
Gossip spreads like water

The bell rings and me and my friends get up to leave for next period.

I have history next period. Which isn't my favorite class but it's also not my least favorite.

The history teacher is really old fashion.

She doesn't know how to work computers at all and if she sees anyone wearing something she deems inappropriate she will send you to the office.

But I'm one of her favorite students and she's pretty cool maybe crazy but cool.

Although we're friends she has sent me to the office many of times for being late.

But despite that I like her a lot and she is one of my favorite teachers.

So I actually paid attention in her class and I have to say it wasn't completely boring.

But overall it was still boring.

As we were getting ready to leave to go to our next class I hear some annoying ass gossip girls talking about what happened outside of the school.

" I heard that the new kid fell in love with the Wild Bear herself at first sight"

"Ya but then that self-centered witch kicked the poor love sick boy where the sun never shines"

"Really?!?!?" She said that part a bit to loud and now more then just me are staring at them.

When I heard what they said I felt like a blood vessel would pop.


At that moment I decided the first thing that came to mind which was that dumping water on their heads would sober them up from their weird fantasy world.

Although it might look mean but I'm helping them I swear.

Girl Scouts honor....

I might not have ever been a scout but still scouts honor

I believe they must have been drugged to be able to come up with such a shitty story so I as the amazing person I am need to wake them up a bit.


I grabbed 'what's her name' who sits next to me's water bottle from the floor and walked over to those busybodies and dumped the water over both their heads

And although a lot of it ended up on the floor it still soaked their clothes and hair.

So I was pretty proud.

The girls were so scared when the water was unexpectedly dumped on them that one jumped and tripped on her chair and the other slips on the water on the floor knocking them herself against the table she was next to.

Then I saw my teachers glare.

Some boys started helping them already as my teacher momentarily stopped glaring at me and asked if they were alright before sending them to the nurse for new clothes.

Then of course I got sent to the principle which I loved

I love how that teacher always sent me to the office when I did something wrong unlike most of the other teachers who just pretend nothing happened.

I shows me just how much she cares~ kidding but still teachers who turn a blind eye to my behavior lose their right to be called teachers in my eyes cause they failed to make their classroom a safe environment to learn and didn't even try to change it

I had to walk next to the two fools who had been making up all those fairytales on the way to the office.

The nurse was right next to the office so when I was passing the office I looked into the nurses office and guess who I saw...


But ohh....his nose not look so good. Just looking at him made me winkle my nose not in disgust or anything but I felt for the dude the same thing once happened to me.

Once when my dad had beat me up he also broke my nose and it swelled... BAD

Just the memory made me shutter.

But after standing and staring for a moment at the dude I continued walking into the office.

Magically I'm best friends with the person at the back desk named Mrs Cooper .

She's AMAZING..... mostly cause she gives me a lot of food but still amazing none the less

But it's not awkward and I don't know why. She is like a 48 year old sister to me.

So I sit down at the desk for people to wait at till their mini detention is over but for me I just talk with Mrs Cooper.

Because we were already getting ready to go to our next class I could only briefly talk to her when the bell rang and I had to go to math.

My least favorite class.

It's my least favorite not because I dislike math in general but I hate the teacher and the way she teaches class.

So once I sit down At my desk I doze off.....


I wake up with a BANG

and the feeling of falling then getting hit by something heavy overwhelms me and I rush to get to my feet scared as hell.

Once I stand up I finally could get an idea of what happened because I see my desk flipped over which means the heavy thing that hit me was that and the reason I fell was also because of that stupid desk.

I let out a groan of displeasure and try to find out who did it.

I see some girl who I have seen before in the hall but...

I don't care enough to remember her name..

she looks hella mad which makes me laugh.

Ohhh ya... I have a problem whenever I see someone mad I laugh even if I'm in physical pain from them hurting me I can't help but laugh...

Sorry the chapter thing is so short I had school and as I was trying to continue writing I had to go to meh therapist meeting oof

Lulu_Mathercreators' thoughts
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