
Before the war

"Ambush, barrier, slender and I wanted to test my fencing", she summed up in a few words her fight against the male snake, before sitting on Yan's lap and enjoying a moment of peace, "They probably brought us into a trap, and we have to get out before the beams explode, dropping all these stones on us", Chloe finished speaking and the explosions started, causing the entire cave to collapse.

Yan quickly activated Rhos Aias, "I had an idea," he quickly explained his plan to Chloe that could be summed up in faking their deaths and rescuing Kunou when the war started, "Okay, but do you really want to do that?", Yan nodded in confirmation and hugged Koneko with his free arm, the barriers had started to break, although Rhos Aias was able to stop an attack by Gáe Bolg still has its limitations and holding the weight of basically a mountain continuously is one of them, "Everything right on three ", he clenched his teeth preparing for the pain that would come, "Um ... hurg!".

Chloe had a sadistic smile on her face, "Do you remember those unnecessary training days?", She thought before cutting off the arm that was holding the barrier and enjoying Yan's grunts of pain, before being transported to Avalon. As soon as he arrived at Avalon with the girls he took a Phoenix Pawn from his pocket and used it on himself and prepared for the pain that would come, however, nothing happened and his arm was restored, a very interesting sight, a small step. I play with a few cracks, then branched out into five fingers and gradually grew to take on the boy's familiar shape, "Why didn't you wait until three?" he asked irritably.

"It's better to be safe than sorry, the barrier could break down at any moment so the faster the better, right?", Chloe made a funny face while placing her finger close to her lips while answering Yan's question, who knew the girl's lie, however, thought it's better to leave it out or something much worse could happen.

"And now?", Chloe remembered her limitations and mistakes, first they had not created a barrier to prevent escapes, second they entered a place thinking they were invincible, but she could not quickly beat a simple lower mid-rank snake.

"We will rest for a while, and then we will get ready to recover Kunou from his jailers", after losing an arm he was still fine, but they should rest due to Koneko who was very dejected by the collateral damage to the battle against the snake sisters.

At Yan's mansion on the continent of the Sword, the spot that reflects the UBW occupying one of the continents of Avalon, they took the day off with Yan by going to his lab and sleeping the rest of the day, Chloe went to explore the Avalon, despite her having a very strong connection with the world that did not give him omniscience, but he could teleport easily without spending mana for all the places he had seen and later he went back to sleep.

When Koneko awoke, he found himself in an extremely spacious room compared to the ones in the Sitri mansion and was very well furnished, with a table and sofa to relax, next to the window. Where's Yan and Chloe? What place is this? It was the thoughts that went through her head before she realized that her clothes were different from the one she was wearing before she passed out, now she was wearing a white frilly sweater.

It was then that he noticed a note on the bedside table next to the bed that he picked up and read: "We are resting, any questions you have to wait until tomorrow, if you are hungry there is food on the table", looked at a table near the window and saw a simple breakfast with cakes and others, Chloe was taught by the owner of the food to cook, "Ps: guess who wore you? Yan., he wanted his body naked", the last part. The note made the girl blush and remember her last moments before passing out.

The excruciating pain that permeated her body, the tendons reconnecting, the bones cracking, her body shaking with pain, her limbs once twisted back to their original shape. Koneko did not notice, but since arriving in Avalon her ears and tails have been visible, and remembering the previous events her tails wagged uncontrollably, her ears twitched, her eyes slightly out of focus and her drooling mouth dripped, at least until she let go those sensations of the noise of your stomach and enjoyed your meal.

One day passed and everyone was ready to return and track Kunou, Avalon's circumstances were superficially explained to Koneko who promised to keep the secret, strangely she got closer and closer to Yan, sitting on his lap or asking to be fed by him, even gave him a strong bite on the shoulder for Chloe's amusement which found very funny, he asked the reason for the bite, however, Koneko refused to talk about it.

When they returned to Kyoto something strange happened, there was a sun high above the city, clearly revealing it to be a little more than noon and that was impossible, they clearly stayed around until dawn in Avalon, "Chloe, did you notice anything wrong?", Yan questioned the girl with white hair and tanned skin, "I'm not noticing anything wrong," it was apparent in her response that she hadn't noticed the time discrepancy, "What do you mean? It was already morning when we left Avalon and now it is afternoon, how is that possible? ", Yan questioned again, he never noticed this discrepancy until today, he was always in Avalon for a few hours before coming back to reality and always at the same time and after he built his mansion he spent most of his time in the laboratory where he tested his projects without seeing the daylight.

"Understand! Is that the time in Avalon differs from here, it passes three times faster! ", Chloe thought Yan was crazy, but finally, she realized, he had not noticed the time difference between the worlds and explained in a few words. "Why didn't I notice that before? I could have used it in a variety of ways for our benefit, so it hasn't been long since we disappeared", he put his hand on his chin as he reflected and both girls looked at him with high expectations.

"So is it possible to increase the time dilation?", No matter how many plans I thought, everything would depend on Chloe's response.

"Yes, it is possible, but it will have a cost and the maximum that can be done is to increase the current ten times more". Yan understood the cost, divine power that was extremely difficult to accumulate, "Do we have enough?"

"Yes, and still more, increasing the time dilation takes much less than creating an entire planet hahaha!", She had never said about this function, as she thought it would be better to accumulate energy to go to other dimensions, but he finally asked.

"Okay, this is the plan", having all his doubts cleared up about the time dilation, Yan formulated his plan", Rias will owe me one after that", was his thought before starting an intensive training of five months, about.

Yan focused on creating a weapon, technique, or magic and with that, the Imagine Breaker Project has left aside as it is a long-term goal and in just five months it would be impossible to do something good enough for use in battle, so he decided to customize his mystical code, or rather, that of Shirou for his use, the utilities of Red Plain Mystic Code were never explained, but finally Yan finally had time to study it and discovered its three main characteristics, the decrease in mana expenditure on spells of projection, it helped to clear the user's mind, helping in their concentration and the last one is the ability to be ignored, helping with long-distance shots and stealth. (I didn't find anything about his mixed code skills, so I put things that made sense)

Using this item as a base Yan made his modifications, as he made the projections it was noticed the presence of something similar to sockets making it impossible to have more than three skill slots in similar versions, however, he managed to create one with four after half a month and took another half month to be able to enchant your mystic code modified to a blue color with the four slots occupied.

His abilities were of mental amplification allowing an increase in the capacity of the false mind's eye making him able to see a few seconds in the future, like the skill of Ayumu Ozora of Tokyo Esp, but unlike him Yan can turn off his powers so as not to get confused , also giving him an upgrade in the sixth sense, the second ability was to amplify creation, making his magical constructs and projections superior to his original ones with less mana expenditure, which in theory should solve the phoenix pawn's problems, but not that was what happened to Koneko volunteering energetically to test and what happened was twice as bad with her body going up in flames before returning to normal leaving a kitten with a very satisfied face lying on the floor, the third capacity is for strengthening visual, 360 ° vision, thermal vision, night vision, visual processing three times faster, one second equals three for Yan, and finally, photo memory ographic, the last capacity Yan dubbed Serafall's Blessing, using her sengue as a catalyst, was able to create a pseudo invulnerability to ice and water, attacks less than Serafall's don't hurt him and the strongest ones endure resistance, besides of course to buff these two elemental affinities.

The mystical code was named Heart Of Serafall in honor of it, of course, he would never tell it, after completing the upgrade of his mystical code it was the turn of black armor, in which he just changed the color and strengthened with magic, making it more resistant than the original and finally, he concentrated on developing a technique, but no matter how many days passed, he couldn't think of anything, even asking Koneko and Chloe for ideas.

Koneko was placed in a state of intensive training to strictly follow the training routine that Yan had spent at the Sitri mansion with only a slight modification, instead of running on smooth and unobstructed terrain Chloe took her to forests, mountains, and tundras to increase her adaptability. Although she did not want to use her youkai powers, due to the incident with her sister losing control due to excess power driving her crazy, the great amount of natural energy and great purity that Avalon emitted strengthened her gradually and unconsciously she exhaled vital energy and strengthened her physical capacities, the so-called Touki, until one day, a month later, she did not feel her mind being degraded or anything that made her first question whether her sister had had her mind degraded because she was drunk with power.

The other girl in the group, Chloe, cannot strengthen herself in the same way as the others, first that her power, her body, and spells were limited by the servant's body that was incarcerated, and she was not prepared to change equipment like Yan, the weapons were one of the few memories left of Shirou, so she asked Yan for advice, who told her about a swordsman, Byakuya Kuchiki, who fragmented his sword into thousands of blades forming a large lethal cloud which he used to execute his enemies. That was the beginning of Chloe's fight, for the first time her cheating skipping steps didn't work as she wanted, disintegrating all the swords and after the first month, she was only able to control about ten fragments while demanding a lot from her.

While Yan couldn't think of a technique good enough for himself he helped the girls in their training, taking over Chloe's role in Koneko's supervision, giving her more time to focus on her training, then there were simulated battles between the two with a visible change in the kitten that was able to dodge most of the swords that were thrown by Chloe.

For a week this was the routine, until one day Yan came back from Koneko's daily run and saw Chloe training surrounded by a small silver cloud of dozens of blades manipulating them with extreme difficulty, but making gigantic advances, as he was not expected to evolve both in a short time, one of the advantages of her cheating, the more she has a solid image of the result, the better her control over him, it was at that moment that Yan realized if she is a servant and has her limitations, and he as a master had an advantage of the command seal.

The command seal is a great spell created to complete the holy grall war ritual that ends with the sacrifice of the last servant through absolute command, meanwhile, Yan has achieved a degraded version of the seals in question, for example, if Chloe were ordered to do something against its principles there would be a possibility that the command would fail. This is not what interests him for now, but his ability to accumulate magic, in the anime Kirei Kotomine he could channel the magic stored in the seals to strengthen his weapons and this makes Yan's degraded seal a huge asset, as he recovers with time.

"If I find out how to increase the number of seals and how storage works, it will be possible to have something similar to the gem on the forehead that Tsunade uses to store Chakra!", Yan's monologue deconcentrated Chloe who had managed to stabilize his little cloud, "Very help those who don't get in the way! ", hundreds of tiny blades were projected from the little girl's back and went towards the boy who tried to teleport to escape without success, to the delight of Chloe who saw him run and escape with some superficial injuries.

The next month was Yan investigating the degraded seal under Chloe's supervision since a lot of information had been stored in his mind to become the holy grall, so he knew a lot about the original command seals, which generated a lot of fruit on the features and discrepancies, while the original seal uses the magic power of the world through the holy grall's war system to ordain the servant, Yan's seal is made of his own magic power and was made accidentally by Chloe's subconscious, but since both, they are very similar entities errors occurred that opened loopholes for the lack of the system that manages the seals leaving Yan to recover them with the time, besides being able to order 'himself', Chloe.

After a month of studying he discovered how to increase the number of seals, spending a small amount of divine power to break the strength of the three seals limitation that yielded terrible pain and a week of rest, in addition to the care of Koneko, wearing an outfit of gothic lolita with an orange bow and a black choker, which insisted on feeding and drying the sweat on the boy's body and serving as his current source of blood, although don't need to drink, he still did it because he liked, the blood of Serafall tasted like granulated strawberry ice cream and Koneko's blood looked like a juicy steak, he already tasted Chloe's and just tasted rust and a great concentration of mana. (It's basically his body, imagine a vampire sucking his own blood or a dragon slayer swallowing his own fire, it doesn't taste good.)

For the next three months Yan concentrated on storing mana on command seals leaving him with just enough to keep his body in reasonably healthy condition, his command seal has two basic modes in which the Sitri coat of arms looks more like a sword being divided into three parts and the other form a tribal tattoo branching off his arm and depending on the more mana has been accumulated, the greater the number of seals on the arm can spread throughout the body.

Chloe finally took complete control over a large number of blades, being able to make very interesting moves in battle as demonstrated by fighting Neko-chan, as she said she would like to be called, when she launched a blade towards her and just before getting it right fell apart and used the mini blades to project hundreds of swords leaving the kitten with serious injuries.

The ones who gained the most in those five months were not Yan or Chloe, but Koneko, first it was the first-hand confirmation that her sister did not go crazy due to Senjutsu or else exposure to high amounts of natural energy would make the white cat go crazy also, according to the awakening of her Touki after going through many situations of intense training in the most complicated situations and inhospitable places and finally managed to create a technique alone that she named Neko Mode, despite the disgust of Yan and Chloe who did not like the sense girl nomenclature.

"Are you ready?" Yan asked, it was time to leave his house, very dear in the last few months. "I'm going to miss Nya!", Koneko in her gotic lolita dress that was enchanted with self-repair and reinforced with magic was holding his right hand, in the last few months she has grown taller than Chloe to the chagrin of the last one. "Yes come on, it's time to rescue Kunou-chan and probably Levia-nee must have been very sad when she saw his arm," said Chloe, hugging Yan's left arm before they disappeared from Avalon.

An chapter to start the day right.


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