
Chapter: 26: In the Palace

* Dagur *

* As I explained my story Sephora remained silent throughout. She even finishes her plate. Then she got up and took me in her arms *.

-I expected no less from my son. Not only did you manage to become friends with the Prince of Adje, but you also managed to reach the Prince of Adrun.

-Mother I ....

* She will tighten her awe again and kiss me even before smiling. I admit I was embarrassed *.

-He ... offered all 4 of us to go home with him.

-What's still on the island?

-Yes, he is....

-In that case ... No actually I'll let you decide on your own. You are a big boy now. * She told me *.

-One last thing mother.


-I ... I think I'm in love.

* This time she remained completely silent in front of what I had just said then gave me a surprised look *.

-What? .... Heeeeeey.

- The worst part is that I don't even know her name yet.

* Love will wait on the other hand. I enjoyed the night like never before by staying snuggled up to Sephora. I didn't want to let it go but to enjoy this moment while it lasts. But while I was deep in my thoughts I began to dream. Dreaming about where I lived when I was still among humans. Of my life with my family, my mother, my sister and all the other inhabitants of the village. My mother was standing in front of me with her throat slit. I felt very small in front of her *.

- Are you going to play the model son again?

-I ... I ....

-How long are you going to pretend to be her son?

- Pretending? * I say smiling *. I'm not pretending this woman is the mother I should have always had.

- You ungrateful son, it is I who gave you life.

* She squeezed my throat with both hands and damn it hurt *.

- Ungrateful son? You made me do the thankless tasks and dirty work. You knew what I was but you left me in the dark. You made me hate mine at the expense of my true nature. When I think about it with a skin color like mine, it was obvious that I was not normal.

-I raise a monster i swear. Do you have no regard for those with whom you have played? Anyone who died from these monsters?

-Monster? So that's how you see me witch.

* I was pissed off there. I released her arms with my brute strengh and threw myself at her blow before strangling her *.

-You can die a second time I couldn't give a fuck. I intend to stay with mine.

* She was smiling as she looked at me while I deprived her of oxygen. But that's when I came to my senses and saw Sephora smiling. She was the one I was strangling but she barely moved *.

-No ... No, I didn't mean to.

* I withdrew my hands reflexively and burst into tears. She hugged me and patted me on the back to console me *.

-I ... I'm sorry mom ... I'm sorry.

- Don't worry, I heard it all. I know what you're going through. * She told me in a calm voice *.

-I don't know what took me I'm sorry. Forgive me mom.

* I spent a good part of the night crying but I finally regained my senses. The next day my mother took me to a place that I had only seen from the outside until then. A place that I had not yet had the opportunity to visit ... His place of work, namely the royal palace. I admit I was amazed by what I saw there *.

-So it's here ... The royal palace? I got too many ideas, it's ugly.

-shhh walls have ears. * She told me *.

* I shut myself and just follow her. Having said that for the first time that I entered a castle the place was still more magnificent than what I had seen anywhere else. I heard footsteps in the hallways. Someone was running at full speed before hitting me. The guy fell then got up. I observed him correctly and recognized him *

-Sheehan? * I say amazed *


* Sheehan, one of the few friends I made while living in the capital. I had totally skipped it during the tests and in fact I didn't want to have it in my hands because it was naturally boring. Unlike most of us he had red hair and his skin was rather pale. He wore an orange top and blue pants that he now with an animal fur belt. Her hairstyle was a layered hairline with the hair forming a crest *.

-What are you doing there you don't practice pissing beyond your nose? Hope you changed your diapers. *He told me*.

-Haha very funny dude mister I got shot by a girl in my last fight.

-Hey ... That ... I had fought more than nine guys I was pissed off.

-Loser excuse you should be ashamed.

-It's not important and then the girls are just as badass as we are. Besides, what are you doing here is the royal palace?

-My mother works here, fool. *I said*. I came with her. Rather, what are you doing here?

-Well I also have a scoop for you my mother also works here.

* Sephora visibly tired of being ignored intervened *.

- Are you introducing me to your friend?

-He's not my friend. * I screamed *.

-You are lovely woman. * He said kissing her on the hand *.

* It was then that we heard the guards arriving. Sheehan disapear without my noticing *.

-Lady Sephora. * the guard said greeting her *. Didn't you see a kid hanging around? About the size of your kid.

* I raised my head and saw the fugitive who had pressed himself against the suspensions of the ceiling. What a little monkey *.

-What have he done sir ? * I asked curious *.

-This little prick wiped his ass with the portrait of the king after emptying a bottle of wine. He totally dropped ballast in the royal toilets.

* We could say that he shit on gold. Ah shit here I think like him *.

-Wow but what a barbarian. * I say ironic *. This child deserves the worst torments.

-He will suffer a punishment at the height of his crime.

-What will you say about ten lashes in public places. * I say looking up *.

* I saw Shee sweating as he begged me not to report him and gave him a sadistic smile *.

- You won't find it here. *I said*. On the other hand, the top.

* I indicated the roof with my thumb, looking relaxed *.

-Raaaah Dagur you traitor.

* He climbed down and landed on the guard's face then jumped out the window *.

-It was not nice to betray your friend like that.

-He would have done the same to me this asshole. Come on, let's continue.

* We finally arrived in the throne room which was not that big after all. I expected to be under insane pressure on entering since I was going to meet the king, but obviously I was not prepared enough. My naturally calm mother did not flinch, but as soon as I entered I felt the almighty aura of our sovereign. By reflex I hid behind her. I'm not even sure he was there yet my body was still shaking. I had palpitations and my heart was beating as fast as that of a horse of death*.

-He intends to hide for a long time? I guess it's still a kid.

* I heard footsteps but then my mother ran her hand through my hair to reassure me. I came out of my hiding place and faced the throne. He was standing there in front of me. The king of the Killicks and incidentally the strongest warrior in Adje *.

-Well I prefer that. * Said he smiling *. Cowards and fool have no place in my army.

* He disapeared my eyesight and before I even knew it I was sitting on his shoulder. The king looked at me with a rather fatherly smile. Arthos Maximus Adjest, King of the Killicks. This man had more build than any man and was surprisingly tall. He had a beard and black hair. His skin was brown like mine which made me feel a little close to him. He wore a black tunic adorned with yellow patterns *.

-Sorry for scaring you like that. * He said with a fatherly smile *. I heard that you had become friends with my son Kaleb, is that it? Thank you for taking him out of his shell.

- You're welcome, your majesty.

-Haha call me Arthos.

* This sudden kindness confused me. For a king who was considered brutal he was very affectionate. Maybe because I am a child *.

- Honey, aren't you doing a little too much with this kid?

* There I was quite surprised. The woman who had called the darling king ... Was white skinned, her hair was blond and stood straight up. She was wearing heeled boots and black tights showing off her gorgeous legs. Just above a steel breastplate with the emblem of the royal family. She had a red long-sleeved upper body and a medallion around her neck *.

-Wha .... What? Who is this woman ... She is not human yet ...

-Normal that you don't know that with a mother like Sephora.

-The one you have in front of you my boy, is my wife the queen of the Killicks and the mother of Kaleb.

-Kaleb's mother? For an old woman, she is in good shape. * Say I jaded *.

-I'm 40 years old stupid.

-Sorry ... I didn't mean ...

-Don't apologize Dagur. * Said Sephora *.

* She walked over to her and stared straight in the eye *.

-So we meet again Astride. You are just as small as the last time i saw you. Your ego on the other hand ...

* My mother glared at her but she returned it with a haughty smile *.

-As we meet old witch, it looks like not in good shape. You should rest before breaking your fingernail.

-I'm not yet 70 years old show a little respect.

-Stop frowning, you'll get old before i do.

* I was surprised to see my mother get carried away like that for no reason. Obviously she had a history with this Astride *.

-There we go again. * Sighed the king *.

-What do you mean ?

-Long time before Astride was her student and she was even an average warrior, but when she had Sephora as a mentor her talent exploded. Today she is one of the few elite warriors on the island and often looks down on your mother. But as you can see she does not let it go.

-Say majesty .... Is she that important my mother?

-Oh she is. I would even say that it is the pillar of our society.

* The pillar of our society? Isn't the king exaggerating a bit for a warrior of expert rank? *.

-That's enough. * Said the king in a deep voice *. Even though you are my wife I will not tolerate your insulting Sephora.

-Tch and say that Kaleb is friends with your son. * Said Astride *. He should watch his Friends.

- Friend he doesn't have any. * Said the king *. And because of you.

-He doesn't have to hang around with the vermin. As long as he's standing on top ...

-With all due respect. *I said*. How do you expect him to reign over a people he knows nothing about?

* Astride, who was smiling, suddenly gave me a blank look *.

-Hey do you want to die?

* I felt a shiver run through my body. Sephora grabbed her wrist and their Efrat spread throughout the throne room *.

-Let me go old one ... Or I'll break you in two.

- That's enough you two ....

* A voice echoed behind us. Another woman entered the room and she was dragging Sheehan by the hair. Brown skin, black hair straight up, she had a slight scar on her right cheek. Her body suit was totally red while her breastplate, boots, and gauntlets were purple in color. Her collar was made of animal fur and she glared at the two women *.

-Stop this right now, or I'll kick you out of the palace.

* End of chapter *

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