

"My beloved Big Ero, you just tainted my pure Big Ero…" Elduin glared at Erolith and Urduk, but he pointed his greatsword at Urduk. "I will kill you!"

After he got caught red-handed, Yunyu finally snapped out of his daze. Han Ye's face on both Urduk and Elduin slowly disappeared. He saw Elduin and Urduk with their original faces again.

[W—Was I hallucinating? I literally saw two Han Ye!]

[Pupa: Yes. I've been trying to reach you, but you didn't hear me at all.]

[Then, what happened before? I was suddenly hallucinating. I saw Han Ye replacing both Elduin and Urduk. Just like what happened in that backup world with Taewoo and Kibum.]

  [Pupa: I'm not sure, but it seems that you have been hallucinating for an unknown reason, maybe it has something with the throne or the Marduk Lake in general. Maybe this is one of the worlds in your past life, where you have to fill the Ragemeter, just like in the backup world.]

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