
Chapter 7

We made our way back a few minutes later, Asher looks up, "Geez, some girl talk." The bunny was placed on a rock, half of it already eaten.

We laugh, Cass wipes her eyes and I sit beside Ryder, while Cassy beckons Asher. I give her a wink before they disappear through the trees.

"What was that all about?" Ally is sitting across from me.

Ash is lucky, Ally is a very sweet wolf, better yet her father was a warrior wolf before he passed. Ash told Father everything. Technically, he had no choice, but he is happy with her. Allison is amazing with Mya and we are becoming friends quickly.

"You'll see, it will make more sense when she tells you." I give her a smile and she does the same.

Ryder is playing with a bone from the rabbit Ash killed, "What is so important she told you, then Ash instead of the entire group?" Ally and I look at each other and then at Ryder.

"I can't say, because she really did not tell me anything, and you must do the same." I look over at him seriously, and he nods understanding.

Cass and Asher come back minutes later. I rarely see Ash cry, but I could tell he was by his irregular breathing. He was doing his best to keep it in, doing his best to not worry me.

"Ally, Ryder. Ash and I need to talk to you." The way Cass decided to tell them made sense, Ash had to be told first, and alone, but Ally and Ryder did not know me as long as they did, so they could be told after at the same time after.

Ally jumps up goes to comfort Asher, Ryder walks over and take Cassy's hand. They walk back into the woods and leave me alone for a few minutes.

No matter how hard Ash tried, he still worried me, especially if it was bad enough to make him cry.

It had just occurred to me what Cass had said, "I'm scared of losing you because your Mom told me one of her visions.". Mother must have known we would leave, but she never said anything. Ha, she never does, why am I so surprised? Of course she never told me she knew, or it would "ruin future event" as she always says; but if what happens is so bad, why didn't she try to tell me and stop it?

We left shortly after and ran for about 3 more hours, I was dying, I wonder how Cass is doing. She seemed to okay now that the weight was off her shoulders, but she still seemed worried, so did the others.

Whatever is going to happen is nagging at me, I wanted to tell them it would be alright, they did not have to worry about me, but I couldn't because I don't even know what's going on.

Asher stops just short of the 4-hour mark, this should be far enough. It has been dark for a while, so we all let our wolves stay out to see better.

Alder (Ash) and Amber (Ally) leave the 3 of us in a small clearing to go find food, Rocky (Ryder) went out to find some soft bedding with Crystal (Cass) and I stayed back with our bags.

I hope one day I will have a love as amazing as theirs. They have only known each other for a month, and I can already see how deeply they care for each other.

There is a feeling of love in stomach, I love them all, but it was different from their love for each other. I sit in content silence.

I lay my head on my snowy colored paws, I can't believe it has gone this fast, it feels like we just left an hours or so ago.

Rocky (Ryder) and Crystal (Cassy) trot back startling me awake, "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you, Alder and Amber are back with a few birds." Crystal drops leaves beside me.

I stand and shake the dirt off my pelt, then walk over to the small fire. I sit beside Crystal and Amber, while Alder and Rocky are next to them.

"You're not going to eat Sky? You did not eat earlier too." Amber looks over at me, her brown eyes looking at me, they were sparkling.

There is an old saying that if a wolf's eyes sparkle, it means they have completely bonded with their mate, so I look over at Alder and see his too.

I also looked at Crystal and Rocky out of curiosity, theirs were as well. As much as I was happy, I felt a sting of loneliness. Everyone around me had a mate, their other half, then there was me, the black sheep without one.

"She doesn't eat meat, she is vegetarian." Alder says as if he is me, answering everything that I should be.

Amber and Rocky both look at me, "How?!"

Crystal is not surprised either, she has known since I refused to eat animals when I was 6.

"I just don't want to eat animals; they are creatures and have feelings just like us." I run a paw through the dirt, Amber and Rocky stop eating.

"Oh, when you put it that way, I'm full." Rocky slides his bird wing to the side, Amber does as well.

"Well I don't want you to waste it either, keep eating, it is just my preference."

They both stare at their half-eaten meat and pick it up. I stand up.

"Where are you going Sky?" Crystal perks her ears and raises her head.

"Just because I don't eat meat, doesn't mean I don't eat. I saw some wild berries about 40 feet away from where our bags were sitting earlier." I start walking over to the bushes, "Anyone want some?" I turn my head.

"I'll take a few." Crystal answers before resting her head on Rocky, who nods as well.

"Me as well please." Amber answers, Alder shakes his head.

I begin walking over to the clearing I was at earlier. The bushes were further than I had told them, but this gave me time to think.

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