
Cultivation at the Dark Energy Lake

At dinner, his dad also came home. Lux was just as nostalgic and excited to see his dad as he was when he was going to see his mom. The family of 3 ate their dinner and talked and laughed about a lot of matters.

Even Lux's parents were surprised by the change in him. They asked him if anything had happened at school for such a change to occur. After eating lunch, Lux called Killian and asked him to wait for him outside his house and also bring some of the cultivation devices that he asked for.

As Killian was from a well off family, Lux's requested devices were not that hard to get. He gathered the devices that Lux had asked him for and waited outside his house.

To his surprise, Lux was already there. Lux had planned to make some of his friends strong like him in his previous life. The major reason was to make more protectors of Wyvern and even if anything happened to him, they can take care of Wyvern.

He didn't want to be the only pillar on which Wyvern depended. It would not only increase Wyvern's pillars of protection but, it would also reduce the amount of responsibilities he had to bear.

Killian was already level 15 and had learned a lot of spells. But, in comparison to Lux right now, his knowledge of spells was not even equivalent to a child's level.

"So where are we going at this time of the night, Lux?"

"You'll know after we reach there so just try to hold your curiosity for a while. It's an amazing place."

Even though every person could use spells of other affinity, everyone had a major affinity. When a spell of their main affinity would be launched, the damage of the spell increases by 10-20%. So, most young mages learned many spells that were of their major affinity.

The two boys, Lux and Killian walked silently in that time of the night. They had already walked for about 30 minutes until they finally reached a lake. Killian knew about this lake which was called the 'Dark Energy Lake'.

The water in the lake was black in color and many people who walked by there sometimes would sense a huge amount of energy emitting from the lake. The state capitals were informed about the strange energy activities but due to the conflict, they could not send any Mage for such a small assumption.

Killian couldn't understand why they had arrived at the lake.

"Why have we come here for training Lux. Wouldn't it be just better to train in our own houses rather than here ?"

"Hehe, This is one of the best places for training. People don't know this but, if you meditate here then your level increases 2 times faster then other places. This is the best spot that I can take you to right now. There are other spots which are more benefitting than this but it would take a while to unlock my teleportation spell. So, we will use this spot to train for a while."

Killian was shocked when he heard this information. He was also shocked by how Lux just casually said 'it would take a while to unlock my teleportation spell' like it was nothing great.

Even the Mages of Advanced rank have a hard time to learn this spell and execute it flawlessly. Yet, Lux said it as if it was a spell that could be learned by beginner ranks.

"You must be joking about the teleportation spell right ?". Not believing Lux he thought that Lux was just joking with him in a sarcastic manner.

"No, it's nothing much. I can even teach you after we reach around level 40. It would take about 2 months to reach level 50 of beginner rank if we were to train here. Also the cultivation devices you brought were of top tier."

Hearing Lux appraise him pleased him but, he couldn't deny the fact that Lux just said reaching level 50 in a month. It would take people over 3 years with top level gears to even reach Intermediate level. Yet, Lux said reaching level 50 in a month. He could really not judge Lux with the use of common sense and just gave in to believe him and leave all the training up to him.

Lux started choosing from the different cultivation devices that Killian had brought. Killian looked at Lux with awe as he saw Lux choosing the best of the devices like he was a Master. He was also surprised with Lux's development.

It was like Lux was a completely different person. The same Lux who until yesterday was crying and shouting over every little thing was so mature and knowledgeable. In simple words, he was like a calm and mighty dragon who was fully confident in his skills and knowledge.

Seeing Lux like that, Killian felt a certain urge to follow the orders of Lux. It felt like if he followed Lux, he would reach levels that even he thought was not possible.

Lux equipped himself with a White tiger necklace, a ocean pearl bracelet and a spiritualist ring. These were all devices which could increase a Mages training speed by up to 1.5 times when combined together. Of course, the concentration of the Mage was the most important thing. Concentration was the reason why so many people with top tier devices could not level up fast while people with lower tier devices but greater concentration would level up rapidly.

"You should also equip yourself with this White tiger necklace and this spiritualist ring. The ocean pearl bracelet is an extremely hard device to use, which if used incorrectly can deal great damage to one's mental state."

"You say that but, are you sure that you will be able to control and use this device properly as well ? Don't forget that advice which you just gave me yourself. It should even apply to you no matter how confident you are. After all, skill is needed more than overconfidence."

"Don't worry I know all the fundamentals and applications of this device clearly. I can certainly use this device better than anyone even in our whole school."

Killian was somewhat worried about Lux but, after looking at his confidence he didn't worry anymore.

"Firstly, learn this spell to breathe underwater." saying this, Lux handed Killian some notes on how to use the 'Underwater Breathing' spell.

This spell was not only useful to stay underwater but also expanded the mana capacity of the Mages. The more mana a Mage uses, the more amount of mana the Mage can hold in themselves the next time.

So efficient use of one's mana was very important. Saying that, a person should not exhaust all of their mana as it has huge consequences on their health and soul. It will also take more than a week for these Mages to completely fill their mana tanks again.

Lux had already activated this spell and went underwater. Due to his perfect mana control, he needed even less amount of mana to use this spell. If he carefully used this spell, he could use it for around 6 hours in maximum.

This was a lot of time because even Mages that were Intermediate level could not use this spell for such long periods of time. Even though the intermediates have more mana, if it can't be controlled properly, it would be worthless.

The only people with perfect mana control were usually on the advanced rank and above. It would take people their whole lifetime to even reach the Master rank and only a selected few could reach the champion rank while the people reaching Legendary rank could be counted in one hand.

Following the instructions of Lux, even Killian could last about 3 hours in maximum and he had to rest for half an hour to replenish his mana. Both of them started meditating inside the deep parts of the lake. As the center was the part with the most amount of energy, Lux went over there to meditate.

After only 20 minutes of meditation, Lux had reached the state of flow. It was the state in which one was so immersed in the activity of meditation that they even forget their own existence. The cultivation would skyrocket at this state.

Lux was in his own soul realm cultivating inside of himself. The Mages should focus on one of their major affinity to gain maximum profit. But, one surprising thing about Lux was that he had space affinity, his soul realm was pitch black. This affinity is also known as the unique affinity.

Unique affinity is another type of affinity that only that one specific user has access to. This was so rare that only about 3 people in the whole continent had this unique affinity. As Lux's affinity was space, the other two were Light and Dark.

With Lux's affinity, he had created many spells only applicable to him, the wielder of the space affinity. In his previous life, he was given the title of "Space Dominator" with this affinity of his.

Lux could feel his levels rapidly rising in this state of Flow of his. The title that was given on the status was certainly true. Lux could feel his levels rising at a demonic rate. No normal people would have achieved this rate of cultivation even if they were in the 'Vigilante Spring' on the western side of Wyvern.

He also thought about what would happen if he were to train at 'Vigilante Spring' with this title. Just wondering about it made him excited making him nearly lose his concentration.

This Spring was only available to Champion level and above because of its unlimited yet slow rate of replenishment of energy.

6 hours had gone past just like that and Lux came out to replenish his mana and also to go home. He hadn't told his parents about him going to training and so, he had to go home before they found out he was out the whole night.

He was also thinking of calling Killian but, luckily for him, Killian was already out replenishing his mana and getting ready for leaving.

"Thanks a lot Lux for showing me this place and also teaching me about this valuable spell. I followed your instructions and could clearly feel my mana control getting better. Why were you hiding your knowledge and skills from us all this time ?"

Listening to Killian, Lux was faced with a hard question. He could not certainly tell that he was reincarnated and was here to bring peace between all the nations. People would certainly laugh if you told them that you would bring peace between these nations. It was because there were many people who tried this kind of thing but couldn't succeed ever.

"It's not that I was particularly hiding or anything. You could just say that I had a sort of awakening. Hehe"

Lux's weird answer made Killian speechless; he also gave an awkward smile towards Lux.

Lux changed the awkward situation between them by saying, "Anyways, we will be training here for a month, I will also give you another spell that will help you release a lot of fatigue with a short amount of sleep."

Lux tried returning the cultivation devices of Killian to him but Killian stopped Lux by saying that it was all right for Lux to keep it. Killian was really grateful for Lux showing him such a place and taught him new spells while also increasing his mana control. This was the only way he could repay him.

"I am looking forward to more training and also teach me some new spells. So bye for now."

Killian left by saying that. Lux also went towards his home after a long night of training. He had to do this training every night so he went home quickly and slept, activating the 'Fatigue Down' spell.

The starting chapters have more information circulation then action. This will surely be changing in the upcoming chapters. Right now, it is done to make the readers clear about the world setting.

Happy_soulcreators' thoughts
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