
Chapter 65: Land of snow

Race to the


Chapter 65: Land of snow

Crossing the mountains, valleys, and snow, finally, all soldiers reached the Northern region, in District Fuzhuo, in Province Zhenzou

Province Zhenzou is the biggest province in the whole kingdom of Tengyuan, bigger than the capital Province and also has around 6 districts inside it, which is more than the districts inside the capital province

Zhenzou is a big or, rather, a massive land in the middle of various mountains

At first, past/old time, various kingdoms thought of taking this land, but after knowing just how harsh the climate is in here… all of them turned their head away

It became a barren land in the middle of various big mountains covered in snow

There were many nomads living in this place but all of them were malnourished, at first when various kingdom men appeared there… these nomads thought that they could finally leave this harsh place but they couldn't


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