
Chapter 7: Paying a Debt of Gratitude Between Noble Houses

Chapter 7: Paying a Debt of Gratitude Between Noble Houses

Point of view of Max.

Being interrupted by Cissy, I stop kissing Bella slowly and see her beautiful face yearning for more and I chuckled, and gave her a loving kiss, but fast.

"Hey stop they're waiting" says Cissy, clearly embarrassed by the show of affection.

I reluctantly separate from Bella, help her to sit on a chair, as she seemed to feel dizzy and sitting her down, I look into her brown eyes and tell her with a cheeky smile.

"I told you that I would punish you, for being a very naughty girl and I dare say that you liked the way I punished you, right, dear wife?" I say seductively and searched for an answer.

Bella nods her head, she was still in a shy state and gave her another quick kiss and I pulled away from her. I fix my appearance with a couple of spells and walk to the door, only to see a very blushing Cissy, I chuckled and said something that left her surprised, since it seemed that she did not know yet. "Sister-in-law, I let you take care of my wife Bellatrix!"

With constant steps I walk the door like that and I couldn't help but turn around saying to Bella "By the way Bella! You taste delicious! Hehe!".

With a laugh I leave the room, leaving behind a very blushing and shy beauty, and a Cissy wanting to find out everything that happened in the bedroom. As I leave the bedroom I see the little house elf Ana, waiting for me.

The house elf Ana says "Master Dragon! At last he leaves the bedroom, Ana wanted to wake him up! Ana tried everything! But there was a powerful barrier and Ana couldn't enter!".

I interrupt her, because these little beings are unfortunate and besides, I didn't want to ruin my good mood listening to their laments "It's fine little Ana, now take me to the place where they are waiting for me", I say with a tone of authority, so that the little elf He will take me to meet with Lord Black and the members of The Noble and Ancestral House of Black.

"Ana will take him, Master Dragon!" says house elf A

We started walking to what I suppose was the meeting room of the Black Mansion and upon arrival I see a large Victorian room with little luxury here and there. But in my opinion of someone who remembers some things from the modern era, the decor was average for a noble family and I keep my opinion to myself. In the room several people were already waiting for me and I even saw 2 small children, I think they are Sirius and Regulus, and next to them a stern-looking woman, who should be their mother Walburga. In the middle of the room, an old man who had an aura of authority around him and sitting on what I presume is the House of Black throne, but in my opinion it looked like a nicely decorated chair. I introduce myself before giving him a chance to show off.

I step forward with an elegant bow and say "Greetings members of The Noble and Ancestral House of Black! I am the Dovahkiin heir to the prestigious and reserved pure-blood family, The Noble and Ancestral House of the Dovahkiin! I am allowed to introduce my distinguished and humble name is!; Maxmillium Steven Dovahkiin, it is an honor to meet you on such a magnificent night! "

The members of House Black fell silent, witnessing one of the most noble and elegant presentations they had ever seen. They had seen many heirs present themselves, but never in such a magnificent and prestigious way. That made it clear that young man in front of them, was knowledgeable about the ancient customs and traditions of the nobles, which is only passed by word of mouth among the oldest Houses.

Arcturus was very excited by this presentation, he goes ahead and says "Hello, Dovahkiin heir! You are in the presence of Lord Black of The Noble and Ancestral House of Black! My distinguished name is Arcturus Black and I formally welcome you to the Black Mansion! "

I bow in courtesy and token of appreciation: "Grace Lord Black."

"I hope you have been able to rest from your trip" says Arcturus when probing him with Legilimency I saw that he was thinking (Ah, this young man is a good seed, surely that old bat of Máximo trained him properly and while the descendants of my House, never they want to learn the old labels, what an injustice there in the world!).

"If I have had a good nap, the truth is that I do not usually get tired, but I get tired of all the immigration procedures of the ministry, I have never seen so much paperwork" I say jokingly.

"Certainly, those fools from the ministry only know how to solve everything through paperwork, hahaha" Arcturus says, but with a serious tone he says "Heir Dovahkiin, I ask your permission to be honest with you and explain, what is this meeting for?"

"I agree to hear your explanation, Lord Black!" says Max in a polite and elegant way.

Arcturus seemed a bit nervous, he was clearly intimidated by my serious way of expressing myself and my graceful gestures and said "We meet here today young Dovahkiin heir, because my Noble House Black owes you a debt of gratitude and for having provided us with this one. vital information, which changed the destiny of The Noble and Ancestral House of Black "says Arcturus, but when probing him with Legilimency I saw that he was thinking (I already confirmed it with a prestigious House of seers and the Black House has changed its destiny, even though the price in galleons was high to confirm it, I do not regret it).

I nod and say "I understand Lord Black, please continue!"

"Since we owe you a debt of family gratitude between Noble Houses and what better way to pay it, than by abiding the noble and ancient tradition of uniting our two Noble Houses. We hope to unite in marriage one of the daughters of the Black House with you heir Dovahkiin, we hope that with this union we can pay our debt to you and at the same time establish a connection between the two Noble Houses" says Arcturus seriously.

With a smile he agreed but he must clarify something, so that there are no misunderstandings in the future "I can accept this debt of gratitude, but my father in an agreement with one of the friends of the family took a marriage contract on my behalf" I say, but continues "As my Noble House is almost extinct after the war with Grindelwald, my grandfather agreed with my father that his grandson have 2 or 3 wives and in the hope of reviving The Noble and Ancestral House of the Dovahkiin. If he agrees with this term, I can accept the daughter of House Black as my second fiancee and wife.

In this world, there was no law that prohibited polygamy because in the magical community and it was normal, but noble families rarely practiced it, unless their Noble House was almost extinct it would not take 2 or 3 wives, also note that Cissy and Bella were eavesdropping in the hall, I looked at Arcturus and he was looking at me, but I already knew what his answer would be.

Arcturus earnestly draws his wand and says "We House Black accept your terms, young Dovahkiin heir, so be it <Lumos>, <Nox>".

in response Max marries his wand and says "I Maximillium Steven Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin Heir of The Noble and Ancestral House of the Dovahkiin, accept the daughter of House Black as my second fiancee and wife, so be it <Lumos>. <Nox > ".

When promising with magic as a witness, I noticed a Bellatrix jumping in the hall with her sister Cissy, with a smile I will judge a little joke, hehe.

I say with a smile "So which of the two unmarried Black sisters will be my fiancée?, since I have been told that Miss Bellatrix is already in an agreement to be Rodolphus Lestrange's fiancee."

I immediately notice Bellatrix very angry and sad.

Walburga quickly says "No, young Dovahkiin heir, your fiancee will be Bellatrix because she is the eldest and as for House Lestrange, we will no longer make any commitments or agreements with that House in the future."

Druella realizes that her daughter was in the hall and smiles with a knowing smile "My daughter Bella can be a bit selfish, spoiled, mischievous and very ill-tempered, but I hope you accept her Max."

The men in the room were somewhat puzzled, but the women had already realized that a young Bella was eavesdropping.

"That's how Max is, although she is not the best, but you must accept her out of sympathy and take care of her since we fear that she will remain single" says Lucretia in a complicity tone.

"My beautiful sister is very crying, she always locks herself in her room to cry and you must be careful that she does not lock herself in a room to cry to death" says Dora with complicity and a touch of malice.

Bellatrix who could not stand so much defamation and harassment from the women present says "hey you have to accept me as your wife, you already kissed me and you cannot take it back".

The men finally realized what was happening they laughed out loud, along with the women, the young Bellatrix realized that they were making fun of her all the time, sulkingly she was adorably stomping on the floor with her arms crossed between his chest pouting.

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