
Jhoto - Altomare

Ash, "Noctowl mix moon blast and shadow ball. We almost got it down."

Noctowl, -Agreed, almost got it.-

Ash was getting ready for the Grand Festival while also training his Pokemon to be ready for a possible fight with Team Rocket. Two days after meeting Lance they had sat together and Lance had given him and his friends a brief layout of the plan. Casey and Brock had narrowed their eyes while Gou and Max grimaced remembering their latest run in with Gonzalez. The had agreed to the increase in security while Casey and Brock had offered to volunteer. Casey was serious about becoming an Elite Four member and did not mind taking up one of the duties early. And just like Casey, Brock was serious about becoming a Doctor and refused to sit back and do nothing.

Gou and Max were off training somewhere too, they did not want to be caught off guard if the worst happened. They normally mer up for dinner and breakfast then focused on their own thing that is till the girls joined them at the end of the week. Misty looked exhaustion but also very satisfied and when Lance saw the four of them, whisked them away to evaluate them. Misty was surprised but figured Lance had his reasons and went along with it which prompted Serena, Chloe and Melody too. After the evaluation of their strengths came Lance finally explained to them what was going on which made them go pale.

Serena, "Well I was not expecting that."

Melody, "None of us were."

Chloe, "I will join Gou and help him prepare we have always been a good team together."

Misty, "Well, I am planning on challenging Drake soon. Which means I will be challenging him to become a Champion for Orange Archipelago."

Lance, "I believe this time the challenge will follow more traditional route."

Misty, "Yes, Ash's case was more of a necessity rather than an actual change in tradition."

Lance nodded, "I hope we will not have problems for you as well. Being an Aura user usually make luck go crazy."

Misty twitched remembering how the three elemental birds always searched her out for battles or help. She muttered under her breath about how it was the understatement of the century and they should really stop interrupting her training. Serena who was next to her heard her mutters and pat her shoulder in comfort while Chloe sighed and Melody snickered. The island girl unlike Misty honestly did not mind the visits by the elemental trio and would always prepare some treats in advance for them. Lance then gave them instructions on who to approach among the G - men who would be among the crowd under disguises.

Ash waved at them on seeing them around dinner, "Girls over here."

Casey, "Join us for dinner."

Misty, "Dinner?"

Serena, "It is already night time."

Brock, "Looks like Lance really put you through the ringer, huh?"

Melody, "He had us tested on one on one battles and then on team work. I think I have a new respect for Ghost type Pokemon Masters."

Gou, "You were tested by Miss Agatha?"

Chloe accepted the plate of rice and sweet and spicy curry, "Yup, I must say Miss Agatha may look like a sweet old lady, her battle skills are nothing to scoff at."

Max giggled, "She is a very famous Ghost type Master. I think even the Ghost type Masters from other regions request her help from time to time."

Ash, "They do, it's pretty cool, isn't it?"

Brock, "How is your training for the Grand Festival coming?"

Misty, "I want to battle you. I need help with Kingdra too."

Ash, "Tyrantrum has only battled with other typings so far. Dragon types are rare in Kanto, so why not."

Misty, "Awesome!"

Gou gave her a smug grin, "So, you and Rudy?"

Misty spluttered and choked on her fish egg rice ball, "No, I mean yes? I mean we decided to focus on our careers first. I want to become a Water type Master and Rudy wants to become the Island Guardian of Trovitopolis."

Ash nodded, "I remember the political mess a few years ago. It was all over the news."

Melody winced, "I remember that incident, the island Chief was very disappointed in the Mayor. He had known the Mayor as a child and to see him turn out that way."

Brock nodded, "I understand the feeling."

Gou spoke quietly, "Are you thinking about your parents?"

Chloe, "Hey, they are trying their best to make up for it, right?"

Brock, "Sometimes I worry."

Ash looked at him worried, "You good?"

Brock smiled, "I will be fine, don't worry."

Misty, "You know you can talk to us right?"

Brock, "Yes, I know."

Serena, "We got your back."

Max and everyone else nodded in agreement at the sentiment making the young adult smile at them. They relaxed and gossiped about the latest security details being added around the museum where the Legendary weapon was located. It was not really a secret, basically everyone knew about it's legend and reason of creation which was to protect Altomare. The next few days was luckily peaceful, the most exciting thing that the trainers and citizens of Altomare saw were two dragon types fighting each other. Lance was eyeing them from the security feed feeling very proud of the young Aura users who had come so far in their journeys.

Lance eyed Brock who was in the centre taking care of Pokemon that were being brought in by the trainers. He just need to find a Dragon type for Brock and they would have a trine of Dragon Pokemon using Aura users. He was sure the others will not mind the idea, Claire and Tyson were all for it and had agreed to keep an eye out for a Dragon Pokemon that would be compatible with Brock. The three Aura users felt a shiver go down their spines, the last time they felt this way was when a Legendary had decided to kidnap Ash. They looked around warily, Ash had told them about the Latias and Latios clan that lived in Altomare.

Serena noticed their distraction, "Everything okay?"

Max, "You have been quiet for a while."

Misty, "You know the feeling you get right before a Legendary decides they deserve your attention more."

Gou nodded slowly, "A little too much, yes."

Ash, "We just had the feeling we were being claimed."

Serena looked around, "Could it be Latias and Latios?"

Misty, "I do not think they mean any harm like the others."

Ash, "But with the Gonzalez situation it is better to be wary."

Max, "Agreed!"

The last day was spent relaxing and Ash gave his Pokemon the special treat he usually did before a big event. The Pokemon who had been tensed since leaving Mt Silver range relaxed under the gentle yet firm massage Ash gave them. The next day it was time for the Grand Festival and the opening was magnificent, Altomare truly was a beautiful port city. After Porta Vista's debute as a possible tourist place and hist for Grand Festivals other regions had started to gear up their own port Cities. Altomare had been chosen as the host City for the Grand Festival and now the host, Ariene started the opening and introduction of the judges.

Serena swears she was getting a conniption as she saw the same panel of judges for Jhoto's Grand Festival. Those same judges were there for her first Grand Festival and they had been the ones to judge them and now they are here. Melody poked her asking if she was alright and she smiled then looked at the judges which made a look of amused understanding enter the brunette's eyes as she listened to the rules. Melody remembers the three judges, how could she forget when she had seen them just a few weeks ago, they were pretty popular too. Misty was at another point in the stadium with Gou and Max keeping an eye out for trouble.

Melody, "It's started."

Ariene, "Let's welcome our first contestant from Jhoto, the youngest Eevee sister Sakura."

Sakura, "Let's go Sylveon!"

Sylveon, "Sylveon."

Serena, "Oh! Sylveon is so adorable."

Melody, "Casey told me about her. She has a crush on Brock. Apparently he impressed her a lot with his interest in healing."

Serena, "Oh? But aren't Brock and Yellow dating?"

Melody, "They are, and I doubt Brock will ever be interested in her considering he is very loyal."

Serena watched Sylveon's beautiful performance end, "As long as she can move on from the rejection."

Melody, "Serena?"

Serena, "Nothing."

Melody clapped as the performance ended, "It is not nothing. You can talk to me you know?"

Serena, "It's just there are so many dangers out there and Ash, Misty and Brock being aura users will be facing those dangers. I do not want to be a burden to them. I want to keep them safe."

Melody, "All of us do, Serena. You are not alone."

Serena, "Which is why I have decided to focus on becoming strong first not just on beauty and grace. After Misty finishes her challenge in Orange Archipelago I am going to go on a journey through Kanto and do both Gym and Contest. I need to get stronger."

Melody, "Agreed! I will do the same. Guess that means we are rivals now because I am going for both the Kanto Grand Festival and the Championship."

Serena, "You are on!"

Ariene, "Let's give it up for Harley."

Misty perked up, "Oh Harley is here."

Gou, "Yeah, unlike us he took the main road and finished collecting his ribbons before Ash did. He left for Hoenn after that to train in private, at least that's what his social account said."

Max, "He is pretty popular in Hoenn. May is a big fan."

Harley, "Let's go Tentacruel."

Misty, "OMG! Look at that! A shiny."

Ash watched Harley perform till the end, 'He is as flamboyant as ever.'

Lucario, -Meema, you are next. Ready?-

Ash, "Always ready."

Ariene, "A very magnificent performance by Harley. Next let's give it up for Ash Ketchum."

Ash, "Let's go Noctowl."

Noctowl appeared in an array of air cutter moves, -Hello everyone!-

Ash grinned at the surprised looks from the audience, "Moonblast, psychic and shadow ball."

Noctowl cooed and created moon blast and used psychic to manipulate the moon blast and twirl it around her. Next she created a shadow ball breaking it into three and then used psychic again to manipulate it and moon blast around her. Ash then called out for Acrobatics and Noctowl flew around using the move to fly and dodge around the moon blast and shadow ball combo. Ash then called for heat wave a move they had been working on for a while now, by increasing the heat in Noctowl's sunny day move. It had taken intense training with both Charizard and Magmar but she had succeeded and the moon blast and shadow ball disappeared as sunny day shone.

Contesta, "Very fascinating play of light."

Sukizo, "Remarkable."

Nurse Joy, "You can easily tell Noctowl is well cared for from it's plumage and well trained just from the fact she can use psychic abilities to communicate with us."

Noctowl puffed up proudly, -I have a wonderful trainer.-

Ash, "Sabrina was a great help as well. She really deserves her title as the Psychic Master."

Sukizo, "Oh my! So, Miss Sabrina helped you?"

Ash, "She said when I catch a psychic Pokemon or hatch one I should contact her right away. "

Nurse Joy smiled, "Well young man, I for one am very pleased to know you do not let prude get in the way of asking help. Many trainers derail their training because of their ego and desire to do things by themselves."

Ash could see screw trainers in the stadium wince at that, 'Ooof! Right where it hurts.'

Arienne, "A huge round of applause for Ash who is going to the next round."

Ash waved as he left, "So how was it?"

Noctowl, -Fun, we should do it again.-

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