

Brock was studying hard for an exam currently, they had come across a facility where exams were held and depending on how many marks you get, you either qualified for the league or you didn't. Ash was not interested in the written exams preferring to win battles, ribbons and travel the world instead of just passing a test, but Brock thought it would be a good way for him to test himself. Ash offered to take care of Corsula while he was giving the exam and since the exam lasted for six hours, two hours each for three parts, they decided to spend time at the adjoining park.

Lucario looked around frowning, -Strange.-

Milotic, -What is wrong?-

Lucario mumbled, -I feel watched.-

Fearrow grumped, "Row fearrow."

Milotic, -I don't see anything out of the ordinary either. Let's just be careful anyway.-

Ash meanwhile was focused on the double Pokemon battle, "Squirtle use scald, and Charmeleon use flamethrower."

The hot water heated more by the flame thrower hit the opponents straight on knocking them out. Tomo cheered as Ash won although Ash had to wonder why they were getting challenged so many times. After the sixth challenge Misty had put her badges inside her badge case again instead of wearing them. She had grumbled about upstart trainers obssessed with battling before saying nope and hiding her badges.

Ash cheered, "We won, great job Charmeleon, Squirtle."

Charmeleon and Squirtle smirked before the two of them started to glow and become bigger making Tomo gasp. It was the first time he was seeing an evolution and he was filled with awe as Squirtle and Charmeleon became bigger and one of them even grew wings. Tomo watched as Ash laughed as he was glomped by Charizard and Wartotle who happily licked his face. Tomo ran towards the three of them but stopped in front of them unsure, Charizard looked at the young human before picking him up and adding him and his egg to the pile getting a squeal.

Ash chuckled, "Do not think you are escaping from a health check up."

Charizard huffed, "Rrrrrrrrr!"

Wartotle laughed, "Totle totle totle."

Ivysaur watched them from his place beside the two girls, "Ivy saur."

Tomo gasped, "It's hatching."

The egg had started to move around and Ash and the other Pokemon moved back to give Tomo some space, as Misty and the others joined them at a distance. Tomo started to coo some encouragement as the glow became brighter and brighter and finally the Pokemon was born. It was a Growlithe that too an albino one, they congratulated Tomo on hatching his first Pokemon. Tomo's eyes were sparkling with happiness as he held the little puppy close to him, he had always wanted a Growlithe especially after seeing the Arcanine Officer Jenny had.

Before Ash could get up however Charizard moved to cover him, Tomo and the pup protectively while Wartotle stood in front of them ready to battle. Misty was about to ask what was wrong when something blew past them all before turning back and slowly flying towards them. They were all very surprised to see a Dragonite infront of them and Ash could not help but tense a little when he reached out to give Ash an invite.

Ash, "Thank you?"

Charizard growled in warning as Ash opened the envelope and a small hologram figure started to talk, "Greetings trainer, from my Master. My Master, the greatest Pokemon trainer of all, has watched your battles and wish to formally invite you to his place where the strongest trainers will gather together battle it out for the title of No 1 Pokemon trainer. Do you accept the invite?"

Ash, "Uhhhhhh..... So this is happening."

Jessilina, "Are you going to accept?"

Jameson, "You are not obliged to you know? We don't even know who it is."

The hologram spoke as if it heard Jameson, "I assure you my Master is the real deal and would be very delighted to have you and your friends there."

Misty deadpanned, "That doesn't sound creepy at all."

Duplica, "So what you gonna do Ash?"

Ash turned to his Pokemon as he said, "I'll be honest I'm very curious about this, what do you guys think?"

Lucario frowned, he didn't want to go and said so, -If it's on the way to Cinnabar Island then I don't mind, if not.-

The hologram spoke up, "New Island is actually located just before Cinnabar Island."

Duplica deadpanned, "Right..... Definitely not creepy."

Ash sighed, "Guess we could check it out, but we won't stay long, deal."

Charizard had not taken his eyes off from Dragonite who was still watching Ash and that made the fire lizard bristle. He got up and stood infront of Ash covering him from the Dragon Pokemon's view and snarled at him telling him to back off. The Dragon Pokemon stepped back but didn't move far as Ash ticked on the 'Yes', before giving the envelope to the Dragonite who took it and flew away again.

Ash, "Did anyone feel like they were being watched? Or was it just me getting paranoid?"

Meowth rubbed his face, "Wasn't j'st ya."

Misty nodded, "That was so weird."

Ash, 'I hope I didn't make a mistake that will result in me dead.'

Duplica, "I think Brock is almost done, let's go pick him up."

Brock greeted them as they met up, "I passed with flying colors and if I ever want to take part in the league, I just need to show this badge to them. Oh, did the egg hatch? Congrats Tomo, you got your own Pokemon now."

Tomo, "Thank you and congratulations as well."

Misty, "Congratulations Brock though it's not my style but still, great job getting your own badge."

Duplica, "Yeah, great job, Brock."

Brock looked at Ash who was looking around, "Ash.... What's wrong?"

Ash, "Huh? Oh Brock, did you pass? Congratulations."

Brock, "Thank you but seriously what's the matter?"

Jameson proceeded to tell Brock about their little encounter earlier and Brock's eyebrows rose really high as he turned to Ash, "Please tell me you declined."

Ash, "I was curious so I accepted it? Eh he he he he he he! Also it's on the way to Cinnabar Island so it's fine I think. We can rest up there and train a bit."

Brock sighed, "Fine but the first sign of trouble and we leave, no arguments got it?"

Misty, Duplica and Ash agreed to that and Tomo agreed because they were agreeing, then they left the facility towards the centre to give the Pokemon and the newly born Growlithe a check up. Once that was done they left for the Eastern Kanto port where they could get a boat that would take them to Cinnabar Island only to find the port was in complete chaos. The Nurse Joy in charge of the centre had gone missing a few days ago and Ash winced looking at the storm brewing outside. The ferry rides had all been cancelled because of the storm and Ash sighed wondering what to do when he saw a familiar face.

Ash, "Red? That you?"

Red put a finger up, "No one knows I'm here, call me big bro, for now."

Ash nodded, "Big bro, it is. That sounds so yakuza though."

Misty snickered, "What are you doing here?"

Red, "I heard news about a powerful trainer challenging other trainers so I came to check it out."

Red whispered, "Mewtwo and Charizard are outside observing the situation."

Ash, "Charmeleon evolved into Charizard too, I bet he would love to show his mother how far he came. I'll be back!"

Jameson, "Actually how about we all go, this place is too rowdy right now."

Red nodded, "That's probably for the best."

Ash released Charizard once outside, "Look who's there Charizard."

Charizard looked up and was delighted seeing his mother, he flew up towards her and the two Shiny Charizards flew together playing with flamethrower before coming down. Red's Charizard was very pleased from what Ash could tell and was probably praising her son from the smug look his Charizard was currently sporting. Mewtwo landed invisible infront of Ash and quietly greeted him and Ash greeted him back just as subtly, it would not do to scare their watcher away. They had decided Red, Brock, Corsula and Red's Charizard would fly together just like Ash, Tomo, Phantump, Growlithe and Ash's Charizard would, Fearrow would carry Misty, Dewpider and Duplica while Red's shiny Pidgeot would carry Jessilina, Jameson and Meowth.

Aside from them there were a few other trainers who were using their Pokemon to cross the stormy ocean and get to New Island. They flew through the harsh winds and storm that felt very angry to Ash for some reason and soon he could see the outline of New Island up ahead. Red's Charizard rumbled as she flew down towards the island followed by others in a line to be greeted by the woman from the hologram.

The woman spoke, "Welcome to New Island, my Master has been waiting for you."

Brock, "You look familiar, have we met?"

The woman replied, "Impossible I have been serving my Master for years. Now this is the lobby, my Master will join you soon enough, you may release your Pokemon and relax till then."

Ash lit up seeing a familiar face, "Drew! This is a surprise, a very pleasant one."

Drew smiled, "Hi Ash! Guess you got an invite too."

Ash, "Yup, these are all your Pokemon then?"

Drew nodded, "Yup! You already know Roserade, the others are Milotic, Blastoise, Bayleef, Ninetales and Butterfree."

The Pokemon greeted back and Ash released the rest of his Pokemon which were Wartotle, Ivysaur, Kingler, Milotic, Togepi and Chimchar who greeted them. Lucario and Charizard were observing the place while Phantump was on Ash's shoulder. Drew was a bit surprised by the Chimchar and Ash explained Chimchar and Phantump were not battling Pokemon as they were honestly too young at the moment. Drew understood, he had a poke egg in his bag that had not hatched yet either. Next Fergus, Neesha and Corey introduced themselves and their Pokemon who greeted them quiet enthusiasticly. Misty and the others had released their Pokemon too waiting for something to happen when the woman spoke up again.

Woman, "Behold my Master the greatest Pokemon trainer of all times, Mewtwo."

Fergus, "Wait wait wait a minute! Hold up! I thought only the Champion of Kanto had a Mewtwo?"

Mewtwo grunted, -I do not know this Champion you speak of.-

Corey, "So you are a wild one then... Lucky us."

Mewtwo, -If you think you can enslave me think again.-

Corey, "If we beat you we can catch you though."

Drew, "He looks pissed."

Mewtwo was angry, -SILENCE! Filthy humans you care for nothing but yourselves. I'm the Master of all Pokemon and I shall bring about a revolution that will eradicate all humans.-

Duplica who hid behind Misty, "Did he just talk about committing genocide?"

Jessilina, "Yes, yes he did."

Seviper hissed, "Seeeeeee!"

Ash, "What do we do?"

Red, "Jessilina, Jameson and Meowth, while we are battling Mewtwo can you three go and snoop around the place a bit. Make sure you search for a way off the island first. This might get messy very fast."

Jameson, "Got it."

Mewtwo looked at Ash's group, -I have not seen those Pokemon before.-

Ash held Chimchar and Phantump wary, "They are originally from other regions, however Phantump was born here in Lavender town."

Mewtwo's tail swished, -Fascinating, he was human, was he not, now a Pokemon. Yes that will work, I'll kill the humans and they can be reborn as Pokemon.-

Ash sweated, "I'm pretty sure that's not how it works."

Corey, "You are talking about committing murder."

Fergus, "Yeah, you bastard."

Neesha, "Only a child can be reborn as a Phantump... Wait... Murder is still wrong."

Drew nudged Jameson and Jessilina away, "I challenge you to a Pokemon battle Mewtwo."

Jameson nodded to Jessilina and whispered, "Let's go."

Mewtwo, -Very well, come my clones. As for you, I don't need you anymore.-

Mewtwo released the woman from his control that turned out to be the missing Nurse Joy from the Pokemon centre. Brock and Duplica ran to help her up, she didn't look hurt just asleep and out of it. From the other side of the room a Venasaur, Blastoise and Charizard walked out but they didn't look normal. Nurse Joy woke up at that moment looking around confused about where she was and why was she not at the centre. Brock and Duplica explained what was going on getting a gasp from Nurse Joy, she remembered taking care of the clones.

Nurse Joy, "It felt like a dream but I remember taking care of them."

Duplica, "Oh, I see, you got attached."

Mewtwo, -Now then shall we battle? I believe the standard battles are three on three. Winner gets to keep all Pokemon.-

Neesha, "WTF?"

Corey, "How is that fair?"

Fergus, "You are crazy."

Ash watched as Mewtwo opened the back wall of the hall they were in and lights came on showing a large stadium. Red frowned as Drew stepped up to battle with his Blastoise first and Mewtwo chose his clone Blastoise to battle then. Drew frowned at the clone, it was a perfect copy of the Red's Mewtwo but there were a few specific differences. He only hoped they will be able to get out of this situation in one piece. Mewtwo watched the opponents in front of him, the two Charizards, Togepi and Pidgeot were Shiny, he had heard how rare Shiny were, he wondered how their clones would look like.

[A. N.: Despite the fact my book is restricted because it has East Asian language in it.

I'm very happy to note it is still being added to collections everyday.]

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