
Adventures part 2

Going back in time a bit to when I was in a deep sleep in the big tent growing. The intrepid team of adventures were getting close to the village that they previously stayed at before leaving for the shrub-lands. They had to stop by there to tell the people that their goblin problem was dealt with.

It was early morning when they arrived at the village. They traveled the entire time without rest in order to get there and it was rewarded with a warm greeting from the leader of the village, as well as breakfast. Bread, cheese, and soup was what was on the menu. Quiet standard for a village as remote and close to the boarder of civilization as this one.

They thanked the people for their hospitality and informed them that the goblins would not be bothering them any longer. Although they should still put up some sort of fence or deep pit around the village just to be safe. Being so close to the "Expanse" was very risky but very rewarding for farmers that were willing to take the chance and live here.

They continued on for several hours on the dirt path that led away from the village and happened upon a merchant that was heading the same way they were. They negotiated a deal where they could hitch a ride if they protected the merchant's goods till, they got to the trade city they were heading for on the coast.

"It's really lucky that we encountered this merchant. Wouldn't you say?" (Quincy)

"Yeah" (Jase)

" . . . " (Ada)

"So, are we going to talk about what we saw!? I mean come on; everyone has been silent over what we witnessed. Also, why did we not mention to those folks about the knolls, they have a right to know." (Edd)

" . . . We did not tell them about the knolls because it would have needlessly worried them. Besides when we get back to the guild and inform them about the swelling monster numbers around that area, they will send out several exploration parties to investigate further." (Quincy)

"Well alright that makes sense but what about that other monster we saw? Are we going to talk about that or are you just going to gloss over it?" (Edd)

" . . . " (Quincy)

" . . . " (Jase)

"I have never seen anything like it. There was never a mention of it or a description in any of the manuals they gave to us for investigation purposes in the guilds records." (Ada)

"What do you mean there was nothing like it? Come on, those manuals they have at the guild have hundreds of different creatures, monsters, and anomalies in them with descriptions for each one. Now you're telling me that you the one that is known for going through those books hundreds of times have not seen it in there." (Edd)

"Yes, that is correct." (Ada)

"Well this continent is largely unexplored. Explorers and adventures alike come back to report on new creatures and items that they find when they go into the "Expanse" all the time. So encountering something like that is not that strange right?" (Quincy)

"You are not wrong." (Ada)

"So, we are going to write this creature off as just another new encounter and nothing more?" (Edd)

"That's what I would like to do." (Jase)

"Agreed, and it's not like we won't report it to the guild and how dangerous it might be. The downside to this is even if we report it and they send out people to investigate there is the chance that it will have left the area and they will consider us to be liars. If that happens, we might get demoted just by making up the existence of it. None of you would want that I assume." (Quincy)

" . . ." (Jase, Edd, Ada)

"Alright then, so the final verdict will be that we will report about the goblin village, the goblin king and the knoll lord variant. We will ask that further investigation teams be sent out just to make sure everything is secure. Next, we will report on the new creature we have seen and what it did. Lastly, I would like to suggest a little vacation after we get back, I do not know about you guys, but I could use a bit of a brake."

"Now you're talking!" (Jase)

"I am overdue for a long rest." (Ada)

"Sure . . . as long as you stick to what you said." (Edd)

"Then our talk has concluded. Hopefully we can have a safe trip the rest of the way. If I am right, then it should only take us about two days to get back to the city if we continue to ride this cart." (Quincy)

Down the road they went riding on the cart that the merchant had, ever watchful for anything that might seek to harm them on their journey back to the city.

I was thinking about leaving out the description of the town and the guild just becasue I thought it might be dry. So I would like to know if you want me to include a chapter on it or not. Also I wanted to know if anyone wanted an information chapter that included world info about citys, places, the continet and so on.

Just comment weather or not you want these things and I will work on it.

Thanks for reading and sorry for this one taking so long.

TheRealRussianArmycreators' thoughts
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