

Huang Shu was mesmerized. 

It came like a shock to Yunyu because the moment he saw Lady Xi Yue coming at them, he became anxious. 

Bai Yunyu was a hundred percent sure that Huang Shu was mesmerized with Lady Xi Yue. He kept staring at Huang Shu, guessing what was Huang Shu had in his mind. 

[Larva, Huang Shu is definitely mesmerized with that woman, Lady Xi Yue's beauty…]

[Larva: Umm…]

Larva squinted at Master Han, whose eyes glued at the woman who walked with her Prime Minister Grandpa towards them. Larva knew very well that Master Han was very loyal to Master Bai. Even if they started anew in a world, they would just fall in love all over again, through thick and thin, and sometimes with a lot of drama.

But one thing that Larva was sure of, Master Han would never fall in love with someone else other than Master Bai.

Larva kept watching over Master Han's expression, and it doubted what Master Bai just said.

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