
Chapter 9: Coming up with a Plan

Tobca got tired pretty easily so she let Dyllis carried her on her back, light snores can be heard as Tobca slept. Dyllis was running at a quick speed hoping to find the next Village or town soon or even a city if she is lucky.

Running on foot she started to see outlines of another small village that was still in a terrible state but a little bit better than the last place they were at. She also had been thinking about how to get this sadist to fall in love with her.

Dyllis thought about those light-up dinners and picnics but thought better of it cause that was so cliche, snorting at the thought. Maybe find out what she likes and do that for a date or something?

Stopping outside the town making sure the cloaks were hiding their facial features she then walked in to scope the area. After doing a quick look around she Enters the town, a bunch of people looked their way, Dyllis seemed unbothered by it as she walked around trying to find a place to stay. This place did have a guild, it was called the Phantoms Paths guild, it radiated chaotic energy. It was a dark stoned building two stories high, it looked a bit like a smaller gym on the outside.

Entering the creepy-looking guild she saw a bunch of other beings wearing black cloaks with the guild's logo on them, assuming that those people are the permanent adventures, unlike Dyllis and Tobca who were only temporary adventures.

She approaches the attendant at a slow paste not wanting to alarm the other people in the building, she pulled out the book and magical pen to write down what she would like to say "Hi sir I will like to rent a room here for a week" the book spoke plainly.

The attendant blinked a few times before regaining his composer "Sure that will be 5 copper coins" he stated, Dyllis pulled out 5 copper coins and gave them to him then she took the key and went upstairs to go find her room.

Entering her room that had a raven on the door she gently placed her love interest on the bed. She gently caresses her face while whispering "You were the first to capture my heart" with that said she left the room locking it behind her.

She headed to the board to look for a simple quest for her rank, there was a Hobgoblin guest and it was a rank D quest. She could try her luck with it but decided against it.

Looking through all the task that was on the board she decided to do a farm task since she might as well do something nice for these people before she goes into a hunger frenzy.

She walked up to the desk to get it stamped "Please pull out your adventure Id as well" the man said with his hallow like voice. She pulled it out and the guy touches it with the tip of his index finger for a second before bidding her farewell.

Reading the instructions she walked outside the town East-west till she stumbled upon an old building. A feeble looking old man was hoeing at the fields as sweat dripped down his forehead to his chin. Dyllis assume that was her guy, so she approaches him and poked at his shoulder, startled he swung his hoe at her. Dyllis quickly grabbed the hoe with her right hand.

Making gestures with her other hand to show she is friendly, the old feeble man relaxed and let go of the hoe, Dyllis gently puts it down before taking her book out to write down what she thought "Are you the one who wanted me to help you harvest your crops from a tree?" the book spoke.

The old man jaw drops slightly at the talking book "Young person can you please pull down your hood?" he asked, she nodded as she took the hood off her head showing a beautiful but sorrowful face. "Now I see why you cover your face, don't worry young Miss this old dog won't hit on ya," he said reassuringly.

She nodded "Well follow me the trees are out in the back, I would do it myself but my knees aren't what they used to be" he explained with a sigh. She glace at the older man before picking a basket up from the ground and climbs up the tree with great agility and she then proceeds to pick yellow looking apples off the tree.

Time passed by as she continued picking fruits off the tree they were in all different but weird shapes some of them looked similar to fruits that they had on earth. After filling over twenty plus baskets full of fruits, she jumped down from a branch and backed away, she had picked over a quarter of the trees.

The quest only said to pick as many trees she could before nightfall and she will get rewarded afterwards. She would be given several copper coins on how much she picked.

She headed towards the old building where the old man was sitting in a rocking chair as he chews on a straw-like crop, a younger male sat crossed the old feeble looking man. The younger man was wearing army clothing, he seemed to be in pretty good shape.

He notices her being there and smiled at her before getting up to shake her hand "Thanks for helping my Grandpa, It would usually be me picking the trees out back but I was at the military school in the big city." He said as he boosted out his chest, upon closer expectations he seems to be a few years younger than her.

He frowned at her not hearing her reply back to him, Dyllis made twenty-plus baskets appear out of thin air, she then pulled out her book "I have picked about a quarter of the trees outback. Can you please stamp my paper?" The book spoke for her once more.

The younger male looked at her in shock as he heard words coming from a book with a mystical aura surrounding it, the older man nodded as he got a stamp out from his pocket. Dyllis put her book away and pulled out the quest paper for him to stamp "You will get paid about forty copper coins for the great job you did" He explained.

Dyllis nodded before pulling the hood back over her head, the younger male just watched her leave still standing there dumbfounded. The only thought that went through her head was at least this mask works on covering my actual ugly face' she took her sweet time to get back to the guild.

The eerie building rubbed her in the wrong way every time she laid her eyes on it and not to mention the smell of blood and death cover the place. She can feel the hunger react to the building cause her to drool slightly but shaking her head out of the thoughts.

She walked inside the building as people quietly murmur to each other about events that have to happen in the town, apparently, people have gone missing both men and women, never the children though.

She found it pretty suspicious but then again it was never her business in the first place, Placing the quest paper in front of the attendant, he took one look at it before pulling out a bag of coins filled with 40 copper coins as was, promise.

Smiling under her cloak she grabbed the bag and walked back into her room, entering the room. The first thing she notices is the fact that Tobca was sitting on a small loveseat and reading a book about mythical creatures. Dyllis pulled out her handy book and pen and wrote her thoughts "Have you eaten?"

The other person gave a curt nod as they continued reading their book "Want to go to the festival with me tomorrow? they have some pretty good music playing tonight" the book spoke as it glowed. Tobca looked up from her book and place it on the small table to her left "Sure Dyllis" she agreed.

A small smiled curved onto the blue fae lips making her elite features shown much more brightly than her usual sneering face. Smiling happily Dyllis took off her Mask of Many Beautys then took off her cloak.

The midnight hair girl raised her eyebrow at Dyllis questionable when she saw her wearing the short Kimono. Dyllis put away her things in her inventory before crawling into bed, as soon as her head hit the pillow she wanders off into a deep sleep.

Tobca soon resumes back to her book still trying to figure out what kind of monster she is, she kept reading for a while. The closest thing she could find to Dyllis was a ghoul which is a mindless undead who will crave flesh constantly. It went on about the smell of meat turning bad and the constant smell of death surrounding them but should be easy to kill.

Thinking about the ghoul creature she thought maybe The dark skin girl with one toe on each foot might be an upgraded ghoul which happens very rarely.

Let me know what you think about this chapter and feel free to leave a power stone for yours truely~

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts
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