
They Discovered my Kingdom

Finally, all those late guests arrived and humiliated. There were some more spies from the cult but they're all caught.

Some almost managed to infiltrate successfully. But with the centaurs all around and the Kings trying to socialize with the others, we somehow managed to find some members of the cult who didn't have the explosive devices in their mouth.

And so, the party is over. Because once I felt that all the spies were caught, I transported all the monsters away. That's the cue for the party to be over.

Of course there are still some things I have to do according to the etiquette of noble party. It's to have the one with the highest position to leave first. So after I transported all the monsters, I left.

Though that shouldn't be the case. But the Kings decided it to be that way. It's annoying especially since in the end I have to wait for them to leave because I was the one to return them back to their own country again.
