
His approach

Hearing the sudden familiar voice at such an absurd hour in that desolated night street, Eva slowly raised her chin up from the ground. A person wearing black shimmering shoes was standing right in front of her and slowly she looked up above, only to become frozen in shock.

Czar was gawking at her intensely, holding a small canny smirk on his lips. His eyes were glistening in the dark and putting his arms inside the pocket of the oversize coat he was wearing in, he took a step forward.

"Should I help you, little duckling?" He whispered again in a bold voice, fanning himself.

With a heavy jolt, Eva jumped up from the ground and retreated a few steps back from him quickly! Her eyes and expression looked appalled enough, gulping anxiously.

"Wh-What are...you...doing he-here?" She was stuttering in fear peeking a glance around the street which seemed absolutely desolated at such a late hour.

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