
Where were you?

Getting out from the cab, Shanaya, in her narrow red pant and crisp white shirt with sleeves folded above her wrist, her blond hair in a high pony, stood outside the Rathore's mansion, looking for the very first time the beauty of it as it looked heavenly bathing in the light of the moon.

Standing there for two-three minutes, Shana peeks at her watch to see it showing past Ten o'clock and, she knew she was late.

She walked hurriedly inside the mansion, greeting the guards, and reached the hall. It was empty and, that was the first time she has witnessed it.

She moved toward the dining hall and on reaching, placed her handbag on the dining chair, pick up the water glass and pours some water in it. Adjusting the chair, she sat down on it and gulped the water immediately, wetting her dry throat.

She again scanned the mansion. It was deadly silent, which was not usual.

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