
Part 18: Fate?


Furious at the length her father had gone to ensure Dean's presence at the upcoming dinner, she practically stormed to class completely ignoring Dean chuckling on the side.

Her day was filled with barely paying attention in any of her classes due to her trying to think of a way to cancel the dinner. But frankly, nothing she could think of would work thanks to Professor Smoak being invited.

As fast as her day began it ended leaving her as upset as she was when Dean broke the news to her.

'Ughhh what am I going to do?'

'Maybe tomorrow something will come to mind?'

With a sigh, Alison got out of bed and decided to ta,e a shower and wash her hair while she was at it.

After her shower, she was calmer and decided to listen to some music while blow-drying her hair, then she would continue where she left off her novel.

As soon as the clock hit 11:00 pm she was out cold with her novel in her hands.


He was so glad that he finally got something right about Alison that he wanted to see what she would do; so the rest of the day as soon as he got out of his classes he searched for Alison to find her deep in thought.

She was in the cafe with the October special on the table waiting to be consumed. He smiled as he saw that she had two books on her table, the first he recognized as her songbook and the second a novel. What puzzled him though was that she was staring into space not opening either of the books nor was she eating her food.

While he was contemplating whether or not if he should approach her a hand touched his shoulder.

"Well hello, Dean you look think you're thinking a bit too hard."

"Hi Ms. Johnson how are you?"

"I'm great but that doesn't mean you can skip my question."

"Sigh, it was worth a try wasn't it?"

"Yes it was, a terrible attempt but it was expected now answer the question. What are you thinking about?"

"Alison, what else could I be thinking about?"

"Well you could or shall I say should be worrying about Friday's dinner."

"Wait how do you know about that?"

"Leo is practically family did you really think I would've been invited. Shame on you."

"I'm just surprised that's all, I didn't mean to offend you."

"I'm kidding Dean no need to panic, but anyhow what's troubling you about Alison?"

"Is it normal for her to stare off into space like that for so long?"

"Only when something is troubling her."

"Ahh, I see."

"You do and I am guessing you know what she is troubled about."

"Yes, I do. She isn't pleased that I was invited to the dinner and to spend the night."

"Well too bad because fate has already set you two on the same path and now she needs to accept what is to come because if not she will be left behind."

"What on earth are you talking about?"

"You don't see it yet Dean but the rest of us do and we are just waiting to watch the show."

"What show are you talking about?"

Clare Johnson smiled to herself as she patted Dean's back ignoring his question.

Dean sighed and got up from his table and went to class.

At the end of his last class, he rushed to his dorm room where he immediately turned on his laptop and googled the novel Alison had out on her table.

After reading the description of the book he couldn't help but question if she was purely a fan of Syfy novels or if she was more a fan of Adventure with slight Romance involved. Though knowing Alison there was probably a more complex reason as to why she chose the novel.

Dean smiled and closed his laptop and took out his guitar and started strumming on the strings letting a random melody flow throughout his room. He then began humming until he was singing to himself.

'What is fate?

Who are we to decide if it's fate or luck?

does she believe?

will she be free?

or will she continue hiding?

What are they saying?

why are they insisting?

Why are they pushing me?

Or are they really pushing her?'

With that Dean looked up and sighed and got ready for bed.


Alison spent the night dreaming about fighting for what she believes in and helping others along the way, creating a path filled with hope for others to follow.

She was smiling as she got out of bed until she remembered her dilemma. Groaning she plugged in her flat iron and got dressed as she finished her hair tool beeped signalling it was ready. She straightened her hair; then at the last minute decided to add slight curls to the ends of her hair. Happy with how it turned out she put on a headband that matched her outfit and made her way to her first session of the day.

Being that it was Wednesday her schedule was relatively light and she was free after lunch so she decided to be productive and finish the novel her father had given her.

After stopping by the cafe and purchasing lunch she made her way to her dorm room and ate while she read and that's how she spent her Thursday evening as well.

Friday came quickly and she had no idea what she could do to cancel the dinner.

She thought about claiming her car was not working but she knew that Professor Smoak wouldn't hesitate to offer them a ride, thus crossing that idea out.

She also thought about playing ill but she knew that Ms Johnson would probably be able to see right through her.

She also thought about calling Anna and asking for help but she very well knew that it would be one of the few time Anna would actually side against her and make her situation worse.

She sighed as she walked into the cafe with the intention of getting a chocolate chip muffin.

"Hi Ms Johnson can I have a chocolate chip muffin and a cup of Hot Chocolate to go?"

"Sure thing darling right away."

"Thank you"

"Anytime deary. So tell me are you all packed for tonight?"

"Not yet but I will pack after my last class."

"Okay, and do you know what you will wear yet?"

"Not yet"

"Alison, are you still trying to think of a way to bail?"



"Because it will be awkward and uncomfortable."

"How do you know that?"

"Have you met my father?"

"Who knows he might surprise you, have faith."

"Hmm. We shall see."

"It might be destiny or better yet fate."


"Yes, fate. Now here you go, you don't want to be late to class."

Alison sighed as she quickly paid and exited the cafe.
