her father with the ministers’ support.”

“Kai’s mother?”

“Yes. She was rather a very talented woman with a thirst for knowledge.”

Project Sentinel started out okay with good results. They produced a potion called Sentinel Serum that was then distributed to the soldiers after testing. It proved to have a good effect on the soldiers. The serum made them stronger, faster and their senses sharper. With such improvement, they defeated the invading kingdoms.

Fifteen years ago, a sudden addition to Project Sentinel’s research appeared at the floor below the sub-level laboratories of the northern forest’s alchemy building.

The time when my core appeared on their midst made me a little confused.

-Fifteen years ago? But I appeared in the mortal realm seven years ago.

“That energy source was unlike any magic ore I had come across with. It appeared out of nowhere and they wanted to make some research on it, maybe even use it to improve Sentinel Serum.” Aunt Zaira said which cut me off from my thoughts. “The head of the project was also changed to Omar Alkis since Princess Shuri was sent to Syna Kingdom to marry King George who was the crown prince then.”

“Let me guess, Dean Alkis screwed it up.”

“You have no idea.”

Apparently, after Dean Alkis took over as the head of the project, reports of missing individuals from the slums and among common people piled up in the local magistrate's office and became a big headache to the imperial government.

“It was the first case Emperor Ivan had to face the moment he took over the throne.” she commented.

It turned out that those missing people were used as test subjects on a new project by the same people in Project Sentinel. Their goal was to use the mysterious energy ore as a power source and manipulate the energy it releases to be the new and improved Sentinel Serum, only that there was no need for drinking the serums at a regular basis.

“The ore was like pure energy that only beings like the gods could wield. But the young Omar Alkis liked the challenge it posed and pursued it.”

“But it says here that the energy ore was untamed and whoever was exposed to its excess energy or those inserted with the energy from its main core were mutated with their minds broken.”

“You saw them.” she said.

I realized she was talking about those mutated creatures we fought while trying to escape.

“Wait, does that mean those creatures were really previously humans?” she just nodded while I obviously held a look of shock and disbelief. “I can’t believe it!”

“Maybe that’s the reason why Vyfal has a problem with her shrinking ability.”

“Because she ate their cores when they’re previously humans?”

“Maybe. I’m not sure either. I’ll ask Bai later.”

“Wait, what’s Kai got to do with this?”

“Ten years ago, Princess Shuri visited Azte under the guise of seeing her relatives. She visited Imperial Academy back then without knowing her young son, Prince Kai, followed her. One thing led to another and Prince Kai managed to sneak inside the laboratories and entered the room where the ore was kept.”

“How did they miss a five year old kid in the sub-levels?”

“I am not sure either. Prince Kai had been a very naughty child back then with a good ability to hide his presence instinctively.”

“You mean, he doesn’t even know he’s doing it?”

“Exactly. So, the young prince touched the ore, which may I remind you that whoever did so in the past either died or got mutated with a loose screw in the head.”

“But Kai is-“

“Very much fine at the present, which is still a big mystery in itself. Anyway, instead of killing him or mutating him, it activated the Fox Curse that was sleeping in his blood. So in a way, the curse actually saved him. Because of that incident, Emperor Ivan decided to shut down Project Sentinel, destroying any and every materials and records it had, which included the mutated monsters.” she said. “Those that worked on it were also dismissed, assigned to other jobs and were sworn to secrecy. Those that did not like that arrangement were killed. And the northern forest and the alchemy building became off limits.”

“Oh.” was my smart answer.

-How come I’ve got the feeling she was the one who made sure of the killings? But knowing Aunt Zaira, she probably did. I wouldn't be surprised if she's involved in the darker side of the government.

“But the ore is still-“

“Somehow the energy ore is indestructible so we just sealed it.”

“So, if it was wrapped up ten years ago, how come Dean Alkis is able to continue it without anyone ever noticing? Also, doing such a project would need manpower and budget. I’m pretty sure the imperial government is not giving him any.”

“That’s exactly what I’m trying to find out in my investigations. Why did Omar Alkis re-start Project Sentinel? Who provided him with the manpower, money and test subjects for the last ten years?” Aunt Zaira sighed. “Those were just some of the questions I thought of in this case.”

“Would you like me to help you?”

“No need, I got this. Although I need you to keep an eye out on your friends, Prince Kai especially. I have a question for you though.”

“Go on.”

“When we went to the site to investigate and collect evidence, the energy ore was nowhere to be found. None of your friends seem to know where it went… I guess it’s the same with you?”

-Damn. I forgot about that.


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Also... the chapter after this one will be a paywalled one. Just like what I expressed in the comment section of Chapter 37, I will have to put up paywalled chapters soon. I hope you won't stop supporting this story. Mwah!



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