
Chapter 66: Dyllis

A transparent individual watched a young lady with blue hair, the young girl's face is covered in scars along with flesh that started to peel off some time ago. Signs of decay are apparent all over her body except for her thin and well-toned arms. The red Ai smiled at her "Dyllis I hope you enjoy your trip down memory lane" it spoke softly with warmth laced in its tone.

"Happy birthday to Dyllis, Happy birthday dear Dyllis, Happy birthday to you~" A drop-dead gorgeous beauty sang to the little Dyllis, she looked a lot like all of those pretty Egyptian ladies she would see in her mother magazines. Light brown skin, big round brown iris, full lips. She stood at 5'7" in height. The more attention she paid to the beautiful woman in front of her the more she looked like her mother.

Dyllis blew out candles on her Dora the Explorer cake that her mother got for her 5th birthday. With a big smile on her face She looked up towards her parents "What did you wish for princess?" a stern-looking man with blonde locks of hair slipped back with fierce pale blue eyes, and a strong but big nose asked with a foreign smile on his face. Dyllis giggled "I'm not telling you it's a secret Vanti" little Dyllis replied with a big smile on her chubby cheeks.

The stern-looking german man raised his brow in question "Will you enlighten us about your big secret one day princess?" he asked in a tender tone. Dyllis put on a thinking expression before replying "I will tell you one-day Vanti, I pinky promise" she replied childishly.  Older Dyllis who was reliving these memories once again felt her heart squeezed "papa" she subconsciously called out. Tears welled up in her eyes feeling great sorrow of being reminded about her dead parents, despite her parents' different races they made things work.

 'I miss them' she thought as her memory play through that whole scene. Her next memory was when her father took her to the movies theatres to watch the new movie called Chance of Rain. That was the beginning of her fascination with tombs and ancient artifacts as well as the supernatural. That's when a thought came to mind "Will my parents be proud of the decisions that I have made in my second Life?" she thought worriedly.

Her next memory wasn't of her parents but her uncle that had taken her in as his own and allowed her to live by herself "Dyllis this is your uncle, Dean, if anything happens to mommy or me he will take you in" her father once told her while introducing uncle Dean to her.

He has the kindest of smiles, long black hair always up in a French braid, his brown colour skin colour wasn't too dark or too light. He holds a house decoration in his hand and offers it to Dyllis "What is this uncle Dean?" little Dyllis asked confused by the round ring covered in leather, strings forming a web inside the ring. At the bottom were three leather strings that holder two beads on each leather string along with feathers at the bottom. Her uncle crouch at her level "It's called a dream catcher little Dyllis, it eats all of your bad dreams away if you hang it above your bed" He replies with broken English pausing every so often trying to figure out what word he was gonna say.

Dyllis's attention focus on the dream catcher with excitement "I will cherish it forever uncle Dean thank you" she stated while looking at the dream catcher like it was the holy grail. After that memory she had visited her uncle's small apartment often whenever her parents were at work, her uncle Dean often told her indigenous story's that his grandparents used to tell him as a boy.

She remembered the one time she had asked him about his school life, his whole body became stiffer than aboard, he clenched his fists and his eyes became hazy, his whole body trembled "Dyllis please don't bring up that topic again" her uncle gasped for air as if his head was being held underwater for a long time. Little Dyllis didn't understand but decided not to be a pushy child "Alright uncle Dean!" she exclaimed never bringing up his school life again around him.


That familiar annoying sound "Congratulations host you have upgraded in a medium grade wendigo. Host will now proceed to wake up from hibernation" that robotic voice sounded out from everywhere. 'It has already been four months?' she questioned herself not expecting an answer as her surroundings disappeared from her sights.

Ashen gray eyelids flatter open, everything came as a blur for her, blinking a few times did the trick giving her a clear view of where she was. Inside her bedroom, looking to her right where Tobca usually slept; the spot is empty of her being, the only thing left behind is her scent "I should get up now" she mumbled to herself, stretching her numb limbs from sleeping so long she eventually sat up and got out of bed with a wobble.

She made her way to the vanity to see what changes accrued this time, her light blue hair reached her hip untamed by time, small horns or should she say tips of antlers poked out by the top of her head. Her fingers traced over them cutting her fingers in the progress "Wow they are sharp" she murmured to herself, the biggest change that she faced was her height "Did I grow till I was six feet?" she stared at her reflection adorning her new height. Dyllis's thin body showed slight muscle not making her look that threatening.

Her long fingers trace her face some of the peeling flesh were missing in its place bone shown through. She opens her mouth eyeing her needle-like teeth with pointy ends. That's when she thought "How come I ain't starving?" she asked the void, feeling confused. Furrowing her brows in wonder "Did they feed me while I was asleep?" another question that went unanswered by the empty room devoid of people.

"Asking myself these questions won't answer them I should get dressed" she grumbled while scratching the back of her head feeling troubled. She looked around the wardrobe finding a blouse with black jeans that she convinced Tobca to make as she wasn't good at sowing at all and could only provide blueprints on how to make those items. She quickly got dressed and put on her fur boots and fur cloak to keep the day chill away.

She exited the room and headed to their training grounds where she yearns to find Tobca and her army training under her guidance. What grace the cannibal eyeballs were a bunch of men and women sparring each other in groups, she could tell that they didn't hold back their vicious attacks. The way they fought reminded Dyllis of dog fights very brutal to the animals but enjoyable to watch.

She strut towards a midnight blue hair woman wearing a pink and white Saree giving out pointers to the soldier's style, warmth filling her cold dead heart. "Tobca how have things been?" Dyllis asked in a gruff voice, she didn't speak too loud but loud enough for the water fae princess to hear. The water fae slowly turned around, her black irises holding a sense of longing holding them "You're awake. We have had Your visitors coming into the forest lately" Tobca responded to her question before pausing.


"What did you do about them?" Dyllis's question is seemingly interested in the topic at hand. Tobca inhaled "We watched them see what they were up too" she stated with a plain tone, feeling even more interested "Did you find out what they were up to?" Dyllis in red with a tone of interest. Tobca nodded "Yes, they were searching for something" Tobca stated as she furrow her brows.

"Searching for what though?" she spoke out loud, Tobca shook her head "That I wouldn't know Dyllis" she replied calmly.

System Menu

Name: Dyllis Smallwood

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human (Medium-Grade Wendigo)

Level: 41


Strength: B

Speed: B-

Defence: B+

Magic Pool: (B+)

Luck: E-

Attribute: Dark magic

System points: 7,013

Skills: Great Sense of Smell (max), Slash (max), Bite(max), Mimic(max), Wendigo Fever(Max), Body advancement lvl2, Fist fighting lvl2, Abyss Hand, Abyss Cloak, Curse Slime, Consume Soul (Active), Projector.

Tobca is from the summer fae kingdom, cultures and clothing styles are based in India.

This chapter took me a while because I wanted to plan this chapter a lot more carefully than the others.

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts
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