
Ch56. Unexpected visit

Despite Natasha's initial worries that Tony's new findings would keep him even busier, Tony did seem to take her words to heart.

Yes, he was on the verge of a breakthrough but it would still take him extremely long to finish this project.

He was no longer really working on Extremis. He was creating something completely new, using Extremis as a reference only.

Heck, Tony was sure he was no longer doing science but magic science. Something only alchemists came close to and even then they never touched the field he was trying to pioneer now.

Tony was however happy with the reduced time for researching. Especially when it made Natasha clearly happy he was spending more time with her. Oh, she tried to hide it, probably not wanting to be a burden or hindrance but Tony was becoming better and better at reading her tells and she was subconsciously hiding them less and less from him.

Tony even made sure to visit Rhodey every week for a game of bowling or just chatter while enjoying drinks.

Rhodey seemed to be worried about him too since he stopped visiting or calling. But the guy was also considerate, thinking Tony had his own problems. Tony didn't even realize it.

This new project of his... that was work for some months, maybe even years. Tony didn't know. He had no idea.

So, cutting himself some slack was fine.

It was on one nice work-free Friday when Tony and Natasha enjoyed their lunch, cooked by Natasha in its entirety... and wasn't that massive progress with her cooking skills?

After she got the lessons from professional chefs, her food became at least edible!

And from there, she only improved.

It was during their lunch when the bell suddenly resounded through their home, alerting them to a visitor and causing them to look at each other only to find out neither was expecting anybody.

Sighing and giving one longing look at the plate with unfinished spaghetti in front of him, Tony got up from his chair and went to open the door.

He loved Natasha's spaghetti. It took her almost five tries until she got them to an edible state and then additional seven tries to find out how Tony liked them best. And while trying out her food in its experimental stage was a gamble, Tony went through it with gratitude. After all, she was putting the effort into it because she wanted her food to be tasty for him.

And now some annoying passersby was interrupting his mealtime, looking for a verbal thrashing from a rich guy. Tony could only humbly provide it even if it annoyed him.

Opening the door, Tony was already taking a breath in preparation for his tirade of doom but his words got stuck when he saw who stood in front of him.

"Hello. You must be Tony Stark. Natasha told me a lot about you." Clint spoke with an amiable smile, offering his hand for a handshake, "I am Clint Barton. Natasha's previous co-worker and friend."

"Yes, I am Tony Stark. But you must know that considering you appeared on my doorsteps." Tony rolled his eyes, clasping Barton's hand before stepping aside and inviting him in.

Well, Barton might have a pass from Tony's verbal thrashing of doom but not even his friendship with Natasha would prevent Tony from showing his displeasure. The guy interrupted his mealtime! That's like... capital offense!

Natasha was quite surprised, seeing Clint visit but she quickly got over it and served him a portion of spaghetti.

When the plate got in front of Barton, Tony almost smirked when the guy looked incomprehensibly at it before he uttered, "It is not poisoned, is it?" And gave Natasha a dubious look which earned him a kick to the shin under the table.

Tony simply couldn't help himself and said in a reassuring voice, "Not anymore."

He also quickly evaded any follow-up kick from Natasha and stuck his tongue out at her, earning him an exasperated look.

And the unsuspecting Barton received a second kick to his shin from Natasha since she couldn't get Tony.

'That's what you get for interrupting my meal!' Tony gleefully thought as he watched the painfully grimacing Barton, rubbing his shin.

The trio finished eating and Natasha went to clean the plates while Tony showed Clint to the living room and offered him drinks.

He didn't want to ask the guy why he was here. That was Natasha's job. While Tony knew Clint, he did not know this Clint and this Clint did not know Tony.

Frankly, Tony wasn't much keen on getting to know this Clint either.

Call him biased but he still didn't like how Clint joined Captain Spandex's little group after Tony did so much for him. What? Spending millions to give his family a good financial reserve and fill up his retirement fund was not much? It was just some money? Well, fuck you too, Clint.

Tony was grumbling in his thoughts when he sat down on the couch with Clint. Apparently, this situation was exactly what the archer wanted.

"I saw that you make Natasha really happy." Clint started, pulling Tony out of his reverie.

Tony looked at Clint and raised his eyebrow at him, "Well, this is the first time a man is praising my bedroom skills and I must say, it is creepy."

Clint started coughing at that, clearly not expecting this answer.

He gave Tony an unamused look, deciding to not comment because from Tony's smirk it was obvious he was just making fun of him.

"I just want you to know that Natasha is like a sister to me and if you hurt her, I will hurt you. Badly." Clint gave Tony a flat look that would probably scare a civilian but Tony just raised his eyebrow at him.

Tony wordlessly stared at Clint who didn't stop giving Tony the same flat look... He probably thought it was intimidating but jokes on him! It had nothing on cranky Natasha.

Tony enjoyed their staring contest a lot. Clint expected a reaction. Fidgeting, sweating, nervous gulp... anything. And when Tony did not seem bothered at all, Clint's eyes showed exactly how weirded-out it was making him.

"Is this supposed to be the fabled shovel talk?" Tony asked with amusement clear in his tone, "Because if so then dude, your talent for it is in the negatives."

Really. Couldn't the guy at least come up with a better threat? If he hurt Natasha, she would show him her displeasure. Of that, Tony was sure. She was not exactly a meek kitten.

Clint, on the other hand, was just a small adorable kitten compared to that redheaded menace on her bad day.

The two men just sat there in silence, Tony proud of himself for killing the conversation in its entirety... okay, he might have still held a tiny grudge against Clint... and Clint was exasperated because nothing seemed to go his way with Tony Stark.

When Natasha came into the living room and saw the awkward and stifling atmosphere, she instantly threw Tony an exasperated look but he just beamed at her and shrugged, totally unbothered.

"I will leave you guys alone so you can catch up!" He stood up, his face sporting a magnanimous expression as if he was doing them a favor. "I'll be in my workshop if you need me."

And with that, he was off.

He didn't hate Clint but there was simply nothing the two had in common.

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