
New Life

The four had to take a week off from school after the Pokemon were born. The first week according to breeders was very important for the young Pokemon to settle down in the environment and meet family members. The four had taken it in stride and had spent the week getting to know their new Pokemon and caring and loving them. Their classmates and friends had been surprised when they had returned to school with the Pokemon in tow and started to ask questions. The teachers herded them back and scolded them for scaring the young Pokemon, especially after just having lessons on newborn Pokemon for a week. It had become compulsory for them to learn the basics at least after the Professor had informed them that the schools would have new additions.

Leaf sat next to her twin, "Congratulations to you both!"

Green, "Those Pokemon are pretty rare in Kanto."

Ash, "Thank you!"

Gary, "Thanks and we know."

Green, "Heard the Professor has made it a point for new trainers to register themselves and their Pokemon at the lab if they come to Pallet."

Leaf nodded, "Yeah man! He made it sound very important too."

Ash rubbed Riolu's head as he smiled, "The Professor believes the eggs were abandoned by a trainer."

Gary nodded hugging Axew, "It's the only way Axew would end up here all the way from Unova."

Green frowned, "That's not nice, couldn't they have left it at the breeding centre or the lab for crying out loud? Why in the middle of the forest?"

Gary sighed, "Some trainers are just irresponsible I guess."

Ash frowned, "I hope it won't be a regular occurrence."

Leaf, "Are you guys going to train them?"

Gary brightened, "Oh definitely! In fact we are already training them, both of them know, head butt, tackle and agility. Axew here is learning bite and dragon dance."

Ash grinned, "Riolu is learning aura sight and force palm. Hopefully we can move to aura sphere soon."

Green, "That's pretty cool!"

Ash, "Riolu is pretty cool isn't he?"

Leaf, "Do you think we could watch you train sometimes?"

Gary shrugged, "Sure, I guess. I don't see why not."

Leaf and Green beamed brightly at their friends at that before getting back to their homework they had. Red and Blue were facing similar questions in their own school from their classmates although they held back their enthusiasm in order not to scare the young Pokemon. The most asked question being about the light orange almost golden colouring Charmender had and whether Blue was planning on becoming a healer.

Red had shrugged, "My Charmander's a special girl that's all."

Charmander had sat up feeling smug at that, she had become very annoyed with all these humans taking her pappy's attention away from her. She was almost tempted to spit fire at them but her pappy had told her she was not allowed to spit fire outside of battle as it was rude and dangerous. Happiny on the other hand soaked up the attention and was a favorite among the girls. Blue was feeling a bit smug and at the same time irritated with the amount of inquiries going his way, especially when they asked if he was planning on becoming a doctor. He was planning on becoming a Champion thank you very much but repeatedly saying it over and over again was getting on his nerves.

Blue snapped after a while, "What? So you are saying only Pokemon Nurses are allowed to have one of the Chansey line? That's stupid if you must know. I'm going to become a Champion with my Happiny as part of the main battle team."

Happiny gave a fist pump at that making the girls coo at how cute she looked. She had been training with the others and healer Pokemon or not she would become the strongest fighter in Blue's team.

Red sighed hearing his friend snap, although he could not blame him for it, "I think that's enough questions for today. We have class in two minutes."

That had everyone rushing to their respective classes much to Red's amusement.

Red snorted, "Works everytime."

Blue snorted, "There were still ten minutes left."

Red waved it off, "Potato, potahto, close enough! They left didn't they?"

Blue humped, "Well at least we got a few minutes to ourselves."

Red, "They'll soon stop bothering us, Daisy's first Grande Festival will start soon remember? Everyone will be busy watching her. Which means things will get back to normal soon."

Blue nodded, "That's true! I can't wait to start my own journey. I'm going to become a Champion."

Charmander rubbed against Red's leg pleased that the people disturbing them were gone, she was about to loose her temper. Happiny joined Charmander squealing and the two Pokemon walked together between the two boys as they walked towards their own classes. Blue was still feeling irritated with what had happened earlier and complained the whole way, while Red just sighed and pat his shoulder in understanding. After school they met up with Ash and the others and went to the field located adjacent to the berry fields at Professor Oak's lab for a mock battle. Leaf and Green were excited, Ash was going against Red while Gary was going against Blue.

Blue had decided to act as a Referee, "The first match is between Red and Ash. Challengers please call forth your Pokemon."

Red, "Let's go Charmander."

Charmander, "Char!"

Ash, "I choose you Riolu."

Riolu, "Rio!"

Blue, "Begin!"

Red, "Charmander start with flamethrower."

Ash, "Riolu dodge it and attack with force palm."

Red, "Counter with Fire Fang."

The two moves clashed causing a screen of smoke and dust to rise up. Riolu and Charmander separated panting a bit. Even though they were training some attacks still made them tired very easily.

Red, "Alright Charmander, Ember!"

Ash, "Dodge it with agility."

Ash, "Now attack with metal claw."

Red, "Counter with your own metal claw."

The two attacks clashed forcing the Pokemon apart because of the impact. Ash bit his lip, he knew Red was a natural when it came to battling and training. He remembers in the game he was a Champion of Kanto at a young age and considered it a miracle he could even keep up at all.

Ash, "Alright Riolu let's end this, vacuum wave!"

Red, "Charmender, Flare Blitz, point blank range."

The attacks clashed again and when the smoke had cleared away Riolu had fainted with swirls on his eyes while Charmander was still standing but barely. She was close to fainting herself but stubbornly stayed awake.

Blue who was acting as refree called out, "Riolu is unable to battle, the winners are Red and Charmander."

Ash sighed as he recalled Riolu into his Heal ball so he could recover a little and turned to Red who was praising Charmander.

Ash, "That was fun."

Red grinned, "Totally, Riolu's strong we barely won."

Ash smiled, "He is, isn't he? Next time I'll defeat you for sure."

Red laughed, "I look forward to it, little cuz."

Red recalled Charmander into his Cherish ball before the two moved back to the group. Leaf was gushing about how cool the battle was while Green was asking if the Pokemon will be alright. Red assured he they would be fine, as from what he could tell they were simply exhausted. Blue and Gary got ready to battle next and this time Green volunteered to Referee the match.

Welp that was the first time writing a battle scene. Hopefully it only gets better from here.

Ellora25creators' thoughts
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