

Entei grunted as he approached the main crystal structure, he had not expected so much trouble when he went out. The trainers were one thing but Team Rocket, they sounded like down right trouble. The human he caught seemed wary of that woman, and that made Entei narrow his eyes in anger, no one was allowed to interfere. The Unown who were connected with Entei noticed the agitation coming from him and decided to snoop around.

Unown, -Trouble!-

Unown, -Danger.-

Unown, -Must protect.-

Unown, -Team Rocket is trouble.-

Unown, -Increase the defense.-

Molly perked up seeing Entei return, "Papa you are back... Who is that?"

Entei, -I brought you a mama.-

Molly tilted, "She's my mama? Really?"

Entei nodded placing the unconscious person on the bed, -Unfortunately we were attacked by a group called Team Rocket.-

Molly paled, "Team Rocket? Papa are you okay? They are dangerous."

Entei rumbled trying to comfort her, -Papa is fine and unhurt. Mama was furious they were here.-

Molly looked back at the pretty lady, "Mama was?"

Entei nodded, -Mama is a strong fighter.-

Akako was waking up feeling lethargic, "What? Where am I?"

Molly was infront of her, "Mama you are awake. We were so worried."

Akako looked at her blankly, "Mama? Are you talking about me?"

Molly, "Yes, yes."

Molly looked at her worried, "Mama are you alright? You and Papa were attacked by Team Rocket."

Akako felt something flip like a switch, "TEAM ROCKET! Molly? Molly, is it really you?"

Molly giggles, "Of course it's me mama."

Akako muttered, "Mama? Ah I see, so that's what happened."

Molly, "What's wrong mama?"

Akako shook her head, "Nothing we need to be ready though. Team Rocket does not give up easily and Entei is a power catch for them."

Molly looked scared, "No I don't want to loose Papa or Mama again. Please don't disappear again. I don't want to be alone."

Akako hugged her, "Shhhh! Shhhh! Do not cry, we will not give up easily. Okay, Mama is a trainer and your.... Papa is a powerful Legendary."

Entei nodded as Molly looked at him, -Your Mama is correct, believe in us Molly, you must believe in us. We will be alright.-

Molly wiped her eyes, "Yes, you are right Papa, I won't cry, I will stay strong."

Akako, "Good girl."

Abra, -Meema, Lucario is calling me using aura.-

Akako, 'Ah! Sorry for not answering Lucario.'

Lucario, -Meema, are you alright?-

Akako, 'I'm fine. I found Molly too, Entei was taking care of her but something strange is going on here.'

Lucario, -The Unown? You told me about this before.-

Ash, 'Yes, but they feel more agitated and wary. Not to forget that admin appearing out of nowhere. Stay safe. I have Cyndaquill, Tyrantrum, Heracross and Abra with me at the moment.'

Lucario, -I understand, but stay safe please.-

Akako, 'You as well.'

Molly turned on the television where the news reporter was reporting his kidnapping on live television. Ash winced at that realizing this was being broadcasted world wide, his mom, aunt and cousins probably knew about it by now. And Ash was right in thinking that, Delia had just helped Mr Mime and Gardevoir welcome a new baby Ralts. Then she had turned on the television to watch the news only to see Ash in a new outfit. It was a well made outfit and if she had been anyone else she would have been fooled into thinking that was a lovely Lady from Jhoto.

Ash looked really cute with the young Pokemon around him giving him flower crowns to wear. He was joined by Gou and Serena who were in their own outfits and different hair colors. It was going fine till Entei of all Pokemon appeared out of nowhere and them they were attacked by Team Rocket. She paled when the Team Rocket member introduced herself as an admin and attempted to capture Entei. Only for Entei to retaliate and knock out the Pokemon and the humans before picking Ash up and disappearing.

"Delia? Delia? Please answer me."

"Aunt Lia, Aunt Lia."

"Pi pikapi!"

"Delia, come on baby sis, now is not the time to space out. Ash needs us."

Delia woke up at that, "Huh? Rose? Red? Oh! Pikachu! I had a horrible nightmare. I thought Ash was kidnapped by Team Rocket."

Red, "Team Rocket, didn't kidnap Ash, Aunt Lia, although... "

Pikachu, "Pikachu!"

Rose, "I'm not sure any Legendaries running off with humans is a kidnapping either, to be honest."

Delia, "What?"

Red, "We are going to Jhoto by Alakazam travel, Aunt Lia, do you wish to join us? I know Silver will meet us there."

Delia, "Of course I'm coming. That's my son. Just let me get my A - team first."

Red perked up, "Oh yeah! You are not just a Top Master Coordinator but also an ex - agent from Hoenn."

Delia, "Damn right I am! And I am not letting my baby deal with this mess alone."

Pikachu, "Pika pika pikapi."

Delia, "Of course, you can come with us Pikachu."

Delia checked on Mr Mime and put him in charge of the house and the restaurant and went to Professor Oak. There she contacted Professor Birch and Professor Rowan and requested for her A - teams from the two regions. She received the Pokemon who were currently available, the others were currently busy helping the Rangers. Delia took the two sets, the first one having four pokeballs and the second one have three and joined Red outside. Rose was looking at her worriedly and Delia smiled at her saying she would stay safe and sound and keep in touch.

Rose, "It's just Team Rocket..... Well, I talked with Giovanni and he warned me they were Gonzalez's people. They would not think twice about killing you."

Red, "We understand mom. We will be safe, I promise."

Delia, "Yes, we will come back safely and hopefully with Ash in tow."

Rose nodded taking out a basket, "Silver is no doubt already there. Take this and give it to him. These are cookies for him and poketreats for his Pokemon."

Delia smiled, "I'm sure, he will love these Rosie. We will check on him and make sure he knows he is always welcome here."

Red, "Alakazam, time to go."

Alakazam, -Ready! Teleport!-

Delia opened her eyes and saw a beach, "This place is.. "

Red, "Olivine City, the closest beach to Greenfield Valley."

Delia, "If we fly from here we can reach them in two hours. Good thinking Red."

Red, "Come Charizard."

Delia, "Skarmory! Let's do this."

Skarmory and Charizard took to the Sky and flew towards the Greenfield valley. On reaching the outskirts of the Valley, they were joined by Silver and Gold. The red head was surprised to see Delia on a fierce looking Skarmory and was honestly speaking impressed. Silver knew Delia was an Ex - Agent, but he didn't expect her to get involved in this situation, it would put her civvie life in jeopardy. Delia knowing what Silver was probably thinking smiled and told him not to worry taking put a pink wig, blue eye lens, a fake mole and a lolita dress.

Delia grinned, "Ta - Da! Call me Kiryuu from now on okay?"

Pikachu gave a thumbs up, "Pi pika!"

Red sweat dropped, "I think I can see where Ash got his ability to dress up so fast."

Gold nodded, "Totally, if Ash had not warned me of his new costume I would have legit thought that was Akako's reincarnation being carried away by Entei."

Silver, "It is a good idea."

Kiryuu grinned, "That's my boy. And I'm going to help him."

Red, "I can see the crystal area and Lucario is there too."

Kiryuu, "Let's go... Wait, it's that woman. Is that a tank? Oh Mew! They are planning on using a tank on the structure. The destruction would be unimaginable."

Red, "Gold, Silver and I can take care of that. Can you deal with that woman?"

Kiryuu, "Works for me. I have a bone to pick with that bitch. Just be careful you three."

Pikachu's cheeks lit up with thunder, "Pika!"

Kiryuu, "Pikachu and I have a bone to pick with her. No one threatens Ash and gets away with it."

Red, "Let's go boys. We have a battle tank to hijack."

Silver, "On it, Fearrow, steel wing. Full power do not hold back."

Gold, "Aerodactyle, use ancient power on the same area"

Fearrow and Aerodactyle nodded and the two attacked the large tank using steel wing and ancient power. Red meanwhile ordered Charizard to focus her attack on the place Fearrow and Aerodactyle hit. They would have to make a hole to enter the battle tank and shut it down from the inside. Kiryuu and Pikachu had already attacked Annie getting an annoyed huff from the admin who brought out three Houndooms and four Graveller to battle them. Kiryuu grinned ferally and summoned her Swampert and Hisuian Typhlosion to battle them as Skarmory gave air support.

Silver, "Just a bit more, use hyper beam on that point."

Red watched as a very focused hyper beam was shot and cut through the weakened armor, "Nice! Let's get inside."

Silver, "Yeah!"

Lucario in the mean time was looking at the river, -I managed to contact Abra and Akako. They are safe.-

Nagato, "That's a relief."

Chizu muttered, "Yeah!"

Sorrel looked up as a blast was heard, "What is that?"

Verity, "It sounded like it came from over there."

Nagato took out his phone, "That is the Champion battling with Team Rocket. Look!"

On the news the reporter was talking about a group of trainers battling Team Rocket and Champion Gold entering the battle tank alongside two others. All of them paled on seeing the large battle tank out here of all places, they had wondered what happened to it after it's failed attack on Charicific valley a few weeks ago. No wonder no one knew where it was, it had been hidden in Greenfield valley, the last place anyone would think about searching.

Kasumi was freaking out, "We need to get them out of there like yesterday!"

Yuri nodded seriously, "Yes, there is no guarantee their attacks won't destroy this place."

Hanabi, "Come on guys! We need to get inside that place."

Lucario, -Come on then! What are you waiting for?-

Momo, "The water has not been crystallized."

Masumoto, "Nice one Lucario."

Breloom, "Bre breloom. Bre!"

They looked up at Breloom's warning and their eyes widened on seeing a missile headed their way. Lucario shouted at the to get down while manipulating his aura to change the missiles trajectory upwards. Seeing what Lucario was tempting to do Kasumi called Psyduck and ordered him to use confusion to help Lucario push the missile away. Verity brought out her Slow Bro and had her help the two Pokemon put as well, not wanting to be blown up. They all breath a sigh of relief as the missile flew upwards instead of towards them and blew up.

Masumoto leaned against Breloom, "Thank you Breloom. You saved us."

Ralts nodded, -Yeah, you are a hero.-

Breloom blushed, "Loom bre loom."

Lucario, -We need to hurry, there is no guarantee we can avoid the other missiles.-

Sorrel, "He is right, let's go.... Um I don't know your name Sir."

Lucario, -Call me Leo!-

Nagato, Chizu, Masumoto, Momo, Yuri, Kasumi and Hanabi looked away, Lucario looked like a human wearing a Lucario mask with that battle Yukata on. If they had not been there when he first brought the get up, they would have been fooled too. Lucario acted more like a human then a Pokemon when Ash was not around, it was only when the dark haired teen was present he relaxed. But they could understand somewhat why he was like that though, Ash did not hide the fact he was raising his Pokemon to be able to function independently if anything happened to him.

Akako was frowning, "Oh this is not good."

Molly, "Mama what are they doing?"

Akako, "Molly, do you have any other clothes, fancy ones and colorful wigs?"

Molly looked at her, "Yes, why mama?"

Akako, "Bring them here, hurry. We need to be ready to fight. Gengar, Phantump, are you there?"

Gengar appeared from the shadows in the wall, "Geng gengar."

Phantump appeared from Ash's shadow, "Pha phan."

Akako, "Have you located the Unown?"

Phantump nodded, "Phaaaaaa!"

Molly, "Mama here are the stuff you wanted."

Akako nodded and told Molly to strip to her inner wear as she was going to dress her up really pretty like a Princess. Molly brightened up on hearing that and got rid of her outer wear and started to talk about being a Princess with mama as Queen and Papa as the King. Phantump and Gengar watched the young human and giggled getting her attention and making her gasp.

Molly, "Mama who are they?"

Akako, "They are my Pokemon, and they are keeping an eye on what is going on. Here put this kimono on. From now on your name is Orihime, the Princess of Northern Jhoto."

Molly, "Yay! You hear that Papa I'm a Princess."

Entei, -You can be anything you want Molly.-

[A. N.: To be continued.....

Ara the battle tank has returned and causing trouble.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.]

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