
Jhoto - Altomare

Jessie jumped away, "Oh! Watch the hair spider boy. This dress cost quite the penny."

Silas, "The dress will be the least of your problems soon."

Jessie, "Arbok let's dance."

Silas, "Raichu thunder."

Arbok narrowed her eyes at the electric as she littered the ground around her with poison needles making Raichu jump backwards. Jessie and Silas narrowed their eyes and contemplated each other with a very shrewd look on their faces. On the other side Misty had a bad feeling in her stomach, a very familiar feeling as the time when Ash was Pokemon napped or right before any of the Weather Legendaries appeared. She looked around the audience, she saw Serena was with Melody, Max was with Casey, Chloe was slowly making her way to the food area.

Misty, 'Wait, wasn't Jessie with James and Tomo? Oh no! Where is she?'

Misty, :Gou? Do you know where Jessie went?:

Gou, "Jessie? Wait, let me check. Ah! Found her, she left through the West wing. She is currently involved with.... Oh fuck my life!"

Misty, :What is happening?:

Gou, "It is one of Gonzalez's men. Silas I think he called himself. We are not sure of his real name."

Misty, :I am going to help her. Send me the location.:

Gou, "Okay! Listen, I just warned Lance and he is sending one of the G - Men to help you out."

Misty, :Appreciated!:

Gou, "Lance?"

Lance, "Do not worry. Claire is one of the best fighters G - Men has. I do not doubt she will make sure Misty and Jessie are safe and alive."

Gou nodded, "Yeah."

Gou turned his eyes to the screen which had Ash taking part in his next contest battle which would be double battle. It was the semi finals now and Ash had decided to use Meganium and Lapras this time, both Pokemon using petal dance and a controlled ice beam to appear. The ice beam created gentle snow while the petal dance created bright pink petals creating a very love pink and white environment. Ash's opponent was the Eevee sister Sakura who released her Azumarill and Leafeon. The two Pokemon used bubbles and charm to create heart shaped bubbles to appear.

Ash, "Lapras blizzard. Magnesium solar beam."

Sakura, "Azumarill disarming voice and Leafeon trailblazer. Do not be hit."

Ariene, "Ooh! And we are already on the offensive."

Lapras used blizzard which covered the field making people shiver, while Azumarill used disarming voice. Azumarill stopped the blizzard but Meganium used solar beam on the ground making the snow fly up around them in a show of power. Both sides lost points because of the moves but Ash quickly called for Lapras to sing and for Meganium to use leaf storm. Sakura was wart then her eyes widened when Lapras started to sing a beautiful song while Meganium created an arch of flowers over Lapras. Meganium had used her leaf storm to create a stage for Lapras while standing in front of him like a protective Sentinel.

Sakura, 'My points! He did not even attack me but made his Pokemon look fantastic.'

Leafeon, "On. Lea feon."

Sakura, "Well we are not down yet. Leafeon magical leaf, Azumarill use rain dance."

Leafeon started to create a beautiful array of magical leaf while Azumarill started to dance making it rain. Ariene commented this fight would be battle of performances seeing how both sides were focused on out performing the other with their moves. Gou was curious why Ash was not attacking but realized he was waiting for the right time, Leafeon was fast with trailblazer. The grass type was also very clever carrying Azumarill with her when she used trailblazer to avoid and dodge the attacks. Gou saw back deciding to enjoy the performance, waiting for Ash to shock them all with something ridiculous again.

Ash, "Sunny day Meganium, Lapras rain dance."

Lance chuckled, "Oh! What a lovely rainbow, even the opponent Pokemon are in awe."

Gou, "You were hoping to see Tyrantrum in action, weren't you?"

Lance, "Yes, you could say that. But Ash mentioned he was keeping Tyrantrum in case something goes wrong."

Gou, "Yeah. I was hoping we would get a peaceful Festival."

Misty, :Gou, I'm close to where you said Jessie went.:

Gou, "Just follow the mark on your locator."

Misty, :Okay! I think I hear them. They are close by.:

Gou, "Be careful."

Misty placed her communication device on stand by and entered the ally way from where Jessie was fighting a man in dark clothes and a large red R. Misty hid behind one of the walls and watched the fight between the two as she listened in on the conversation between them. Misty's eyes widened when she heard they were looking for the Latias and Latios breeding grounds, as they were in charge of holding the key to the machine they wanted to use. Misty felt her hand shake remembering the different incident with the weather Legendaries and how she and her friends barely escaped with their lives.

Misty took a deep breath, "Starmie, I need your help. Kingdra we have a battle to survive."

Kingdra nodded, "Raaaa."

Starmie, -What do you need?-

Misty, "Jessie is battling a Team Rocket member, from the more dangerous faction."

Kingdra nodded and scurried up the wall using his dragon tail, Misty would never get over that trick. Miss Lorelei is a really awesome teacher and Misty could not thank her enough for teaching her tricks Pokemon with double typings could use. Kingdra had moved above them behind the enemy while Misty and Starmie got ready to help Jessie out if she needed it. So far, she was handling the fight just fine and seemed to be holding her ground against Silas. Misty narrowed her eyes at the name, Ash and Brock had mentioned him before and they were targeting Ash.

Misty, 'I am not loosing my friend to a crazy man who thinks he has any claim over a child over some presumed rrelation'

Starmie, -Ready to battle Misty.-

Misty, "Alright cover the area with mist. We are bringing him down."

Kingdra nodded getting her attention and seeing a very familiar woman with blond hair and the red R. Misty squinted her eyes and realized she was there during the Entei incident, she saw her on the news. Oakley was her name, that is if it really was her actual name and not a fake one they used to cover their tracks. Misty jumped in to join Jessie when Oakley joined Silas to deal with Jessie and get rid of her. Misty would not allow that and told Jessie she would deal with Oakley if she dealt with Silas which made Jessie smirk.

Jessie, "Looks like your girlfriend will be busy."

Oakley snarled, "I am not his girlfriend and I do not need him. I will rise in the ranks after you are dealt with."

Misty, "Bold of you to assume you will walk away free."

Silas, "Enough talk, Koffin!"

Oakley, "Beedrill, attack with poison needles."

Misty, "Starmie shield."

Jessie, "Dustox poison powder."

Ash on the other hand won against Sakura and was moving to the finals, "Phew! Great job Lapras, Meganium. That was a shocking performance."

Sakura was left flummoxed by what she was seeing, "Your Lapras knows thunder bolt?"

Ash, "He was raised by not just me but also my Pokemon. One of which is a very cute yet powerful electric type. He taught Lapras how to use thunder bolt."

Lapras raised his head, -And another taught me to communicate.-

Sakura gasped, "Oh sweet Suicune! That is so awesome. Did they voluntarily help you raise them?"

Ash, "Of course they did. They were a real help when it came to training time."

Meganium, "Mega meganium."

Lapras pouted, -I was not that bad, Meema.-

Ash laughed patting him, "No, just handful."

Arianne, "What a surprising win. Let's see what the judges have to say."

Sukizo, "Remarkable."

Mr Contesta, "I must say I was not expecting a well time thunder bolt in the middle of a performance. That was very clever."

Nurse Joy, "Indeed, the surprise attack if it can be called that really took us all off guard."

Ash smiled, "A little surprise is never a bad thing. It keeps things interesting."

Arianne, "Well put! Let's give it up for Ash Ketchum. The last semi finals is between Harley from Hoenn and Eriju from Kanto."

Gonzalez was watching the screen, "Not bad, my little heir, not bad. I see my brother has taught you some of his tricks."

Droid, "Sir, Silas and Oakley are battling two members of the other faction."

Gonzalez, "Show me!"

Droid, "Bring up screen ten."

Grunt with white hair, "Yes sir!"

Gonzalez, "Order them to offer them a chance to join us. If they decline then just eliminate them both. They are the enemy."

Droid, "You heard him."

Grunt nodded, "Yes sir."

Ash, "Achooo! Achooo!"

Lokoko, -Are you alright?-

Ash sniffled, "I am alright though I have a feeling someone came to a terribly wrong conclusion about me."

Abra, -You got that from sneezing?-

Ash, "No, just a questionable feeling."

Lucario, -Misty and Jessie are missing.-

Ash, "What? But I saw them in the audience."

Lucario, -They were there but Jessie left half way following someone. After a few minutes Misty went after her, most likely to help. I am able to feel her presence somewhere down East from here.-

Ash frowned, "And we just can't leave either."

Lucario, -No, we cannot.-

Silas meanwhile received the new orders, "I understand. Oakley new orders."

Oakley, "I heard, I do not need you to tell me."

Droid, "Well ladies you are lucky. We only take trophies no prisoners."

Misty paled, 'They plan to kill us.'

Jessie growled, "We will see who takes trophies with them and who does not. You are nothing but a back stabbing traitor."

Misty shook her head, "Those are very bold words but I really doubt you actually killed anyone before. You don't look like you have the guts to make your own hands dirty."

Oakley snarled, "Oh yes, we have. They deserved it."

Droid, "You are trying to distract us. You fucking bitches."

Jessie, "Welp! Got caught!"

Misty, "Why couldn't you keep being dumb?"

Oakley, "You will pay for that, you slut!"

While they were fighting each other two Pokemon were watching them quietly from the shadows wondering if they should interfere or not. Latios recognized the orange haired girl and motioned for Latias to stay hidden, they would make sure she was safe but they could not show themselves to the people in dark clothes. Latias looked at her older sibling then nodded opting to join Kingdra a fellow dragon instead, maybe they could work together. Latios contemplated the idea and agreed with it, they could stay hidden and help the Aura Guardian.

Ash, "Harley won. Looks like we are facing him in the finals."

Harley, "Muah! Muah! I love you all too."

Arianne, "Let's give it up for the finalist Harley from Hoenn and Ash from Kanto."

Ash, 'I need to focus. The others will be alright.'

Harley smirked, "Looks like we are finally having our rematch."

Ash laughed, "Yes, let's make it an unforgettable one."

Harley, "Sounds like a plan."

Arianne, "Now, remember, the rules of battle dear participants. You are not just battling but showing off your beautiful skills as a coordinator. This is the final battle. Do your best. Now, we are going to spin the wheel which will decide your battle line up."

Ash and Harley looked at the large pin that appeared behind them and saw it had now completely changed. Instead of their faces and names the target of the pins was one on one battle, double battle performance and three on three battle. That made Ash raise an eyebrow, the last time he had seen this type of pin was in the anime in the Sinnoh League. The pin started to move and spin till it slowed down and fell on the double battle perfor option.

Harley, "Looks like it will be double the fun."

Ash smirked, "Indeed! Let's do this then."

Arianne, "Alright folks the Festival will end with a double battle performance."

Yesterday I found my old Pokemon Green playboy. It does not open anymore but the memories.

Ellora25creators' thoughts
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