

Two days after the events, Ash and the group were still at Charicific valley. They had their own personal reasons for stocking around the place though. Brock was helping the medics help the hurt Pokemon while Casey and her team were distracting the Alphas by battling them. It helped the medics quite a lot as they didn't have to worry about pissed off Alphas roasting them just because healing could be painful sometimes. Like when trying to recalibrate a broken bone back in place or heal an infected area. Max and Gou spent most of their time in the library of the Charicific valley.

It was created by the first founder of the Charizard temple who wrote down his accomplishments and failures hoping it would guide the future protectors of the valley. In Ash's humble opinion, the gigantic library that reached six levels underground was a Charizard nerd's heaven. Especially with all the adventures written by different Charizard trainers. The dark haired teen is pretty sure almost all Charizard trainers visited the temple at least once. Lance, Leon, Cynthia (she has a Charizard?), Falkner, Blaine, Red, Blue and Silver certainly did and now he was here too and could bet Richie would end up here one day. As for Ash, well he was there for two reasons, one Charizard who was getting used to training between Charicific valley and Falkner's training. The second reason would be, he was being clingy.

Silver, "Food for thought?"

Ash, "Yeah, I just noticed every trainer who has a Charizard has their name written somewhere in the library."

Silver sat next to him, "This place is meant for the Charizard line. A Sanctuary if you will. Did you know? The person who created this temple was the first Aura Guardian to connect to Charizard the way you do?"

Ash, "Yeah, Gou showed me the scroll, I must admit, I'm kinda relieved there's something on it. I was worried I would be tackling it blind."

Silver looked at him suspiciously, "Have you been training after being told not to mess with your aura for six months?"

Ash shook his head, "No, though I am very tempted to try. Charizard is a little miffed we can't train yet but excited too. It's just six months left not seven anymore. We will manage."

Silver chuckled, "Good, or I'm sicking Yellow on you."

Absol who had started to see a bit yipped, "Sol."

Ash, "Charizard has gotten used to his routine so I think we will start traveling by tomorrow morning. Most of the hurt Pokemon are healed and I'm pretty sure the Alphas are getting tired of Casey's challenges."

Silver laughed at that, "I have no doubt. Gou and Max seem to be enjoying themselves in the library though Liza looks like she wants to throw them out."

Ash, "Yeah, it's high time we hit the road again."

Silver, "You don't want to go?"

Ash, "No, I mean yes, I mean well, I want to go but I'm don't want to leave?"

Silver hummed, "How about I travel with you for a bit? Till the next gym."

Ash perked up, "Yeah? I would like that."

Silver smiled ruffling his hair getting an indignant shout from the dark haired teen who grinned and laughed after a bit. The group plus Silver left on the journey the next day early morning and Ash would not admit it but he was happy Silver agreed to travel with them. The last two days he had called his therapist, and talked about what happened and had come to the realization that, he was reacting to almost loosing someone close to him. It would take a while for him to calm down and stop clinging.

Brock nudged him during dinner, "Are you alright?"

Ash who was making sweet caramel toffee looked at him, "Yes, I am alright, I'm just.... "

Brock, "Scared he will disappear?"

Ash stopped stirring for a while before restarting, "Kinda I guess, I have been talking to my therapist and we came to a conclusion that I'm reacting to almost loosing him."

Brock nodded, "I understand honestly, I would have reacted the same way if my siblings were almost hurt."

Ash, "Brock.... thanks."

Brock, "No problem. Now lunch is ready everyone."

Silver, "Sweet, are those caramel toffees?"

Ash, "Yeah, it's for after lunch."

Brock, "We are having mabo dofu which is spicy tofu, ebi chiri which is shrimp in a sweet and spicy chilli sauce and kimchi nabe which is hot pot made with karashi mentaiko."

Casey, "Ooooh! Spicy lunch, it's been a while."

Max, "It smells spicy and delicious."

Ash, "Dig in everyone."

Silver, "Don't mind if we do."

"Thank you for the food."

After lunch they traveled more and came across a large field where a decent sized colony of Sentret and Furret lived. Gou rushed off to catch one while Max and Shroomish ended up playing with some of the new born Pokemon. Eevee, Abra and Absol who had started to walk played around the field as the humans set up camp for the night. Gou returned with a Sentret and a shiny Furret getting a surprised look from Casey.

Casey, "I think your luck is similar to Ash when it comes to Shiny Pokemon."

Gou blinked, "You think so?"

Casey waved her hands, "Look around! Only the two of you have Shiny Pokemon in the whole group."

Silver sweat dropped, 'I want to point out I have a shiny Pokemon but..... Nah!'

Casey was still going on a rant over how Shiny and Albino Pokemon were rare and hard to find in the wild let alone catch one. Ash passed her the plate and Max chimed in saying that most people got a Shiny Pokemon at the breeding centres. Casey nodded in agreement and went off on another rant about Shinies and Albinos prompting Gou to start talking about the percentage rarity. Ash, Brock and Silver just shrugged and let their chatter washed over them as they enjoyed lunch.

Lucario noticed Chikorita frowning, -What is the matter sister?-

Chikorita looked up at him frowned and grumbled, "Chi chiko ri ri ta, chi ri ta, chiko chikorita." (I am just frustrated at myself, I have been training hard, but I don't see any improvement.)

Lucario nodded, -I understand, the basic training can be frustrating but it is important if we want to use power moves safely.-

Chikorita, "Chi ko ri?" (Will I really be able to?)

Lucario, -We know you will, training requires perseverance, which leads to strength, which leads to power moves. So persevere!-

Chikorita, "Chiko ko." (I'll try my best.)

Pikachu, "Pikapi pika." (We'll help you.)

Chikorita, "Chi!" (Thanks!)

Venasaur, "Venasaur vena ve venasaur." (Just remember not to push yourself too hard and keep a routine.)

Chikorita nodded and Venasaur offered to teach her sunny day and aromatherapy, two moves that helps in re-energising and healing themselves and others. Venasaur pointed out that once the battle was over, there is a new type of fight to be dealt with and that was healing the wounded. There are very few Pokemon who can heal other Pokemon around them outside the Chansey line and it takes longer for those not part of that line to learn. It took Venasaur a lot of intensive training before he could learn to heal other Pokemon without hurting them. Venasaur told her, he only had one regret in life and that was not learning to heal as a Bulbasaur.

Chikorita thought back to the last few days and winced on remembering how distraught Ash had been and stuck around the older red head human. She had been confused at first but Lucario soon explained why Ash was acting clingy and following the older human around. She felt bad for her trainer but she also realized there was nothing she could do to help her trainer and that frustrated her quite a lot. Chikorita took up Venasaur's offer to learn the healing arts and the two would move further away from the others as Venasaur instructed her.

Lucario approached Ash on the first night, -Meema?-

Ash looked up from playing with Abra, Eevee and Absol, "What's up Luc?"

Lucario, -Chikorita has decided to learn healing, we'll have to add that to her training routine.-

Ash nodded, "I sort of expected her to be interested after meeting Casey's Meganium and Venasaur. They are both capable of healing others, aren't they?"

Lucario, -Yes, so I suppose we might have to drop Chikorita off with Venasaur from time to time so she can learn from him.-

Ash, "It'll be good for her, perhaps she will heal herself too."

Lucario tilted his head, -Do you think so?-

Ash, "She watched her trainer die right infront of her. That type of heart break takes time to heal, remember the case Lt Surge told us about back during the conference?"

Lucario, -The one with the crazy Pokemon?-

Ash nodded, "I did a bit of snooping around and as it was an incident of ten years ago, I figured Professor Oak might have a clue. I was right, the Pokemon turned out to be a Venasaur who watched his trainer get tortured to death as an Ivysaur. When Ivysaur fought back the group of Team Rocket back then beat Ivysaur up and tortured him before leaving him to die. That's when the second trainer found him, almost dead and spent three months healing him. The case is very heartbreaking."

Lucario winced, -That.... I see, I can't blame Venasaur for what he did then.-

Ash, "No one does, anyone who has a problem with it can answer my gun."

Lucario, -Speaking of how is your training coming along?-

Ash, "I wish I didn't have to use a gun, but I'll do what I can to protect those important to me."

Abra, -Meema, play with us. Please?-

Ash smiled, "Of course, little loves. Lucario join us, please?"

Abra, -Join join!-

Eevee, "Vui."

Absol, "Sol."

Lucario laughed and chased the little ones around as Ash followed them grinning, he was taking a break from training with Silver at the moment. Silver's training regime was more demanding then the training regime Ash came up with but the dark haired teen didn't mind. It kept his mind off of the dark thoughts that brewed. They traveled towards Azalea town and along the way they saw many grass types, Violet City was filled with flying types and Azalea town looked like a haven for grass types. Soon they came across a farm that seem to house Hoppip, Skiploom and Jumpluff.

Silver, "One sec everyone, I want to introduce you to a friend."

Casey, "Sure."

Silver, "Mariah? Yoshi? You guys in here?"

Ash watched curiously as a green haired lady and a blond man came out and brightened up on seeing Silver. The couple as it turned out were ex Rangers and had trained Silver in self defense after he had almost gotten killed when trying to sabotage one of Team Rocket's schemes. The couple were happy to see Silver again and invited him and the group for dinner with them.

Ash leaned on the balcony of the guest room he was sharing with Silver, 'Ex Ranger? This is completely different from the anime. But then again this world is more dangerous.'

Lucario, -Something in your mind, Meema.-

Ash, "Mmmm, yeah, you know, Mariah was originally a single caretaker of the Hoppip?"

Silver, "You talking about the other world?"

Ash, "Yeah, Red probably told you right?"

Silver, "He mentioned you were alone in that world that we were not there."

Ash nodded, "I'm glad I'm not alone."

Silver, "He also said, you had to deal with the Legendaries alone in that world."

Ash, "Thankfully that's not the case here and I have a good team watching my back."

Silver, "You know the next town we are going to is famous for it's vigilante."

Ash, "Huh?"

Silver chuckled, "Yeah that was my expression too. But it turns out said vigilante are actually two Detectives who know what they are doing."

Ash, "I'm surprised the League let them carry on."

Silver, "So far they have stopped Team Rocket and at one point Team Cipher who wanted to steal the infamous Gligar stone."

Ash, "Mega stone?"

Silver, "You know about that?"

Ash, "Professor Oak had a conference with Professor Sycamore during the winter hols and it was explained to me. His assistant who goes by Alain was excited by the idea of not requiring the key stones to activate the mega evolution. I didn't have the heart to tell him it was aura only well I couldn't tell him."

[A. N.: Welp, my two week break is over.

Back to the old routine.

Back to work.]

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