

Urduk gently touched Erolith's cheek and eyes, "My love, I've waited for so long. At last… at last, you've returned…." Urduk said with tears streaming down his cheek.

"I have returned, but I cannot stay for so long, Urduk. I'm old now. I cannot live longer than this…." Erolith said. He pointed at Merrath. "I bring our son here."

"I… I have a son?" Urduk asked. He couldn't believe a corrupted beast like him could have a child, let alone from the one he loved.

"Yes, his name is Merrath. He is a General and Scholar in the Elven Kingdom," Erolith said. "Merrath, go call your dad and tell him about your life in the Elven Kingdom."

"D—dad…" Merrath called Urduk. "I lived in the Elven Kingdom peacefully. Papa takes care of me very well, and I lack nothing. I studied hard to help my little brother, Elrand. I married a beast woman of my choice, and you will have a granddaughter soon."

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