
chapter 85: off with their heads!

Knock, knock!

Long baby blue lashes slowly flutter half-open "Is it time already?" the seven-foot wendigo shaman called out. The elf n the other side replied with a muffled 'yes' Dyllis slowly stretched her limbs with a crack.

She opened up her status window and to her luck, she has fully recovered from the earlier fight. She glance at the full body mirror, she pulled out a large elastic band from her pocket and tied her hair up into a loose ponytail.

"There that should keep my hair out of my way for now" Dyllis uttered before walking out of the house. The elves looked astonished to see a seven-foot young woman walking out of a house. She looked towards the setting sun "At least I might get a whole of whack for exp this time" The tons of sun elves surrounded her.

"Where do they usually show up? And according to what your king has stated I only have a small bit of time till they come" Dyllis asked slowly.

"Miss Smallwood they usually come from East, but as the night drags on they will appear south then west and finally they will attack the north side" a female sun elf explained, Dyllis nodded her head.

"Alright then I should start setting up my traps, please give me a moment" the wendigo shaman stated before jumping over the wall, the last thing they could see was her deer tail. Dyllis landed on the other side but soon sprong up again and began running a few meters away from the sun elves settlement.

"Time to put this dark slime skill to use" she placed her hand on the ground and channel her magic to make a thick puddle that surrounded the outer thrust hold. She proceeds to place her little cameras on nearby trees around the sun elves' woods.

After she was done with that she re-enter the thrust hold and set up the flatscreen tv that showed many smaller screens of different areas. Dyllis quickly explained her skill before heading back outside the walls 'I should get my dark mole knight out here to help me plus he has grown stronger' she thought with a terrifying smile.

Dyllis thrust her hands into her chest to take out a bloody card, that has a picture of some large humanized rodent, they are covered head and toe in dark armor. She threw the card onto the ground, it began to grow red making the card disappear.

Soon after a preteen-size humanoid beast stood stiffly in place, his long tail whipping around viciously, he has long lethal claws that could slash the thickest of trees into half. His eyes are a mix of dark red and gold.

The armor that coved his body would make you think he is a death knight that has been raised by the demon lords of this world. The once busy forest became silent, no more cheerful chirps or the rustling of leaves.

Many red eyes landed onto Dyllis and her Dark mole knight, furious growls filled the east side of the forest, accompanied by strange howls. They charged in like a wave, oni's road on these wolf-like creatures that have a tiger-like body.

The wolf tigers hissed in pain from the slime side effect but pushed on knowing their fate if they dare to defy the oni who ride them. The dark mole knight dug his claws into the ground, thousands of spears grew out of the ground impaling many wolf tigers and injuring a few oni's.

The oni's run through the clear space snarling, a few of them hold onto sabers and others hold onto great swords. A very few charged in bare-handed, I conjured up the dark slime and turn them into projectiles that will hit their target no matter what once I have released them.

The slime projectiles landed a hit on the oni's that charged at the front, the oni's are quite hard to hit as they were no sloths. "Gahh, that fucken stings" one of them cursed, Dyllis titled her head at the sudden profanity.

'Huh, I can understand them like those lower ranked monsters from before' Dyllis thought with visible confusion. Upon closer look, the oni's looked to be humans but with horns sticking out of their foreheads, and they had unnaturally colored skin.

Equipping gluttons gauntlets I took on a fighting stance, slighting bending her knees and keeping her fist high just in case Dyllis have to parry some blows aimed at her head or torso. The dark mole knight engaged in combat, he slashed and parried weapons with his long claws. Shing! Clang!

And those who tried to get pasted the dark mole knight got hit by dark magic spells that burned their flesh and if they were unlucky they would get paralyzed. In some cases, they had the dark magic land on their faces causing them to shriek out in agony, to make things worst their natural healing ability only made the dark substance more violent.

Many oni's had fallen on the reddening grass, soon enough a black void appeared underneath them, swallowing the corpses whole. Dong!

"Movement has been detected in the south, it is suggested that the host head over to the south area immendity unless you wish for the quest to fail" the system went off, warning laced its tone. Dyllis hollered "Dark mole knight, hold down the fort here, I need to go to the south" The dark mole knight squealed in reply.

Dyllis glance back at the mole knight before she springs off to the other side of the settlement walls, the wind rushed towards the wendigo shaman viciously. Her long blue wavy hair swayed wildly.

More oni's rushed towards the south walls with a crazed expression covering their deadly beautiful features. Right before they breached the walls a figure that had light gray skin and small horns poking through her skull sent a fury of punches.

This only stun the oni's for a brief moment, which didn't stop the woman. A black spiral appeared behind her, it stretches till it covered almost all of the southern wall. Tentacles came out of the dark abyss and grab the oni's.

Dyllis punched an oni in the windpipe which cause that oni head to roll off, after a few moments it had lost its life. She released her aura, which covered every direction around her. The oni's gasped and huffed. Their movements became snail-like.

Taking this opportunity she beheaded over a hundred oni heads off within a minute "Damn zombie!" one of the oni cursed at the wendigo shaman. Black lines crossed her forehead "For the last time I ain't a zombie!" she roared in anger.

Dark particles formed at her hands and feet, she moved quicker than before and her attack power grew a whole leap. She beheaded and doge some of the oni's that have managed to break free from her aura.

The oni that was freed charged at her.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

Dyllis froze in her tracks 'a heartbeat?' she frowned 'it ain't my heart so it must be' her thoughts trailed off. Dyllis bent backward and her clear eyes landed on this one oni who looked genuinely afraid.

Dyllis killed more oni's and made her way to the seemingly unaffected oni who is sweating buckets. The nervous oni notice her approaching, he tried to scurry away. The wendigo pounces onto the terrified oni and grip him by the neck.


"Hostiles are coming from the north and west" the system notified her, she gritted her teeth. "You are their commander, right? Stop them or I'll pop your head off like a dandelion" Dyllis threaten with a light squeeze.

The oni tried to cawl her up, cling! Dyllis laughed at the oni fruitless attempt "How come you are only C+?" she tilted her head. The scared oni snarled in her grasps, the rest of the monster horde came towards her.

"Talk about loyalty" Dyllis utters, she cast a massive spell to kill the numerous oni's and orges that got too close for comfort. She give the terrified oni another squeeze "If I have to ask again, I'll snap your neck" she warned with a sicken grin.

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