
Answers part 2

Well, that feels like a kick in the teeth I was one of 50 different people? I guess I can be considered lucky that I got a second chance at life . . . wait he said that I was there the longest like that was surprising. Enough, on to the other things I need to ask.

"I died previously as you said, but how did I die exactly, I remember sleeping but that's about it and what did you mean by the fact that I had been in this space the longest out of those other candidates." (MC)

"Ok, that is simple. You had died of a heart attack in your sleep. All your daily habits and diet of unhealthy eating that was caused by your depressive episodes. Now to the other matter about your time there. You had been there far longer than any normal soul could last. If I were to round up in years it would be 35 years. Most would go insane while in that empty nothingness and become energy but not you. I thought of it as very lucky to find someone of such fortitude." (Unidentified)

I was there for that long? I know it felt a bit long but 35 years my god . . . how did I not lose my mind? I don't think it would be able to answer that question. Haaaa this is just too much I feel like I am just coming up with more questions here.

He said that I have a limited amount of time here, I need to just rapid-fire these at him.

"Ok, so how much time do I have left until this, me being here ends, you made it sound like you knew." (MC)

"You would think so wouldn't you, but no I have no inkling of how long you will be here. I can observe your body in real-time though. By doing so I can see if there are any good or bad signs occurring to your vessel. If anything you would know before me because you would be able to feel it." (Unidentified)

He can see me? Looking down at my other body I realize that it is most likely just lying down in that giant quarry. I could die at any moment even before I have the chance to change and I can't do anything about it!

"Do not worry, I can tell just by looking at you what you are thinking. Your other body is safe while you are changing I have made sure of that." (Unidentified)

As I was told this the cube next to the orb stopped moving and began to expand and expand until it took up all the space in front of me. On the now, blank canvas that was the expanded cube flashed a bright light and my other body became visible. It was laying at the bottom of a crater where the obelisk once stood, safe and sound covered with a thin veil of opaque light.

"So how is this happening, I don't have any skill that you granted me that can do that." (MC) pointing at my body

"It was never something I listed in your so-called status. It was more of a background effect that veiled and protected you. Since you are unconscious when you change I saw no need to have you be aware of it. Ignorance is bliss as some say." (Unidentified)

Ignorance is bliss he says, yeah I thought that for a long time even before I died. Maybe it was better not to know any of this. This is getting tiring, lets's see if I can speed this up.

"Hey is there any way for me, I mean you to increase my odds of surviving this change. You said I had only a 4/10 chance can you help?" (MC)

A very acquisitive voice answers back surprising me greatly.

"Yes I can do that." (Unidentified)

"You could do that and you did not inform me of it!? Why have you not done it already seeing as how I am SO important for the job you brought me here for!" (MC) holding up the large rope connecting us.

"Well for one you never asked until now. Second, no matter how important you are there are some things I will not just do without being compensated, a favor for a favor is how I see things unless I am very interested in something. Lastly well . . . no that is about it." (Unidentified)


After finding out this revelation I genuinely lost it for a solid, I would say 30 minutes, but I seem to have a bit of trouble with time seeing as how I was lost in space like this for 35 years, maybe that's getting to me. Breathe just breathe you got this now just ask what he wants.

"Calmed down have you?" (Unidentified)

All that time I spent freaking out those things just circled me not saying a word.

"Yes I have. Now, you said a favor for a favor, what exactly do you want me to do for you exactly." (MC)

"Hmm you are asking for a lot so I shall ask for something of equal value. I would like you to save a race for me."


"Huh?" (MC)

"Alright let me elaborate. Remember how I said I tried to put you into many types of humanoid vessels, well the reason for that was because some of those races have been majorly affected by the imbalances that have shown up. Take for example the Alairi that you visited, a fragment much smaller but not any less powerful than the one you absorbed landed near their homeland. Because of this considerable life has been lost and twisted to a considerable degree. I tried putting you there and even sent that young tree a message prompting your arrival. As you can see that did not happen but I did try. You have already promised her you would come back so I do not have to worry about that so let us move on to who I want you to assist immediately.

Not so far east from you considering how fast you can move is a kingdom ruled by those born of the mountains the Vrac. You would know them better by the name of Dwarfs of course considering how they look. Currently, they are at war with another subterranean race that gained sentience through the use of one of the imbalances that pierced deep into the planet. They require something that you can provide and that would be fighting strength. In exchange for helping them and absorbing the imbalance, I shall help you get back safe and sound to your new changed form whatever it may be. Do we have a deal?" (Unidentified)

"Wow uh, well that explains quite a few things like what the Mother Tree said about being told I was coming. Although I do not remember promising that I would help them, I think I said I would be back but that's all. Didn't you also try to put me into one of these Vrac as well, and now you are just going to pop in and send them a message some how which they are just going to accept. Are you insane?" (MC)

"I did not ask for your opinion. Do we have a deal or not?" (Unidentified)

"Can you just elaborate a bit further at least. Like how am I going to communicate with these Vrac once I get there? How will I know that I am close to their territory? Will they try to kill me on site seeing as how I AM A MONSTER!? Or just the fact that you are sending me to wipe out an entire race for some rock with mystical energy. Come on, be reasonable here." (MC)

"Alright, look here, I thought of it as a courtesy that I answered your questions, I did not need to but I did. You have an unidentifiable amount of time here left and I am giving you a 100 percent guarantee that you will get out of it as long as you do this normal task. You put yourself here and now you are reaping what you have sown. Now are you going to stay here or get back to your new life, I will say again, do we have a deal?" (Unidentified)

This is just to much. What does it expect from me anyway. It is hard to argue with him because he does make a point I do not really have much leverage here and I could die at any moment. AAAAAAhhhh screw it I am not leaving things up to chance and I might as well meet some sentient beings that might not try and kill me on site or flee.

"Fine, deal. But tell me how am I going to communicate or even understand what these people will be saying." (MC)

"Good. We have a deal, it will only take a moment. There are those that can communicate with beasts and creatures where you are headed. If you follow what I have said and travel in the right direction then you will be fine, just look for the vineyard. One last thing before you go is that when you wake up you should start running something big is coming your way. Bye." (Unidentified)

"What?" (MC)


AN: Hey there all you fantastic readers it has been another month and here is another chapter. I hope you all are enjoying the story so far. I considered a time skip here maybe to speed things along but I decided against it, I will wait a bit longer. Next chapter will have some combat and some new faces which will be interesting. But enough of that, thank you all for reading my story and look forward to the next chapter.

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