
One Good Thing After Another

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Jin finally understood how this Dragonfire spell worked.

Not only could the flames be used for offense, but they also provided miraculous effects during pelletization.

After what he had been through, that wasn't all the benefits Lin Jin had reaped. Having suffered the nine heaven's oppression twice, Lin Jin's spirit energy volume increased by one fold.

His spirit energy reserve was now over a hundred stones.

Although he hadn't gotten it checked out, Lin Jin estimated that it was around a hundred twenty or thirty stones' worth.

To be able to possess this level of spirit energy was terrifying. Lin Jin didn't know about other places, but no one in Maple City's Friar Association, be it the students or teachers, including Ye Yuzhou, had as much spirit energy as himself. 

Only with this much spirit energy could Lin Jin mimic the ancient immortals and store the fire amulet in his psyche.
