

"Wait where are you going? We can't leave the office like this."

"Yes, we can. Come on James do you want to go home or not?"

James shook his head and said," I'm coming."

When James stepped outside he found Derek looking around the place; in the bushes, around the trees, anywhere he could look.

"What are you looking for?"

"You don't smell that? You're a hybrid you should have picked that up before me."

"Hold on let me try to get the scent."

"It's blood"

"Okay you got the scent, but can you find out where it's coming from?"

"He looked over to an old house and said, "There, it's coming from there."

"It can't be, nobody has lived there for the past five years."

"Well, Derek the scent coming from over there is blood so I don't think there is anything, living in that house."


"What was that?"

"How am I supposed to know? I'm here with you."


"Hey stop running, I'm not going to hurt you I just have a few questions for you." Said, Derek

"Don't worry Derek I got this one."

"No no no you will not interfere with this, knowing you they will probably end up dead as soon you find them."

"Whatever, go and find them then."

Derek started to walk in the direction he saw the person run in, "You cannot hide from me, I can hear your heartbeat and I can smell the stench of blood on you." Derek said

"Derek, Are you Derek White?"

"Yeah, I am who's asking?"

"It's me, Verona"

"Don't you remember?"

"Verona? There's no way it can't be."

"Why don't you come out of wherever it is you are hiding and we can talk face to face?"

Verona slowly walked out from behind the couch, "Derek it's you she screamed with a big smile on her face." She ran towards Derek and gave him a big hug. "What are you doing here?"

"I came here to find my mom's killer on my own since the investigation was closed."

"I heard about that, I'm sorry for your loss." Said, Verona

"Hey, James you okay in there?" Said, Derek

"Yeah, I'm fine give me a second I'll be right out."

"Alright well hurry up bro I have things to do."

James and Verona walked out of the building slowly, once they exited the building Derek and Verona locked eyes.

"Verona," Derek said

"Derek." She replied

"I thought you were dead, oh my god you're alive I can't believe it."

Verona started to cry and said, "I missed you so much I've thought about you every single day since you left Stonington."

"I never returned home because no one would understand how I'm still alive and once they figured out the truth they wouldn't have asked questions and they wouldn't have listened to anything I had to say, they would have just tried their best to kill me."

"What are you talking about? You're a human so there isn't anything to ask questions about and there's no reason for them to try to kill you." Said, Verona

"Okay, Verona I'm going to show you something but promise you won't get scared and freak out." Said, Derek

"I promise you I won't freak out," Verona said with a big smile on her face

Derek stepped back looked away and after a couple of seconds turned his face back towards Verona.

"Derek your eyes are red, why are your eyes red Derek?" She screamed

"My eyes are red because I'm a vampire, I've been a vampire for a little over one hundred years now."

"He's not the only one." Said, James

James approached Verona and hissed whilst showing his hybrid side, "You're still alive after all these years so that must mean you are either a vampire or a witch that knows a spell to stop the aging." James said

"Well not exactly, I'm a little bit of both." Said, Verona

"What do you mean you're a little bit of both? So you are a witch and a vampire at the same time? How does that work?" James asked

"Okay, James you're asking a lot of questions, why don't we save the questions for later and celebrate our little reunion for right now?" Derek said

"Name the time and place." Said, James

"My house at ten o'clock tonight spread the word," Verona said

Later that day James and Derek were getting dressed for the party, Derek put some gel in his hair and put on his favorite pair of black jeans, he put on his brand-new black leather jacket, and his favorite pair of black sneakers.

James grabbed his red and black blazer out of his closet and his black dress pants, he put on these black dress shoes that shined whenever the light hit them.

James and Derek walked out of their rooms and said to each other, "You ready to party?" Derek replied, "I was born for this."

James got in his black 1949 Hudson Hornet and Derek got in his blue 1951 Muntz, once they got into their cars they looked at each other and smirked then drove off.

Once they arrived at Verona's house Derek saw someone he recognized and tapped James then asked, "Do you recognize him from somewhere?"

"Yes I do, he's one of the werewolves that attacked us," James responded

The werewolves turned their heads and looked at the brothers all in sync and then hissed, their eyes rendering from different colors, some orange, some blue, some yellow, and some green.

Derek hissed back and said, "Well come on if you guys want to fight then let's do this even though it's not much of a fair fight."

"Come on this is a brand new five hundred dollar suit," James said

One of the werewolves ran and launched himself towards Derek launched himself towards the man and slapped him in mid-air *boom* the werewolves looked and saw their friend's head on the ground.

"You took his head off of his body." One of the werewolves said.

"Yeah, and who are you?" Said, Derek

"I'm Miguel, I'm the alpha of this pack." He replied

"This isn't the first one of my pack that you've killed and that's not okay."

"Well maybe if you would tell your little guard dogs to stop attacking us I wouldn't have to kill anyone," Derek replied

"Well, why don't we talk and make a deal?" Said, Miguel

"Yeah, why don't we? I think that's a great idea." James replied

Miguel approached the brothers and without saying a word he put his hand through Derek's chest.

"You didn't actually believe that I wanted to talk, did you? You will pay for what you did to my wolves."

Two werewolves rushed towards James and about a second before they got to him, they went flying into the wall.

"What did I tell you wolves? No fighting in my house, this is a safe space." Said, Verona

"You're a little late witch."

"The party has already started"

Said Miguel with a smirk on his face.

Next chapter