
Fangorn's forbidden love

The Great Forest is much busier than the last time I found myself wandering it's perimeters- which isn't to say much, as the last time I was here was when I was battling Soren with rioting flame creatures whilst simultaneously trying to keep myself alive and very un-bitten- look how well that turned out. So even if there had been lonesome creatures stalking through the long shadows of the trees that night looking for fresh meat and the spoils of another hunter's meal, I would hardly have been aware of them. On the back of my horse, I laugh to myself.

Funny how Soren always manages to pinpoint himself as the focus of attention.

As the lantern lit pathway becomes darker the further we descend into the forest and the muffled buzz and clamour of a hard at work city fades to a diluted hum, I slow my horse to a trot, easing on the reins as I lean forward to soothe the horse, clapping my hand reassuringly on the side of its neck. 

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