

"Anything you want, Mr Mu but I'm going to get myself a wrap from that corner stall," She said.

Then I got up and quickly caught up to her. Ish, she was stubborn girl and I didn't really know how to handle it.

"So you aren't listen to anyone, do you?" I asked.

"Yes, I am and I only do what I want," she smiled.

"Yes, I can see that," I mumbled under my breath.

We approached the wrap stall, and again she asked me if I want one. As she kept ask so I was giving in and eating a wrap.

Then I frowned as she smiled lightly. I paid for those wrap and then took mine, we walked over to a small wooden table before we could sit down, Ru Wen stopped at the condiment bottle and added her wrap with every sauce got there.

God, it looked like will have a weird taste but she looked happy as we walked over to the table with a smile on her face, and her ponytail was swinging from side to side.

"That's gross," I said as I took a bite of my plain wrap.

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