
Chapter 63: The New Deal

*That day in Salomeh in an area that seemed to be a large villa a man had just knocked on the door. The guards at the entrance automatically blocked*.

- Stop, who's going there?

*The man removed his hood and they could see that he had black skin and blue hair in addition to the runic tattoos that roamed his body. The guards got scared and pulled out their spear*.

-Do... Don't approach demon.

-I came to see the owner.

*But in fear the guards rushed on him. This din ends up attracting the attention of a young woman. She was beautiful, fair-skinned, jet black hair, she wore a silk dress visibly those of the nobles*.

- What is this noise? *she asked*.

*There she noticed the entrance, 4 guards lying on the ground exhaling as if they had run a marathon. The Killick glanced at the lady and her heart skipped a beat. Panicked, she took a step back and started shaking*.

-What... What do you want from us?

*The Killick took a step forward*.

-I'm looking for a person and I was told that he live here.

-We have no relationship with Killicks and I have never seen you in my life. *she said trembling*. Please leave I warn you, we are a noble family, if you mess with us you will regret it bitterly.

-I'm not here for you but to see someone.

-I told you to leave, you monster, are you deaf? *she yelled*.

*The man froze only two steps away from her. He looked her straight in the eye then sighed before turning around*.

-Since you insist. I am leaving.

*The girl then let out a sigh of relief as the door opened wide. A young man in leather pants and a blue shirt appeared. He had a sword in his belt and an armband on his wrist, his brown hair was slicked back*.

- Bauer? What are you doing here?

*The killick immediately turned around and walked towards him, ignoring the girl*.


-Master Arguson do not approach it is dangerous. *state a guard*.

-Dion, do you know this man? *asked the girl*.

-He is my brother. My brother in arms.

*Shortly after the two men met in the backyard to have a glass of mead. They both had a blasé look that looked like ghosts. The young girl from earlier was watching them from afar.*

-Sorry if Bina was mean to you, she just can't see the... Well you know.

-I'm used to it everywhere I go.

-What are you doing at my house?

-I have nowhere to go so I came to squat your room. It took me a long time to find you, you know.

-You must have asked your questions to the wrong people then. Anyway you are welcome to my house.

- Mi casa es su casa huh?

- But rather tell me what you are doing on Salomeh.

*He Drank a horn of mead and looked towards the palace*.

-I am here to train these children. They don't look like it, but some of them have the potential to become Elite before the age of 20


- Are they that good?

-There are some who are already stronger than me. *he says calmly*.

-Wow. *says Dion Shocked*. You're kidding there. But otherwise why 20 years?

*Bauer fill his horn*.

-Because Killicks stop progressing from their 20s.

*Dion looked at him in bewilderment*.

-Or should I say, Progress becomes "catastrophically slow". Once the 20 years reached it is as if the body of Killicks could not store any more power and one remains frozen at this stage during a good moment. Of course there are exceptions and those pass it elite around their 30s or even 40s. But the vast majority of us are subject to this implacable barrier. That's why you have to progress as much as possible before reaching this barrier because after that it's over.

*Hearing him speak with such melancholy saddened Dion a little*.

-And you, how old are you ?

-How old do you think I am ?

*Arguson answered without hesitation*.

-22 years old

- So I'm 22

-Perfect we are the same age.

*They raised a toast and emptied their horn once more*.

- By the way, who was the young girl at the entrance? At first glance, she must be 14 years old.

-She has 14, you're good at estimating, people age don'y you. She's my fiancée.

-Oh, you like them young. *He said drinking a shot*.

-Don't be ridiculous, we were engaged long before we even met. It's like that everywhere I imagine it's worse on Adje.

-It depends on the region. In Ydargos most couples have known each other since childhood, in the Region of Arsiaga they are chosen according to their warrior potential, On Fulgaris the Jenobach have even stranger traditions. And on Arkoni...

*His gaze narrowed and he slightly squeezed his glass*.

-What about Arkoni?

-On Arkoni.... *His mind went blank for a moment*. No, nothing forgets this part of the world, it's better.

*At the same time on Adje in the westernmost region was a dense forest. This forest was the most trapped place of any adje with as many traps and ambushes as poison. It was a rather special region and you needed a permit to go there. And in this forest walked a young lady with a sure step as if she were at home. Dressed in her scholar's outfit, she frolicked while inhaling this poisonous air as if it were a perfume*.

-Aaah, it's good to be home.

*Deep in the woods though, a group of people were watching this woman walking through their forest. They were all women, young girls who for the most part were not even 12 years old*.

-Who is this woman ? *Said one of them*. She breathes in the poison cloud as if it were normal.

-And she triggers no traps as she waddles through the forest.

- Whatever she is an intruder.

*Summoning arrows were fired but the woman kept advancing. Arrows, dagger throws or even point-blank blows, nothing seemed to reach her. The more she advanced, the more the others were afraid to attack her. The young people ended up coming out of their hiding place and attacking her, but strangely none of their attacks reached their goal. It was as if the archers were deliberately aiming aside or the girls weren't trying to hit her. Nevertheless*.

-It's incomprehensible...

*One of the girls rushed in screaming at the top of her lungs but just before hitting her with her blade, the lady looked her straight in the eye. The girl stopped short and she displayed an amused smile*.

- Nice girl. *She said caressing her cheek*.

-What... I can't move.

*Another tried the same but planted her sword in the ground trembling. The lady stunned him with a cuff on the back of the neck*.

- Stop, it's enough. *Said a voice from deep in the forest*.

*A group of much more adult women appeared, and just opposite a younger-looking Killick. She had a tanned complexion, blond hair and a whip made of chain links that she held in her hands. At the end of the whip a needle soaked in poison. She wore latex pants and stilettos, a white top with long sleeves, and a fur coat made from animal skin. She stared at the lady with an amused smile*.

- Hi Seph.

-Yooo, nice to see you again Verona.

*In a flash the whip relaxed and crossed Seph's body tearing off her left arm, but this one having dodged just at the last moment the whip only hit a residual image before destroying a dozen trees behind*.

-Wow Wow, what are those manners. Is that how you greet your best friend after so many years? *She said with a disappointed expression*.

-You should not have avoided my hug in this case. Wait I'll make you another one. don't move. *She said with a murderous smile*.

*In a flash the whip traced shapeless curves to its target. Children could not distinguish these strikes with their bare eyes and adults even less. In a single strike there were already 8 marks on the ground, in the next one their were twenty as if with each strike the number of attacks multiplied. After 6 strikes the trees in front had been leveled and Sephora was standing with some traces of blood on her face and a completely ragged coat*.

- That's enough Vero... I think it enough.

*She retracted the whip and smirked before joining her, ruffling her hair*.

-It's okay, I'm not mad, you know. Come on, let me offer you a drink.

*The other girls including the youngest were surprised*.

-What... Who is this woman to make the master smile like that. *She said shocked*.

-She is a higher rank expert, she is among the strongest expert warriors in Adje. Sephora Hyverson. And the Co-creator of the Arkoni region.

-Huh... But Arkoni is over 50 today, she looks like she's 20.

-Did our master looks her age?

*The little girl swallows*.

-Moreover Sephora has something special, people weaker than her can't just hurt her, it's as if she manipulated your mind.

- It's impossible... Yet I aimed at hhervwith the intention of killing her.

- And no attack has reached its goal, is it?

*The child looks at her scared*.

-This woman...

- Is a real monster, I know.

*The Arkoni region is the youngest region of Adje and has a particular characteristic, it is mainly populated by women. Of course there are men (mostly slaves) who live there but they are in the minority and the women have all the rights over them. Male born killick are treated like any other woman but the society is martriachal. The women of Arkoni are trained to be fierce assassins and ruthless warriors. They have their small plot of land on Adje and anyone who ventures there without permission outside the king will be released with his life. After her more than noticed arrival, Sephora was invited to the big house of the chef*.

-Aaah I missed the tea here.

-I didn't want to cause a scandal because I didn't want to hurt my daughters. But here I will have no remorse to decapitate you.

- You're still mad at me, Vero? I said I was sorry. *She said with a childish voice*.

-I forgave you a long time ago I am an adult.

- You attacked me without warning.

-I just wanted to see if the capital had softened you, that's all.


-No comment. *She said while drinking her tea*.

-Haha true to yourself.

*Her gaze suddenly becomes more serious and she stares at the guards*.

- Get out, I have an urgent matter to discuss.

*Her tone was so dry and threatening that they hesitated to obey. Verona waved at them and they all left the room.*

-What do you want from me Seph?

-I heard that this year at the Selection Arkoni did not send anyone imagine my disappointment, it's been like this for 10 years now. But my son, of whom I am so proud, told me about a warrior with a rather particular style, she even managed to beat Enrikson's son, do you realize?

- Oooh no kidding. *She says jaded*.

-I did my research and in view of the way in which I was described the fighting style I think it is more than obvious.

-It's impossible, I forbade my daughters to leave Arkoni. This law has been in effect for more than 10 years now.

-I know, it's your way of preserving the fighting techniques of the circle. *She said taking a sip*. That didn't stop Marcia from coming to put on a show.

*Verona clawed at the table and a shrill sound went through the room as a vein appeared on her temple*.


-Looks like she slipped away.

*The two women went to one of the towers overlooking the city. In one of the jails at the bottom was a group of young girls who were fighting against mutants created with Killick's blood. From a staircase Verona and Sephora watched the struggling kids. Several of them had already been devoured by monsters*.

-I see that your methods are always so radical. *says Sephora*.

-I wonder with whom I developed these methods already. *She replied ironically*. The girl you're looking for is in this group, the one with the long braids. She awakened her very Efrat very.

*If some of these girls were skinned and devoured, others still managed to get away with it. In particular 2 of them who, despite their small size, slipped between the monsters before opening them in 2 with their daggers*.

- Marcia huh. She's doing better than the older girls, that's a fact.

*As she was slicing a mutant's horn the dagger shattered, she spun around to dodge the fist and descend to her feet before retrieving a sword. There she leapt to the level of her head and her Efrat exploded. She struck several thrusts in the face of the beast which made it bleed*.

- Powerful for her age.

-The Elite generation in all its glory. *Said Verona*.

*After ten minutes of fighting all the mutants were dead*.

-5. Out of 25 girls, that's not terrible. *Fits Verona*.

-Silka, Marcia, you passed the fake test with flying colors. *Said the supervisor*. When to you 3.

*She turned to the 3 survivors and pulled out a steel ring covered in blade*.

-You only hide behind stronger than you in order to survive. Your attitude is unworthy of a Killick.

*She threw her weapon which rushed to decapitate the 3 kids but just before reaching them Sephora suddenly appeared. She grabbed the ring and twirled it around in her fingertips*.

-Always so heartless Bridgette. I told you yet even the weak can have their uses.

*Seeing the aura around her and her blue hair she had no doubts*.

-I....I'm dreaming? *She wondered*....Lady Sephora.

*Verona jumps up and lands a few feet away from her*.

-You don't have to interfere in my business. I don't remember allowing you to interfere with the punishment of the pit. *She said cracking her whip*.

"... Lady Verona?" Lady Sephora? *Brigdet said still in shock*.

-Se... Sephora? *says Silka*. The Co-founder?

*The little girl looked at her with bright eyes but Marcia was dubious. Seph smirked and suddenly appeared in front of her which startled the kid*.

- Yes I like this look.

*Marcia tried to cut her, but Sephora had dodged her strike and was right behind her examining her body*.

-Yes pretty reflex and beautiful posture. You are as described to me.

-Marcia, has you gone mad ? *Yells Silka*. How dare attack Lady Sephora ?

-I... I don't know... My body reacts on its own. *She replied*. This woman is dangerous.

*Sephora applauded and gave her an amused smile. She then turned in the direction of Verona*.

-I like this energy. I love this little girl, she has a future.

-Seph watch out. *Screams Vero*.

*When Sephora turned her head she saw that the kid had managed to approach her and even more, she had planted her with her dagger. The look in her eyes and the way she succeeded brought back memories of 4 years ago. She remembered Dagur when he too had done the same. Her smile disappeared and she stared at the little girl with a fierce gaze*.

-Lady Sephora No. *Screams Bridget*.

*Sephora slowly withdrew the weapon while the little girl shocked of her own move stem back completely frightened. Sephora walked over to the two girls and put her hands on their shoulders before smiling at Verona*.

-I made my decision, I want to personally ensure the formation of these two. *She said smirking*.

- You scared me for a moment. *Said Verona*.

- That said, there is a favor that I would like you to do me.

-First, what is this service and what do I gain by leaving all these two to you?

-Not only those two. I take the 3 girls here too.

-Here she go again. *Whisper Verona*.

-And let's say that if you agree to help me I would ask Arthos to reactivate your legion.

*Verona's eyes widened in huge but appreciable surprise*.

* 3 days later in the city of Arsiaga, a group of people found themselves behind closed doors to attend a ritual. It took place in one of the halls of the royal palace and that day the king was there to attend it personally. It was the ceremony planned for the passage to the elite level. The first for 5 years*.

-Let the godfathers come forward. *ordered the king*.

*Godfathers and godmothes are the people who recommend you to the position of elite warrior. In fact they are themselves elite warriors*.

-I Vincent recommends top rank expert Dagger to elite rank.

-I Verona regent of Arkoni recommends the champion of Dedalus Margred to elite rank.

*The 2 warriors moved forward and positioned themselves in the circle. Right next to the king was Warren and to his right was another frizzy-haired, almost Afro-haired warrior. He was dressed all in black and had 2 swords on his belt. He watched them with an amused smile*.

-Warren reminds our friends of the rules for today. *Said Arthos*.

-The process is simple, you spend 10 minutes in Grimnir form. Whoever gains full control of their inner beast within 10 minutes will be promoted. Finally I say that but you will feel the difference yourself.

-And if we ever exceed 10 minutes? *asked Margred*.

-So Volken here will be happy to decapitate you.

-It will be quick and painless. *He said with an amused smile*.

*Sephora sitting in her corner watching the ceremony quietly. Volken glanced in her direction and gave her a wink. A shiver ran down Sephora's spine, who gave him a disgusted look*.

-I can see that you haven't made up your mind. *Said Verona who had just sat down*.

-I hate this guy and his ways. And his hairstyle, and his swords. And his gaze...

-Okay okay okay. But I don't think he got the message

*Vero leaned over to Sephora and kissed her languidly. Volken smiled in surprise as he looked at them. They eventually broke up and Verona whispered to him.*

-She's mine.

-Are you ready ? *Asked Warren*. start

*The two warriors exploded their Efrat and the blue aura that emanated from it rose to cloud. The warriors here present hissed in surprise.*

- Good energy. *Said Arthos*.

-Do you think you can deal if they go wild? *Warren asked Volken*. That's a hell of a lot of efrat, huh.

- Yes, don't worry. Top Rank expert, Elite, it is the same thing for me.

-You say that when you yourself are at the top rank. *Warren reminded him*.

*The unstable efrat cracked the ground and projected a powerful wave of energy that launched in the direction of the king*.

-Oh the fool. *Fit Sephora*.

*The wave almost ravage the ground but suddenly split in two and crashed into the wall just behind. Volken had his arms crossed and no one had seen him unsheathed or moved except Arthos and Warren who were right next to him*.

-I told you *Said he smiling*.. It is the same for me.

*On that day only one of them passed the test. This raised the number of elite warriors to 14*.

*End of chapter*

Next chapter